new sort of

disney funseeker

DIS Veteran
Oct 1, 2002
Hi everyone.

I've been reading these boards and getting great advice for the past year and have finally registered. considering myself somewhat computer illiterate, I was a bit hesitant. But I'm writing this with a big grin on my face.:)

We're Disneybound in 5 more weeks!!!!!!:bounce:
Welcome aboard - and ask away. We're here to help:D
:wave: Hello Disney Funseeker and welcome to the DIS and the Canadian Board! Always nice to see new faces around here. :) This is a great place, and yes, very addictive (You can tell from my post count ;) ).
Wow you lucky duck! Wish I was going in 5 more weeks! LOL:bounce: :Pinkbounc

Anyway..........a BIG welcome to the Canadian DIS boards.....hope to "see" you around more often. Make yourself at home!;) Have a great trip!:D
Welcome to the Canadian Board.Lots of great people on here just ready to answer any of your questions.Have a great trip!:D
Welcome disney funseeker! :) We've all got hints and experiences from our Disney trips to share, so "jump in" anytime! Have a wonderful trip in 5 weeks! We'll look forward to hearing all about it! :bounce:
Welcome to the Canadian DIS Board, disney funseeker! :)

It's always nice to "see" a new face!

Kim :)


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