I vowed no seed starting this year..

amid chaos

DIS Veteran
Oct 23, 2000
Last year I started many flats full and they did didnt do well so i vowed that NOT this year, nope, no way!

Ok, I just bought 15 seed packets but I promise that I am going to sow right in the ground this year, really!

Do you start seeds indoors?
Amid.....I have the funniest story about this.

My sister starts all of her veggies by seed. She nurtures them, feeds them, puts them under a lamp for hours and hours. She treats them like the babies they are. Every year without fail, they get spindley and wilt. Like clockwork. And she cries and goes out and buys plants.

Well, two years ago she got frustrated. So totally irritated by the whole process that she up and chucked out everything. Peat moss planters, seeds, soil, the lamp....the whole bit. Swore she'd never, ever do it again.

Fast forward to last spring. Can't find any of her stuff. Can't imagine what she did with it. Goes out and buys the whole kit and kaboodle again. Nurtures like a mad woman. Kills off everything. Swears she'll never do it again sure as God made red apples.

Guess where she went last August? To a tomato fair. Took tons and tons of free seeds from the varieties she loved.

I wonder what she'll be doing this spring???? :p
We need to get your sister on the F & G board, Gina! :teeth:

What, no lettuce this year Vanessa? :cool:
Oh yeah Kim...we are starting up the hydroponic system this weekend for lettuce....and a science fair project.:rolleyes:
I always start seeds each spring. I take over the south facing windows of the house for about 6 to 8 weeks. DH is resigned to it LOL! I use APS seed starters from gardeners supply. I swear by them - as I get nearly 100% germination and have almost never lost any to damping off or "spindly" plant syndrome. I do use reflectors to make sure they all get maximum sun - and they are on a true southern facing exposure. I started the tomatoes last weekend - and am planning to start the annuals for the front flower beds this weekend.
Count me in on the spindly plant syndrome. What plants aren't spindly, the cats take an interest in!:rolleyes:

Last weekend I started a container with parsley seeds. Placed it lovingly in a South-facing window and surrounded it with boxes so the kitties wouldn't get into it. So far, nothing has germinated. Maybe I'll try something else.

Anything to stop this winter gardening itch!
Sorry to hear that your parsley was a no-show, MidwestPiglet. :(

Better luck on your next project, go ahead, scratch that itch!! :)
Oh goodness, did I ever! Not "flats" full though (geeeeeze!) ;) ;) ;)

One year I started watermelon indoors and got one melon per plant (only two plants lived!) ha ha! :)

One year I started delphiniums and they were doing ok until I read something about them being difficult to grow, so I worried them to death and they died. :rolleyes:

Same year as delphiniums I started foxglove and they lived!!! I nurtured them all summer and they made it through the winter. I was so anxious to see them bloom (biannual) and one day my sister (who NEVER did yard work EVER) PULLED THEM UP WHEN SHE WAS WEEDING! I nearly cried (and nearly killed her). I was 20 then and she was 18 or 19 (we are only 18 months apart) and it was then that I started my interest in gardening. What a miracle it was to watch those lifeless seeds sprout into green little delicate seedlings and then grow into mature, flowering plants. Also started me on my philosophical path, I suspect...

Since then I've started moonflower, morning glory, zinnias, more foxglove, and probably lots of other plants, indoors. I had lots of luck sowing the following directly into the ground here: sunflowers (everything from bright yellow to chocolate brown), nastirtiums, morning glory, and zinnias. The $#@! morning glories have turned into weeds and they grow all over after re-seeding themselves. I only planted nastirtiums in the fall of 1999 and yesterday I was out weeding and found one growing right next to my jasmine!!! Silly thing!

Good luck, Vanessa!!! Heck, go out and get some stuff to start them indoors anyway. It's been a long winter!
My parsley seeds, which I had entirely given up hope on, germinated! I don't know how long ago I planted them -- I think I was watering them for 1.5 weeks before I gave up hope.

Then I happened to glance at the pot this weekend and discovered little shoots coming up everywhere.

These are seeds I harvested from my own plants 2 years ago. They had self-sown for 2 years, then we moved last winter. I was so sad that I had to leave my plants in the ground. Now, at least I've got some hope for the parsley!;)
Yaaaaaaaaaay!!! That's great news, MidwestPiglet!!! I am happy that they finally decided to grow, especially since there is so much sentimental value attached to them. Woo-hoo!
Wow MidwestPiglet, that's amazing!! :) Maybe it's like the "watched pot never boils" saying, except for parsley and germinating.....ummm...well, something like that! :)

You worried your delphiniums to death, TigH? LOL....

You're a seasoned pro at this, just don't let your sister near your garden again! :)
Parsley and carrots are both plants that take around 2 weeks for germination... VERY SLOW to get out of the chute! :)

I have tons of baby zinnias that are doing quite well. I also have a good 12 pack of tomatoes going. I should have gotten my bell peppers going too... maybe this weekend. :)
I start something every year. Last year it was black eyed susans. The did so so.
I did pick up some sees last week at Home Dept for Chinese Lanterns. I Love these! Does anyone have these??
Well, I was at my sister's last night.

Guess what she has started???? All under lights....I just laughed and laughed. This year she has enlisted my mother (who really is the green thumb of the family) to help her harden them off come warmer weather.

We shall see....we shall see....:p :p :p

Sandi....Chinese lanterns are great looking. The only downside to them is that they spread via underground runners and get into everything. If you chose to plant them, be vigilant about pulling them out where you don't want them. If you don't, you'll have them EVERYWHERE!
Getting ready to start the veggies. We have some heirloom tomatoes and peppers that cannot be purchased in stores.

Every year DH starts them, yes they are scrawny when put in the garden 1/4 the size of the plants I purchase. They soon take off and pass the store bought plants and produce 4times as much crop.

Other then the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. I plant seeds directly in the soil. Some plants do not like to be transplanted.

I purchase flats of flowers. A lot easier and you get instant beauty.
I've never started anything from seed myself.

Last year, DS went on a teen retreat and they decorated flower pots for each other and then were given seeds for them. I don't recall what kind of flower seeds they were. He planted them and they started growing and it was great but there were so many of them growing in this little four inch pot and, of course, they quickly all wilted and died off. I have no clue why this happened. He was a little upset but got over it. He keeps the flower pot as a memento of both the retreat and the person who decorated it for him and he keeps pencils and such in it now.


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