Not able to cancel online?


DIS Veteran
Mar 2, 2005
We changed our trip from June to Aug and I wanted to cancel our ADRs, but it won't let me. It says I need to call. Anyone else w/ this problem?
I've had no trouble cancelling ADRs (keep changing my mind). I go to My Disney Vacation, click on dining reservations, sign in, enter my phone number and reservation number (no spaces) and it brings up that ADR. There's then a cancel button to hit. The only tricky thing is you have to have the correct phone number you gave when you made the reservation. I made some of mine over the phone and gave my home number and my online ressies I used my cell. Perhaps you're using the wrong phone number?
Is it possible that you entered a wrong phone number? I had this happen to me but it turns out that I had accidentally used my home phone when making the reservation instead of my cell. When I was trying to retrieve the ressie I was entering my cell so it did not work. Just a thought:)

DUH! I just read the entry right before mine and it is identical. Sorry- I'm a goof:)
It's usually related to the phone number. When you call they can tell you what phone number is tied to the ADR. I often will have to try 3 different ones.


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