In honour of Spring, a potpourri of pics from Canada Blooms


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
Right now the freezing rain that fell last night is being covered with snow, not very Spring like! :confused3

I attended Toronto's Canada Blooms Garden Show on the 11th, and at least got a preview and glimpse of the Spring that's yet to come. :sunny:

*** I haven't quite figured out how to re-size my photos with this new program I have, so they're rather large!! Sorry about that! :confused3

Some odds and ends, starting with Orchids for our Orchid lovers.



This first place winning Amaryllis was amazing, at least 3' tall! Notice the
cool brace of ***** willow branches, holding it up.


Window box ideas.



A river runs through it. This display was so crowded, it was difficult to get
a pic of how long this 'stoney' river bed really was. There were lights underneath the stones that twinkled on and off. It was really lovely.



I'm going to break this thread into a couple of posts, stay tuned. ;)
Want to make your front yard/entrance, more inviting? Here's a few ideas. :)



Yes, this is a front entrance, covered of course. ;) :)



The creative, and bizarre....

Have any extra apples sitting around? ;)



Just hanging....:)


More to come....:)
Lovely! Don't you come home with your head buzzing with ideas. I know I do.

DD and I went to the New England Flower Show Friday night. Lots of back yard theme's which were very nice if you have lots of shade.

Lots of trees, shrubs and shade plants. I'm always disappointed there are not more flower gardens. Year after year it seems to be the same. Trees and shrubs, trees and shrubs, where are the flower gardens. Don't get me wrong the show was wonderful, but I always wish there were more annuals. I guess I need to visit Disney for the annual flower display.

One display was a reflection garden that was lovely. A path through the middle. (one of the few that had perennials that flower) Both sides had the same statues and flowers facing each other. Also lots of water features.
Your pictures are lovely, Kim! I didn't even realize that the Canada Blooms show was on! I'll have to be more on the ball next year, I haven't been in years!

I loved the window box ideas and the floral arrangements were stunning.

Interesting concept with all those green apples! :scratchin

Thank you for giving us this treat of things to come! :)
Thanks so much Kim for the pics. Looks like a great day. Very inspiring. Each one is so creative. I love bistro scene with the rose trellises & the window boxes. Ahhhh spring :flower3: soon right?
Absolutely, positively GORGEOUS! I love the orchids! I love the window boxes! And the stream pics are just gorgeous!

I don't get the apples at all....but the pictures are beautiful. I just love staring at them!

Thanks for sharing, Kim! I can't wait for spring!
Great pics!!!

Your second orchid picture way up top there is the state flower of Minnesota...The showy Lady Slipper! We can't actually have them here unless we can prove that they were not dug up from the wild.
gina2000 said:
I don't get the apples at all....but the pictures are beautiful.

You don't find the apples appealing, Gina? ;) They certainly smelled wonderful, but of course that wouldn't last.

I guess it's like the Gates project, art! :)
Kim, Your photos are beautiful. I especially like the window boxes. I bought some to be put up this year but I think they are the wrong size for the type of brackets I have. I think they will end up on the deck if I don't figure a way to mount them at the windows. They will look beautiful either way but I was so looking forward to having window boxes.

Now the apples. The colors were perfect but the apples would have been better served at a food shelter. I guess it's the old starving children in (fill in the country) syndrome coming out of me.
I think the reason there aren't more annual or even perennial gardens is because it is difficult to get them blooming out of season where as trees, shrubs and bulbs can mostly be forced.
Oh my gosh! I love those flower boxes! Too awesome for words. I need to tackle some pots I have inherited with my new place that are nestled in and among woodland/shade plantings... and they need to be brilliant to add a splash of color and interest to the area during the summer growing season. This definitely gave me some ideas and has my mind awhirl (well actually it was already just a swirly mess!) with all the possibilities.

Gorgeous pics Kim! Thanks for sharing them.


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