Our first family vacation - Day 5


<font color=993366>Thanks so much for the tips<br>
May 1, 2002
Sunday, Feb 13th

Up at 7:30. Little disappointed with the continental breakfast at this hotel. Nothing wrong with it - just blah. Can tell we're no longer in Anaheim as DS is the only child in the breakfast room :rolleyes: . Had lots of time to spare before SW opened at 10 so took a drove to Balboa Park.

There was a free trolley waiting so we decided to park and grab it. We were the only ones on and the trolley driver told us lots of information about the park. We got off a trolley near a playground. It was rather cool and damp outside. The playground equipment was wet from all the rain. It was a very quiet Sunday morning.

Balboa Park playground

DS had a blast just going for a swing and playing on the equipment. When you live in a colder climate with snow you can't do this all winter so he enjoyed it so much! The trolley ride back to the car was nice. I was glad we got to see the park even if we didn't spend too much time here.

We arrived at SW by 10:45. I was nervous about navigating around San Diego from the hotel to the park and SW but we had no problems at all.

DS loved Shamu's Happy Harbor! We avoided the water fountains earlier in the day. He spent a lot of time in the sand area.



SW has a beautiful view of the Bay!


We had lunch at the Shipwreck Reef Cafe. DH had Jambayala, I had a Chicken Caesar Salad and DS had the kid's hot dog meal with a souvenir Shamu lunchpail and a Shamu Rice Krispie treat. It was a very good meal!

DS was not interested in the Shamu show at all. I was hoping once it started it would catch his eye but he was more interested in throwing things over the balcony in the bleachers. :rolleyes:

We did manage to get DS to stay in his stroller long enough to view some of the aquariums before going back to the play area. This time we let him get soaked in the water fountains again. At least it was warmer today! :p :sad2:

It was 3 p.m and I could tell he was tired. Once he finished in the water fountains I just scooped him up in my raincoat and carried him soaking wet back to the rental car. :earboy2:

He was out like a light for quite a while. I managed to do two loads of laundry while he slept. After he woke we just went down the street from our hotel to a Jack-in-the Box for a cheap dinner ($14). We don't have this chain in Canada so it was something different for us. Good burgers! We stopped in at Walmart for a bit as not much else to do on Sunday evening with a toddler.
Another great report, thanks for sharing :flower:
You guys have done so much this week!


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