Packing for baby, what are the essentials?


<font color=red>Disney Addict<font color=teal></fo
Jun 23, 2000
Is there a list somewhere on packing for your little one? I know I will forget those once in a while items that are so convenient at home!

Can everyone put in their .2 cents? :D
I will give you my 2 cents.....

We went this past Aug. with 1 year old twins and a 2 year old. What I first did was make a list of things I use at home long before we went. Just trying to remember the things I use every day at any particular time. I just kept a notepad out at all times and I would just write things down.

One tip that I learned when we took our first child when his was just shy of one. We always take a small soft sided cooler and leave it in the stroller. I would put wet washcloths in plastic ziplock bags and put them in the cooler, then every so often I would wip my son down with a washcloth to keep his body cool. We always travel in the hotter months so this works good for us. Also, we bought the squeeze breeze spray bottles and put ice water in them to keep my sons cool.

Take lots of diapers and make sure to have diaper rash creme. Everything is ten times more expensive to by at Disney than at home.
I will give you my 2 cents.....

We went this past Aug. with 1 year old twins and a 2 year old. What I first did was make a list of things I use at home long before we went. Just trying to remember the things I use every day at any particular time. I just kept a notepad out at all times and I would just write things down.

One tip that I learned when we took our first child when his was just shy of one. We always take a small soft sided cooler and leave it in the stroller. I would put wet washcloths in plastic ziplock bags and put them in the cooler, then every so often I would wip my son down with a washcloth to keep his body cool. We always travel in the hotter months so this works good for us. Also, we bought the squeeze breeze spray bottles and put ice water in them to keep my sons cool.

Take lots of diapers and make sure to have diaper rash creme. Everything is ten times more expensive to by at Disney than at home.
Here is my list from my past few trips when DH was 5 mos, 8 mos and 1 year, in no particular order....

Disposable Bibs
Regular Bibs for drool
Swim Diapers
Anti bacterial wipes/gel
Changing Pads
Shampoo/Body wash
Plane toys/room toys
Summer outfits
2 warm outfits
Bottle bag
Zip locks for ice to keep bottles cool
Bottle brush
Carrier of some kind or sling
Bathing suit
3 Receiving Blankets for shade on stroller and clothes pins to attach to the stroller
Crib Music Box/Bedtime buddies
Extra padding for pack n play
Attaching toys and rings for stroller
Variety of foods and snacks
Portable Hi-chair for hotel room
Swim tube
2 sippy cups
Travel garbage bags for stinky dipers
Disposable placemats
Common medications and thermometer (tylenol, cold meds, bug bite cream)
Feeding bowls and spoons
Dish soap for washing bottles
Raincover for stroller and clips to attach to stroller
Stroller and stroller accesories....cup holders, extra bags that attach to stroller, rain cover
Very small diaper bag for the parks. I kept extra bag also with restocking items, but found it easier to grab and go with the small bag for a quick change, no digging around looking for things. It contained a diaper or 2, small pack of wipes, changing pad, small powder and rash cream.

I shipped many of the items I wasn't planning on returning with, i.e.; jarred baby food, baby cereals, plastic bowls disposable items, diapers etc...
Have fun!
Matthew will be exactally 4 months old the day we leave. Kate-n-sam had a lot of good ideas, Thanks!!
Any others?
When we took our DD when she was 9mo she loved her pacifier, and only one particular one that was only available at certain stores! Needless to say we were there for 2 weks and had about 10 extra LOL just in case she lost them. She was formula fed and at that time eating baby foods, so I had her bottles for the day pre measured with powdered formula and a bottle of water in the diaper bag. When she needed a bottle it was so easy to just pour in some water shake and serve! Now they have the jar baby food in plastic reusable containers, I had to lug around glass, which still wasn't too much of a bother. The disposable bibs were great! I would also recommend bringing a sling or carrier. Keep in mind alot of attractions won't let you bring your stroller on line so if you have the sling or carrier it will help in those situations. Also it can give the baby a chance to get out of the stroller and see the sights. Definately bring your own stroller. That's just my 2 cents!
Here's a packing list we used for our little one--now 2 1/2 but 7 months on her first trip:

shoes and socks
toiletries--soap, shampoo, vaseline, cotton balls, brush
medicines--take everything you might need!
books and toys
stroller shades
stroller rain cover
changing pads
disposible bibs
diaper bags
sippie cups
aero bed
swim coverup
fishtank--Fisher Price miracle sleep aid!
bath tub
food--we took tons and brought back tons
water--jugs of nursery water
camera and lots of film!

(If this seems like a lot, we travel in a motorhome and have extra space!)

