July- Fitness Independence for Hakuna Matata!

VR, 13 miles is awesome! So is getting up at 4 am! Don't let anyone get you down on that.
Sue, Back to back races, wow!! I hope you get in some nice recovery time.

I did my standard 3.5 route today. It was meet the teacher night at the school I run by so the weaving and dodging of cars and small children probably made it slightly longer.

I have a question that maybe you guys will know. So I'm wanting to increase my mileage but I've heard not to increase more than 10-20% per week or you risk easier injury. Right now all my runs are about the same length (3-4 miles) should I increase each run 10-20 (meaning 3.3-4.4 miles) or should I pick one run per week to increase by a more significant amount (for example 3 or 4 3-4 milers plus 1 5-5.5 miler)?

Best wishes to everyone,
Thank you guys for all of the support!! I had to laugh at Denise's comment...yes she had ticked my off as well and I was thinking all of the things you had said! Either way, I got over my sister's snotty comments pretty quick and we had a blast last night at the game. I've just come to the conclusion that she is jealous :rolleyes1 . LOL! But yeah...the Tigers won and I got to see my favorite baseball player pitch a couple of innings. Joel Zumaya...fastest pitcher in the world! :love:

Today will be a rest day since I walked forever last night before and after the game. I didn't wear a pedometer but I was keeping track of blocks and counted them up to about 2.5 miles overall and about an hour of movement.

Tomorrow will be the 1 month mark for our trip! How do you guys keep track of the walking in the parks? My pedometer broke and with all of the trip expenses, I don't want to fork over more money for another one right now. Can I just estimate? :confused3
Eva of course you can just estimate. Except for the GPS systems most of the other stuff is a estimate anyway. One time we compared a pedo, a Nike + and a Garmin and they all had a different reading. Even when you do races they are usually a bit off, I have done 5Ks that were anywhere from 2.9 to 3.5 miles. Red neck enginering strikes again.

I'm off for a workout so later guys.

Walking panda:hippie:
Howdy all.

Did 4 this morning with Mark and Nick. It's so beautiful in the morning. I hope to do 5 tomorrow - I've warned the men. I so want to have 80 miles this month and if I do 5 tomorrow I will! Thank goodness there are 31 days in July.

Well I have mail to open so I'll sign off, hope to check in later. I"m sure Scott and Lynn are doing their miles around the ship. How lovely!

Good morning everyone! It seems like it's going to be a quiet day today. I think a lot of people are using vacation days since it's going to be a long weekend for us this week. Works for me since there's been less traffic on the roads :goodvibes

Sue - Congrats on the races and the PB! :goodvibes Sorry to hear about the disorganization. Are you going to send them an e-mail?

Eva - The last time I went to WDW, I didn't have a Garmin or a Nike+ so I just estimated the time I spent walking around the park. I've heard one of the tram drivers at Epcot say that most people walk about 6-8 miles once they pass through the park gates.

Margie - That's plenty hot! It's cooler here today because we're expecting rain. The humidity is still high. I'm hoping it will rain soon and then finish by the time I get home from work so I can still squeeze in my run.

Well, I'm off to get my coffee! Have a great day everyone :wave2:
Panda, the fact that they're all estimates doesn't make me feel as bad about only using my $15 pedo instead of one of the high tech gadgets.

I also like using map my run. Again, not 100% accurate but it's pretty good if you're in a relatively unfamiliar area or trying to compare routes.

Sue, Congrats on the race!! Disorganization can suck, but I think your results made putting up with it worth it.

As for me,
Ugh. I tried to run this morning but between having done a night run last night and the fact that at 8 am it was already 85 and humid it just wasn't happening so I ended going about 2 miles and I'll get on the dreadmill later.

I'm taking the GRE on friday so I probably won't me checking in as much in the next few days.

Good morning team mates.

I had a very pleasent walk this morning. It was already hot and humid but not as bad as it will be later today. I chose my hill route and walked the first mile to warm up in 14:02, then 3 miles at 36:38 for an average pace of 12:13. Then I did some ab work, stretching and finished with some pool running

I deed a vacation is it Oct yet?

Happy Panda:hippie:
I read this quote today and thought it went really well with the WISH way of thinking!

"There is no such thing as last. In every race, there is an invisible crowd of
thousands behind you who didn't have the guts to start."
Hi everybody!!

Dawnie: I love that saying! It is all so true!!

Jennifer: Good luck on your GRE! I am sure you will do awesome!

I did a 3 miler in the mall today as we have had some intense storms!

I ended this week with a total of 24 miles!!!

Hope everybody has a great night!!


Good Morning.

Well when you set a goal, it's half the battle. My goal was 80 miles this month which I set last week :upsidedow when I saw how close I was to the 80 mile mark. If only I could do 5 miles one morning this week. Today we did it and in record time 64 min. We did have a slow warm up and had to dodge Mr. Skunk on the route but other than that it was a great morning.

I'm taking tomorrow off to rest and do some sewing....:cheer2:

Oh and I did better than I thought it's actually 80.5 miles!

Good morning guys.

Denise you are the a great example to all of us this month with your determination. Your average of 20 miles a week is good. The rule of thumb is to lose tummy a minimum of 20 miles a week is needed. Between 20 and 30 miles a week is optimal for improvement.

I'm off to workout myself and then it's another extended hours work day, visit from the corp bosses today.

We have a wonderfull team here, everyone is so interesting.

