Plant Profile - BRUGMANSIA & Datura Angels & Devil's Trumpets


DIS Veteran
Sep 15, 1999

I love these but they are so hard to find in my area.

I want to try and overwinter some in the garden if I could find a source.

Anyone have seeds to these( not the common wild white Datura I have that one)



one way to keep them seperate is to remember that Devil's Trumpets look up at heaven while Angel Trumpets look down at hell.

Datura ... (Jimson-weed; Thorn-apple)
It's real common name is "Devil's Trumpet".

It's a short lived perennial treated as an annual in cooler zones.

The blooms point up or can be more horizontal than pendant.

Flowers are shades of purple, white, yellow and sky blue.
There are no red Datura. Red Datura metel was recently discovered in an old botanical book. Apparently it was very popular with gardeners in the beginning of the 20th Century. No one knows for sure if there really was such a Datura. It is possible that Brugmansia sanguinea is the actual plant they were growing at that time.

Datura flower forms are single, double, triple.

Some Datura species have an unpleasant fragrance, both leaves and flowers.

Datura produce many round, spiny or bumpy, seed pods. Unlike Brugmansia seed pods, Datura seed pods dry and split on their own.

Datura can reach heights of 6 feet but more commonly 3-4.

Datura thrives in high heat, humidity, and poor soils.

Some species of Datura are considered a noxious weed in many states.

Datura is the only plant in New Jersey that has a price on it's head.
NJ residents can receive stiff fines if they let this plant get out of control.

Datura has been banned in Nova Scotia.

Datura is toxic when ingested.

Brugmansia ... The true "Angel's Trumpet"

There are currently 386 differently named Brugmansia on our records, and we are still counting.

Brugmansia are long lived perennials in zones where the winters are mild.

Some Brugmansia flowers hang down like a bell, and some nod (stick out to the side).

Brugmansia flowers are shades of white, yellow, gold, orange, peach, and pink. B. sanguinea is the only species that has consistent and true red flowers.
There is no such thing as a brugmansia with purple flowers.
There is what is considered to be a "shade of purple" flower on B. flava Lilac. Unfortunately as is common to sanguinea hybrids this plant is extremely difficult to grow and even worse to propagate.

Brugmansia flower forms are mostly single but there are doubles, triples, and shredded forms.

Brugmansia sometimes produce seed pods without human help. B. Cypress Gardens is famous for producing these seed pods.
Normally, hand pollination between 2 different cvs is required to produce seed pods.

Brugmansia seed pod shapes are okra, chili pepper, greenbean and egg .... no spines.
These seed pods do not open on their own like Datura pods do.

Brugs are considered to be trees and large shrubs. They can reach 35 ft. tall in their natural habitats.

Brugmansia is toxic when ingested![
We grew two Angel's Trumpet last year (as an annual), and they were wonderful, that is until we went away for the weekend and upon our return, found that they had broken away from the stakes we had tied them to. We hadn't expected them to get quite as large and heavy as they did. I would try them again though, they were really interesting!

Thank you for the link Maleficent, I had no idea they were available in so many different colours. :D
I have only ever grown them in pots and taken them in in winter but have had no luck getting them to live through the winter indoors.

Aren't they beautiful and the smell so heavenly.

While at WDW at the Animail Kingdom look around they are everywhere.

Would this also be the plant thats called moon flower. I purchased a plant several years ago that was a bush and it had very large white trumpets at the end of August and they only bloomed in the evening.It was supposed to be an annual in our area but it came back even larger each year for several years until i dug it up or so i thought,it came up again the next year. Its a beautiful plant. This year I planted moonflower vine,double flower head two will be purple flower and the other two will be yellow heads. I can't wait for these to bloom. Susan
The nursery that I purchase most of my plants at has a pot almost as large as me, with a 10 foot devils trumpet. Full of blooms. It is quite impressive.

I'm sure the devil in me would have a difficult time growing this plant. Especially once in was brought into the house. House plants and Mamu do not co-exist very well. They are best left at the nursery where they can survive and flourish.
Mal; I don't have that bush any longer but they are easy to find here in the spring. There is a office in our downtown area that has a very large moonflower in full bloom, very impressive! One of the vines I planted this year bloomed for the first time last night,large double yellow trumpets pointing up at the sky, so i guess it to be the devil trumpet. I was at my local nursery yesterday and bought a new (DT)and put it in a pot for my deck.Susan:p :p

I need to make a trip to Michigan!

I wish there was someway you guys could smell theses I liken the scent to that of stargazer lilies.

Mal: After giving it some thought i remembered that it did set seed. By the time i got rid of it,it had started to take over the area it was in.We planted it next to my son's wheelchair ramp and it was growing between the spindles of the railing.We are digging this area up and bringing in new dirt and relandscaping.The stalk was so thick and deep there was no saving it. I am in the process of digging up the rest of the flowers. I just gave away 3 bunch's of siberian iris. Still have several different kinds of plants to dig up. The bee's liked the area so much it became a mad dash to get my son's wheelchair up the ramp and him in the door without getting stung. we are thinking of doing a water garden so he can listen to the water. This area also runs the length of the front of the house and our front porch. We are kinda of in the middle of ok its all dug up now what do we do! Anyone with ideas? Sorry some times i tend to ramble. Susan:p
I think a water garden is a great idea.If you are concerned about safety you can do one that has little or no water but you still have the sound of water.

You start with a big hole then in it you place a large round container to fill with water.Over that you place some kind of mesh after installing the pump of course.then you cover it with small river rocks and you have a safe water garden.

I hope I explained that well enough you can get an idea from it.

here are some pics but don't be turned off by the price.You can do this for under $100

I really like the idea of using an urn.I've seen this done on one of the garden shows and it looks fairly simple to do. Thanks,Susan:smooth:
Mal, Great profile! Were you ever able to overwinter any brugs there?
Oh wow!!!! I'm having a deja vu!! :crazy:

This is almost 2 years old!

I wonder how many of these gems are ...way...back....there. :)

Thank you, Mal!!

Silly me. I was so confused. I was excited to be reading my first Plant Profile and was enjoying reading it but something just didn't seem quite right and I'm thinking to myself "I am So outa this loop!" until Snowwark pointed out that it is an old posting resurrected for the Plant Profile thingie! LOL!


Good job, Maleficent2.... again! :flower2:

P.S. - I would like that revolving sphere fountain in my's a steal at $3400!!


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