How to Stay Cool in June

Freeze bottles of water and take them with you to the parks. Gives you a cool drink when you're standing in line. Refill them at the water fountains.
We have portable misters which create the same affect as the patio ones. They are nice because they don't soak you but still keep you cool.
We've gone twice in June and are going back in June this year. Wear clothes that are light weight and light colored. Wear a hat with a brim all the way around to keep the sun off your neck. Drink lots of water - staying hydrated will help keep you cool. Take some sort of battery-operated fan - we've used the misty mates and small clip-ons.
Hope this helps.:)
Here's a tip for the ladies, try wearing a sports bra made out of the coolmax material. I found some at walmart last year, for about $8.00 a piece. I wore those instead of my regular bras, and it worked great. I also wore waterproof teva sandals, and they worked great at keeping my feet cool and dry.
Ride Kali River Rapids without a poncho on. You will get cooled off real quick.
Originally posted by jaye614
Wear 100% cotton...any other tips?

Just not inside of shoes...something with coolmax or other 'wicking' materials would be better at releaving the heat and moisture. Cotton will just soak up the sweat, keep your feet hot and probably give you blisters.

If you're wearing sandles....don't wear socks. :)

Wearing a light (weight) and light (colored) hat will also help. Just make sure its one which can let the heat out.

Hope this helps,
We like to carry our Brita sport bottles around and drink a ton of water. Also use the spray fan... Our summer strategy is to buy annual passes, stick around the resort pool through mid-afternoon, and head to WDW through late closing. To each their own!
On the bra idea...try those tank tops with the bras built in...victoria's secret and newport news both make them. They are worth it!

Also linen capris or shorts do a great job of keeping me cool.
I just bought some Capri's at JCPenney's! Now I need some linen shorts, NO denim for me this year!;) Also: BRING SOME BODY POWDER, AS IT HELPS ME NOT TO SWEAT TOO MUCH IN THE INNER THIGH AREA!! ;) I use Shower to Shower!
All of the above are great ideas! The only thing left that I could suggest is going to see some COOL indoor attractions such as The Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hall of Presidents, and The American Adventure in the World Showcase at Epcot when the heat becomes unbearable. These are good attractions to see if you need to cool off and rest up for a bit. As I mentioned on another thread, try to avoid the heat of midday by going early, then taking a break midday for a swim/nap, and then hitting the parks at night when things have cooled off.
So....where does one get the mister fans? I don't know that I've ever seen those before. Are they expensive?
You can find mister fans, at Walmart/KMart/Target. Found mine at Walmart for around $5 in the aisle with the big window fans. They sell them at the park for more than twice the price. They are much larger and more cumbersome to carry for kids.
No Mister Fan for me, as I wear makeup.......well in the morning I have makeup on, by 12:00 noon its GONE!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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