Hope this helps!!
I have a question for you. What did you use for extra padding for the pack-n-play? (I always think they seem so uncomfortable!!)
Depending on child's age, I either use a crib-size comforter to soften it up a little or just fold a full size blanket to fit and put it under the sheet, however I would not recommend this for infants if it makes it a bit too squishy for SIDS reasons, which I'm sure you already know... :)
Also, I have folded my pack n play "mattress" up in my luggage and then put 2 of them into the rental crib, which really seems to get rid of that lump in the middle of their backs.

Hope this helps and have fun!
I have read all of the other replies and I agree with everything. I brought my youngest daughter along for our Christmas trip (very crowded time) when she was three months old. Of course, friends and family told me I was crazy, but I wouldn't have missed that trip. I was breastfeeding at the time so I didn't have to fool with bottles or baby food. I will recommend several changes of clothing in your diaper bag each day! I brought only one extra set of clothes each day for changing. That was a mistake. One day I went through that set and had to buy my daughter an outfit in the park. It was precious but pricy. I also encourage you to know the location of the baby care centers for each park before you arrive. They are really helpful! They have special places for feeding and changing babies. They also have any kind of item that you might need availabe for your purchase (formula, baby food, diapers, pacifiers, etc.). Also, like one other person suggested, make sure you have those special, preferred pacifiers-several of them-on hand, and have a clip for them!!!!
Make sure you have blankets and extra layers of clothing for the evenings and night. It can be pretty warm during the daytime hours but get chilly at night for the parades, fireworks, and special shows. Honestly, bringing the baby wasn't bad at all. I got some pretty special pictures and memories!!!!:p :Pinkbounc
What great responsees you have!
heres my 2 cents:

Diapers, wipes, his little tooth brush, small travel size destatins (the kind you get as samples with new baby), I LOVE new disposable washcloths (take them out of box and put them in ziplock to save space- no need for soap shampoo etc..., disposable bibs, disposable sippy cups (he is 23 months), baby sunscreen, hats, bug spray, baby tylenol (just in case - hopefully I won't need it), and lots of clothes for all those changes (oh - I also have SHOUT wipes and Tide tablets in case I have to do laundry!)

I pan on stopping at Walmart when we get there (We are renting a minivan) to get swim diapers (we are out of season here :eek: and I never thought to get extras when I could!), another bag of diapers, bottled water, juicey juice boxes, and anything else I deem important at the time;)

Hope this helps you remember something you might forget!
I also plan on shopping at Wal-Mart when we get there...couldn't possibly pack all this stuff in our two suitcases (with all the new FAA strict weight and size dimensions I wonder if DH and my stuff is within limits). I think we are pretty set with his list but would appreiacte any other ideas that you may have.

Oh, one more question...pediatrician says no bug spray, what is it that you are all using to protect your babies?
the bug net.... LOL

Just kidding really, we really never thought about bug protection and it never seemed to be a problem at WDW. They seem to do a pretty good job at eliminating mosquitos. If the bugs were out it would probably be at night and cooler so I would dress the baby in longer clothing for protection, or you could always bring the bug net too....
What are disposable sippy cups? We have sippy cups, but I don't think we have disposable ones. Do tell.

We went once with an 18 month old, once with a 2 1/2 year old and an 8 month old, and are now returning with an almost 4 year old, a just 2 year old, and an 8 month old....I'll be studying everyone's lists and add anything else if I can think of any other suggestions.

Be sure to stop in the baby centers in each park just to see what they have to offer. They sell almost anything you could need (formula, baby food, diapers, pacifiers, etc...) and provide nice facilities for diaper changes, breaks from the heat, nursing, etc...

Sno-white rabbit-
Disposable Sippy cups are available at Walmart for about $3.00 you get 6 plastic cups and non-drip lids - they are very good and hard to spill out of! We are always losing cups so I love them! I already have a package packed!

My DS is 23 months and I use a little skin-so-soft from Avon on him (there is NO way he would stay under a net!) Hopefully we will not even need it - being 1st timers ya never know and I would hate to need it at WL then have to pay their prices for it! Besides I really doubt they would have the Skin so soft that is safe for him!

I must say that if you haven't tried the disposable washcloths yet - DO! They are the BEST! They make tons of tear free suds, they are soooooo soft, and they are so easy to pack!
My daughter was 9 months on her first trip in 1999. Without a doubt the best things we brought were her stroller and formula. The Disney strollers looked like through backs to the stone ages-horrible things-all metal and no place to lay back. I think they may have upgraded now. Also, the formula is very expensive in the world. Really that pretty much goes for any "baby" stuff.



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