Ladies Beware When Listening and Driving..


<font color=purple>OK, I am a real Harry Potter ge
Mar 6, 2005
I was listening to this weeks show in my car driving on a fairly busy street during lunch hour. I was laughing and smiling because this week's show was pretty funny (they are all pretty funny actually!). My car was stopped due to traffic and this man crossed the street in front of my car, looked at me, and winked - I think he thought I was smiling at him!:scared1:

Just a warning to all the women out there listening - don't want to give anyone the wrong idea:rotfl:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: This happened to me one day too!! I was at the light and was smiling while they were reading my email. I just so happened to look over at the car next to me and this guy looks at me and thinks I'm smiling at him. :sad2: I think I drove off mumbling something to the effect of "GEESH!! Can't a girl enjoy listening to the DIS anymore without perv's thinking I'm hitting on them??" :confused3
Just pull a Seinfeld and start vigorously stratching the outside of your right nostril. That's always good for a quick turn-off! ;)
You ladies are very funny! I didn't think of the 'Seinfeld thing'...I will have to try that next time:rotfl:
>>> and thinks I'm smiling at him ...

Shouldn't/can't we all be happy?

Of course!;) But when a man who his not my husband gets so "happy" from me smiling that I feel the need to say "down boy", I get a little freaked out. :confused3 :lmao: Especially when I wasn't actually smiling AT him.
But when a man who his not my husband gets so "happy" from me smiling that I feel the need to say "down boy", I get a little freaked out. :confused3 :lmao: Especially when I wasn't actually smiling AT him.

My point exactly! That's why I started this thread:laughing:
There is a subtle difference between spreading the magic through a smile and innuendo. Unfortunately we live in a society where we do have to be guarded quite a bit and it all doesn't end like a Mentos commercial.
Ick! I just started listening to the podcast, and while I don't drive, I do listen to my ipod while running on campus or walking around town. I get enough "unwanted attention" as it is (but that is another story). If a guy is close enough to talk to, I usually say something like "my boyfriend wouldn't like that very much," or flash a ring that my ex gave me that looks a like an engagement ring (it was ten dollars!). But I think the nose-scratching trick would work even better! Thanks for the tip!:lmao:

Too bad the DIS Unplugged will have to stay home, though.


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