How much do waiters/waitresses at WDW make?

Well you should have to wait your turn, pay your dues before being able to be at the really great locations for tips. But ya, but the above does not surprise me.

Oh I definitely agree on that one :teeth: With the high volume/stress of parks restaurants (and resorts) you have to perform in whilst still being expected to give stellar customer service, I assume experience under the belt is a much needed prerequisite, but it seems well worth the wait for the right person!
I also imagine the great income is not only due to generous vacation tippers but also the pretty much guaranteed high traffic year round. With the restaurant industry, usually if there's bodies, there's money..
Id assume there are in upscale touristy area's.

But to your point location is a big factor..and then of course the person themselves.
I personally know of several people with masters degrees that work as bartenders making more than six figures.
People coming out of college with degrees that don't have a ton of value and huge debt may find that waiting tables is a great option.
Once you get used to that cash coming in and the flexibility that can come with it can be hard to walk away and get a "real" job.

How is serving not a "real job" ? They get paid, & pay taxes in real money. Not monopoly money.
I also know people with Masters degrees that serve because it's so difficult to get a job in their area with their degree & often the pay isn't worth it. They've served for years because the money is great, the job's a great fit for them, and they see no reason to go. Especially in Disney where if you're a server in the Magic Kingdom, you're making close to or above six figures. If I'm expected to take a pay cut of half that for a different job just so people will see me working a "real" job, well they can laugh at me all they want lol
How can you say that while still going to restaurants to be served?
Eh, think about the big picture: Even if a server makes good money, it's a job -- not a professional career. Serving gives you money in your pocket today, but you can't work for tips on sick days/no paid time off, no retirement, and little opportunity to "move up" in the field. And it is a job that's hard on the body as you grow older. I'm not putting down good, honest work, but waiting tables is a young person's job.

For the record, I waited tables in college, and I did okay, but I'm glad not to be doing it still.

That's only if you're part time. Full time servers absolutely receive health insurance & other full time benefits because it's legally required by law.
A former server I know, is now a manager for their region.
A lot of jobs aren't easy on the body (my construction worker stepdad has severe back problems, nursing where you have to be on your feet all day, etc). The idea is to not sell yourself short with how much your job is paying you, have a retirement plan, save well & invest your savings, no matter what job you do. Not many people will want to work past 60-65, anyways. Nothing wrong if they do, I certainly commend someone working in those years, but I know I wouldn't, so I'm planning accordingly.
How is serving not a "real job" ? They get paid, & pay taxes in real money. Not monopoly money.
I also know people with Masters degrees that serve because it's so difficult to get a job in their area with their degree & often the pay isn't worth it. They've served for years because the money is great, the job's a great fit for them, and they see no reason to go. Especially in Disney where if you're a server in the Magic Kingdom, you're making close to or above six figures. If I'm expected to take a pay cut of half that for a different job just so people will see me working a "real" job, well they can laugh at me all they want lol
How can you say that while still going to restaurants to be served?
I put real in quotes because there are people that dont think it is a "real" job - I am not one of them so not really sure what your point is here


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