plutosgirl day 5


Earning My Ears
Dec 5, 2008
Last day I will have to be torn from my room

Firstly thank god for husbands who double check , I was so sure our Eurostar train was 20.15 ish back. I had been a bit worried as it was late for the girls after a long day at the park. I had upgraded the cafe Mickey breakfast to a Lucky Nugget character lunch at 2 before we came away so the lunch would keep them full but not too full ...but then dh husband checked tickets this morning and on the 10th the train was 6.35 GULP OOPs

Anyways we were early into brekkie 8.15 and it was hot YEAH . Those eggs are really yummiest scambled eggs ever . We were sat in the main Inventions restaurant again , the bit with the mirrored ceiling it was dark in the park and magical. After yesterdays experience I really enjoyed .



Goodbye Dear Hotel



The cases should be collected from our rooms but Rod was a bit bervous about this just in case ,as we should have been at the HNY he decided to drop them down to baggage.

We decided to try and get EMH and arrived at 9.30 ..i know I know late ..but Im not sure this was happening as the ropes were up . It was very cold again , cold as Tues Id say and when we got in to the park again Dumbo , Snow white & Alice were closed. We know how busy Saturdays get, .so as I had such a good time with one on one yesterday , we decided to split and meet in main street for the Mary Poppins show at 11.30.

This time I took Georgie and we did tea cups , Small Small did DH and other D hmmm we need to split up again ...they headed off to Frontier land to Spook the Spooks and we went to Adventure Isle. We did the Tree House had a look at Indianna Jones ...No Way ! Checked on Dumbo. queues forming as it was being tried out but still closed after waiting 5 minutes. Did Peter Pan , then Pinocchio ,boy the queues by then . We met to see the Mary Poppins show which was lovely, sadly we didnt see the Sleeping Beauty show , we did see the cast running past Belle Note one day but that was as near as we got.

We then thought it would be good idea to do Stitch again , which we all loved ( the persons voice wasnt quite a cute this time ). Stunt Riders was still closed ,understandably had been all week . So the girls visited animation studios did some more drawing, met Lilo, Stitch and Cruella . Poor stitch was mobbed .

By now it was 1.30 so we headed towrads the Lucky Nugget.
To be honest we were really disappointed it was sooo busy , packed a real bean feast , the poor staff were completely overwhelmed trying to keep up with putting out fresh food , it was gone before it hit the decks. I felt so sorry for the lovely ladies at reception you couldnt move in there, people were just backed up. As it was so cold I think that people were just holding onto their seats for as long as possible, so all reservations were running behind. I didnt think YD could cope with sitting still on the bar stools and asked if possible we could sit at the front , which kindly the lady arranged .
If you have Half Board Vouchers plus use these to eat here. I wouldnt personally book here and pay extra for a character lunch when you are getting the same thing.
The characters we saw were Jessie nice . Goofy , Pluto , Tigger and Friar Tuck I think Mickey had been there earlier when we were waiting to be seated. I dont think they were that great at interacting , but to be fair it was very busy . The food was OK , bits were coming out here and there but snapped up too quickly , I dont think in the time we were there( about 1hour ) starters ,mains or desserts were all fully out. The desserts seemed empty for ages. However this was a Saturday and all is probably perfectly well mid week

By the time we left about 3.15 things were a lot quiter, still hardly any desserts though lol
We left to make our way To Mickeys Wonderland , which as always was wonderful . It was full to the beams though . We were placed in the disabled rows right at the end in front of the last pilar , so not great seats but still enjoyed it all. Last year Georgie was lucky enough to be called on stage and she was keen to volunteer again , but I said it was better to sit nicely , after yesterday the last thing I needed was a WHOOPS on stage.


Sadly we were now running out of time. Georgie really wanted to go on Dumbo as it had been closed every time we had tried this week . It was open, but oh the queues.!Whilst Rod and she waited Mia and I had time for
Peter pan twice though even the fast pass queues were large now.then.
this was the longest I'd ever queued for Jiminy!! then.

and then finally Tarraaa
they were in the air

It was now nearly five the parade was near to starting and time was ticking .Goodbye castle


goodbye dragon .
Oops we went down the steps to see the dragon from the shop and Rod slipped on the second load of steps came down badly on elbow and knee ...he was a brave boy though or embarrassed boy !! musta hurt
Goodbye shops

The parade was just entering Main street it was 5.15 , train at 6.35 . Still needed to get back to DLH and change girls out of snow trousers and visit loo before the usual horrid scrumage through luggage and immigration.
Had the heartbreaking decision to miss parade and sadly left the park
Every time we leave we say to the pink palace next time we come back we will stay here..but you know what we did this time
Eurostar check in not sooo bad this time but train was late leaving not till 7.15... we had had time to see the parade The tannoy kept saying late leaving due to missing staff but , it was really funny just 1 minute before we left passengers got on to our carraige with bags ... do you think Eurostar is that kind they will save late passengers blushes with a little white lie ???


that was such an amazing tr. i dont know how i would have torn myself away from the dlh lol. glad you had a good time
Fab TR, I really enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing:goodvibes
I have really enjoyed reading all your installments & looking at your photos. I think you left the day I arrived (10th)? We ate in the room with the mirrored ceiling one morning. My DD2 (aged 2) was very confused by it!

Are you planning a return trip anytime soon?
I would love to say yes,,,

Every year I say not next year , then rebook , but this years gonna be tough on the old purse strings, plus to beat the DLH :rotfl: ???

DH is thinking to skip next year and then the following do Anaheim . But if I can scrape the money together ???, ....I normally get the Disney shakes around Oct / Nov and book something... stranger things have happened ;)


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