PAT!!!!!!!! from the half marathon, where are you?


I can't wait till tomorrow....why? because I get b
Sep 2, 2003
Just curious about pat! A very nice woman I met but cant remember her screen name! I am curious how you finished? I am also curious about kevin...
who he finished..............

anyone know a pat? :confused:

renee :flower3:
Renee - check out the half marathon finish thread page 3.

Pat's screen name is wdwfan9.
Kevin's wife Screen name agotta posted his results.

Hope this helps.

I am supposed to be on Long Island in Hauppauge the week of Jan 22. It would be great to meet you.
Hi Renee!!

I finished in 3:29:27, what an amazing experience! I am so glad that I ran into you and Kevin - having someone to talk to during that long wait to the race start really helped to take my mind off the cold and my nerves.

I am actually giving serious thought to walking the full next year, I don't think I can go much faster than I already do, but with training I bet I could go a lot farther!! I have to wait until my boss gets back in town to see if I can have the time off next January -it is one of the busiest times of year for a budget analyst. It helps that his wife is a triathelete. If I can get off I definitely want to go again, I just have to decide between the half and the full.

Hope to see you then!
thanks for the info NYc! think she found me!
let me know what your schedlula is like that week, I am off of work all week.

PAT!!!!!!!!! so glad to hear you finished.
I am so happy you found me! all that time before that race, I cant imagine being there all by myself! thanks again. So thinking of the full huh?
whats your bib number ill chcek out your pic.

mine was 25079. talk to you soon.

renee :flower3:

I just signed up for the DL half. So I will probably "only" do the half in January.
Hey!! Kevin told me about you two! He didn't know your screen names.

Kevin did great, finished around 4892 out of around 16000. His chip time was 2:23:23.

He said you both were great and he is glad he met you both! Congrats!
hi amanda! glad to hear he finished and with such good time! a really good time especially for a first timer! aare you both planning on next tyears marathon? I really did feel bad for him before race time, I know he had to be freezing! but I bet he can agree we both thank pat at least for the blanket she provided for us to sit on before race time!
your post lead me to your food report! and all I can say is WOW!
you got alot for 350.! I had a great oppurtunitely in august to get the food plan for FREE!

I had already had my ressies and had called to atler something or other, when during the conversation I mention the the ressie guy that this trip was my friends and I and 5 kids ( without men ) he commended me. Then to my surpised called me back at home about an hour later............... explained that if I had changed around my ressies ( making them into an official package) I would be eligiable for the free food plan offer!

what a wonderful guy huh! :cool1: :cool1:

I did just that and my kids ( four of them ) and I along with my girlfriend and her kid ( their first time there) eat great food for free!
although, I feel that we could have done better as far as where and what to eat, it was no complaints.

However, according to your report, its worth every penny huh? I will definitly look inot it on our next trip. I have to say, it is nice prepaying and not worrying about the bll when it comes.
nice chatting with you and kevin I said hi!

renee :flower3:


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