Lavender question


New Mama to Baby Jacob!
May 31, 2000
I plant culinary herbs every spring, but this is the first time I've planted lavender. Is there any need to cut the lavender back throughout the growing season? I'm guessing no, but I want to make sure. I cut back the cooking herbs, but that's to keep them from going to flower as long as possible. Since I want the flowers on the lavender, I should let it grow, right?
I cut back my lavendar at the beginning of the spring. It's come back nice and bushy with lots of new growth. I don't touch it the rest of the year.
Kermit! I just bought lavender for the first time too, just today! :)
I have LOTS of lavender plants growing in my side garden. I do the same as ccbob and they flourish. Lavender likes soil that is slightly "lean" and drains well. It also does very well in slightly alkaline soil (which is what I am challenged with) - making it a good plant for hot dry areas.


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