Picture quality on Laptop DVD?


DIS Veteran
Jan 26, 2000
I'm considering buying a DVD drive for my laptop to use for movies on the drive to WDW and am wondering if anyone has experience with doing this? The drive is 8x. Thanks for any info!
The picture quality is indiscernable. The only comment I would have is the visual detail is lost if sunlight or any bright light lands on the screen...

Also, the audio is compromised because the speakers are so small on a laptop. Apart from that though, I think its a great idea to bring on your trek down to WDW!

Is the DVD external or internal? Do you have a D/C power connection so that you can plug it into your car's power outlet?

Thanks for the reply! The drive will be internal, and I spoke to an employee at Office Depot just a couple of days ago about the sound (I wondered about the quality over road noise), and he suggested investing in a set of small speakers with a subwoofer (all very small) for $20. I think I'll try that!! My kids will be so excited!! Now if I could just find a 3-way set of earphones I'd be set!!
Well, I've decided to go with the laptop for movie playing on the drive down. My next question is about how to secure it. I have a Ford Excursion, and normally I spread my three children out with two in the far back seat, and one in the middle seat. To watch a movie, though, they will need to all be in the far back seat. I can completely fold down one of the middle-row seats on the outside for a large flat surface. It won't be in the center, but I figure I can position the laptop at an angle for the three to view. Does anyone have experience with a way to secure the laptop down so that it does not slide around? I haven't had a chance to get out to the car with it to experiment, and thought I could benefit from the vast knowledge on these boards!!

41 days and counting 'til our 2 weeks at WDW !!!!:D :D :D
My son put us onto a Radio Shack Headphone Volume Booster (#33-1109) that has room for three, yes 3, earphone jacks. It is the best little gadget for around $20 that we have ever picked up. It really helps amplify the sound and it is quite equal in each set of earphones. That way you can listen to the radio and they can watch the movie.:p
BTW, if you don't have a D/C power connection for your laptop you might look into a power inverter ( plugs into your lighter and converts the D/C to A/C so you can just plug your laptop in). Got ours at Target but I don't know if they still carry them . You might try Best Buy or an auto parts store. Make sure you get the right wattage for the size laptop you will be using. It's usually on the back of the packaging. Have a great trip!:wave:


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