Have a super day y'all, walk/run/love/rest strong.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Good morning guys.

Denise you are the a great example to all of us this month with your determination. Your average of 20 miles a week is good. The rule of thumb is to lose tummy a minimum of 20 miles a week is needed. Between 20 and 30 miles a week is optimal for improvement.

I'm off to workout myself and then it's another extended hours work day, visit from the corp bosses today.

We have a wonderfull team here, everyone is so interesting.

Have a super day y'all, walk/run/love/rest strong.

Walking Panda:hippie:

CRAP, you mean I have to keep doing all those miles? What was I thinking?? :rolleyes: Mark is all gun ho for it so I guess we'll continue the 5 mile route. This is a guy that says he didn't have to prove anything so he's not doing the 1/2 in January yet is training like he is. MEN! He'll be having a donut at the MK when I round the corner as I come in by the town square. That's his assignment and I"m sure he'll do quite well at it too.

Have a good one.
Denise - Way to go on meeting (and surpassing) your 80 miles!!! :banana: You are doing GREAT!!! Any time a goal is met it calls for a celebration!! :drinking1

Dave - Be careful not to overwork yourself! I am coming into a very tough month at work with managing all of the furloughs, downgrades and temporary leaves. I am so very worried I'll overextend myself between all of that, training and getting ready for vacation. On the plus side..I'll enjoy my vaca that much more. Anywho, it seems as if you have been super busy so please remember to take care of YOU first!

Erica - Congrats on all of your great progress!! You are moving along great with your training and I'm sure you are doing wonderful in your weight loss efforts by the new siggy. 2 sizes?!?! WAY TO GO!!!!

Dawn - LOVE that quote!!! So true!

Vicky - I didn't get to my hill work this week yet. But the week is still young and I'm planning on them either tomorrow morning or Saturday before work. Did you end up getting your's in?

Jennifer - I use mapmyrun also...I get bored easily so it's a nice way to figure new routes. :cool1:

As for me...I just got back from a 5 mile tempo run. I really pushed through my 3rd mile and ran it in 8.39!!!! A sub-9 mile!!! :cheer2:

I might be on later as I'm closing the office tonight. If not..I hope all of you have a great day and happy training!!!

ONE MONTH TO GO!!! :mickeyjum
Today I was the Power Panda!!!!

Some days you feel frog flipping awesome and today was one of those days. Woke feeling refreshed and well rested. Got off to the gym and since it was pouring rain I had to walk on the treadmill. I was just going to do a couple of easy miles to warm up and then hit the weights.

Well after a mile at 15 mpm pace, I started feeling like I needed more, I did the next mile at 12 mpm and the next mile at 10:54 pace and the last .1 mile of the 5K I sprinted at 9:13 mpm pace. Then a lap to cool down and off to the weight room.

I had a great upper body workout. This time I did a set of the heaviest weight I could work with the kept doing the same exercise but dropping 5 pounds each set, total 4 sets for each body part with no rest in between. Yhen some ab work and stretching.

The music on the TV Videos were awesome. I saw a new video for the ***** Cat Dolls "When I grow up", it's wicked good, gotta get that for the iPod.

Eva, my work is not physicly demanding at all. Most of the time it's even fun. My co workers have to listen to endless Panda chatter so it's harder on them. I sell and fit eye glasses and over see the operation in the evenings.

Yes Erica is doing super, I'm very proud of her.

Yep Denise you have to keep cranking out the miles.

Connie, hope your shoulder is better today, Did I give you my 28 miles and 10 hours of evercise for last week?

Everyone have a super day.

Power Panda:hippie:
Hi everyone! I'm excited that the weekend is almost here! No big plans or anthing like that but I'm looking forward to having an extra day off - it's a civic holiday in Ontario so we get Monday off as well! Yay!

Tried to go for a longer walk last night but DF was complaining about his rib muscle. I think he pulled a muscle a couple of months ago and ever since he's had pain in his rib area. I've finally convinced him to go to my PT. He's been trying to get answers from his doctor. She couldn't figure out what was wrong and when he asked about going to see a PT, her answer was "I don't believe in them.". Ever since I started running, I've been sensing that doctors and chiros/PTs don't always get along.

Eva - Only one day of hill training so far. It's one of those things I *know* I should be doing but haven't been. I was watching a weight loss reality show last night where the trainer was using a parachute to help the woman to run faster - her goal was to run a 1/2 marathon. I'll have to ask my PT if that will work as well as the hills. Of course, I can only imagine how silly I'll look running with a parachute :)

Dawnie - That's a fantastic quote!! I will have to remember that one.

Denise - Congrats on reaching your goal!! :cheer2:

Jen - Best of luck with your GRE test :thumbsup2

Dave - WTG Power Panda! That's an awesome workout! I've been debating joining a gym lately myself. I can't afford to buy all the weights and equipment that I use when I workout with my PT.

Have a great day everyone!
Dawn, Love the quote. Very WISH-esque

Erica, Thanks for the good luck wishes! I'm doing okay based on practice test, but I'd like to do awesome. I'm perfectionist if you guys haven't noticed yet.

Panda, The PCD song When I Grow UP always gets stuck in my head.

I did 4 miles at a 8:45 mpm pace on the treadmill this morning. Nice thing faster pace/closer to race pace, bad thing boring and I missed my hills. It's too difficult to play with the tv, and the elevation, and the speed all at the same time.



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