"reshaping our annual pass program"

YESSSSSS. How are people supposed to “manage their expectations” when they pay $$$ to get the commercial version of Disney, but instead it’s elbow to elbow people and 180 minute wait on RSR?

People need to complain to Disney, while they are at Disney, what is going wrong. Once Disney hears over time and time again, it will at least, get it on the record that the suits are out of touch with the park goers.

With all due respect, this post *was* about rising ticket prices and the potential changes to the AP program until *you* introduced your opinion about people complaining and, basically, telling everyone to shut up and deal.

So, my response was to that sentiment, and an explanation for my personal frustrations with the soaring prices and what I perceive to be a lack of planning and efficient staffing at a VERY busy time.

I literally heard a CM tell a guest yesterday "technically, this is our non peak season."

Technically..."non peak" season doesn't exist anymore but Disney management doesn't want to accept that, so they cut back on staffing when they really shouldn't.

It's Presidents week. Tons of schools had off yesterday. It's freaking busy. The parks opened at 8am yesterday. Don't tell me they didn't know it would be busy.
Your argument is kind of interesting because you mentioned this is just like everything else in life - you have to pony up...whether it’s time in security lines, or $$$. Yet, you are afraid of being priced out of the convenience of an AP. So are you saying the experience might not be worth it to you at the regular ticket price? Because that’s exactly what people were saying earlier on the thread (due to crowds, mismanagement, inefficiency) and you disagreed saying people’s priorities are not in check.

The convenience of an AP is exactly that - the convenience to leave when crowds are unexpectedly unbearable and the convenience to come spend your afternoon in line for the one ride you care about. Somebody taking a week off of work for the vacation of a lifetime doesn’t have that convenience, so yes, IMO, AP prices should be increased and/or a cap on # of Park days to mitigate those conveniences.

I actually didn't say I was scared of being priced out. I was worried about how they would restructure the AP program. Being priced out of renewing and not liking the price increases are two different things.

With all due respect, this post *was* about rising ticket prices and the potential changes to the AP program until *you* introduced your opinion about people complaining and, basically, telling everyone to shut up and deal.

So, my response was to that sentiment, and an explanation for my personal frustrations with the soaring prices and what I perceive to be a lack of planning and efficient staffing at a VERY busy time.

I literally heard a CM tell a guest yesterday "technically, this is our non peak season."

Technically..."non peak" season doesn't exist anymore but Disney management doesn't want to accept that, so they cut back on staffing when they really shouldn't.

It's Presidents week. Tons of schools had off yesterday. It's freaking busy. The parks opened at 8am yesterday. Don't tell me they didn't know it would be busy.

The early responses to the thread was about the polls asking how the crowds have been and how people were very unhappy with how crowded Disney has become. It's a double edge sword because as I previously explained, I don't necessary like the crowds either but in a sense, I'm glad they're there because that means Disney is doing something right. In other words, people just like me want to be there.

I'm simply saying that with all of the people complaining and huffing and puffing about the crowds, the lines, the price increases, it's still Disneyland. I was just posting because I'm curious AND worried about how they'll restructure the AP program. I'm currently not worried about being priced out because I don't think Disney would do something like double the cost of my SoCal AP in the next year. That wouldn't just price me out but that would price out a bunch of people AND it would piss of a bunch of people too.

As much as having locals visit them parks and not spend as much as tourists, having local AP holders is still important to the health of a theme park.
I actually didn't say I was scared of being priced out. I was worried about how they would restructure the AP program. Being priced out of renewing and not liking the price increases are two different things.

Probably not worth the argument, but for reference you said this: “My DD just turned 5 so she still hasn't ridden all of the rides yet because of height and because we don't think she's ready for some of them yet so it sucks to think that we might get priced out of AP before she even gets a chance to ride them with the convenience of an AP.”
As someone who doesn’t go to the parks often I would be ok with less days for AP holders. Disneyland is extremely overcrowded and it does take away from the expierience when you’re on the vacation you saved and planned for and you’re elbow to elbow with people all day.

If Disney isn’t going to expand or build a third park I’m not sure what other option there is to solve the overcrowding.
We all know that this is an attempt by Disney to manage crowds. Raising prices reduces crowds. Making changing to access to the parks for APs will reduce crowd stress.

But I'll just say this, and leave it. This could've all been avoided if.....

Disneyland would've built a third park!!!
The problem is that Disney is not managing the crowds well. They are being inefficient in several key areas and that adds to the frustration guests experience.

I went to the parks yesterday with my kids who had a day off school. From our garage to the M&F parking structure is a 15 min trip. We left home at 8:00am. We did not walk through the gates at DL until 10:05am. That is ridiculous. Here are some reasons for that:

1. The parking garage toll booths were only staffed at 50%. Each booth can have two people working in it, one for each lane. They had only one CM per booth, requiring the CM to help one car on one side, then one on the other, and so on. This is fine on slow days, but the cars were backed up for about half a mile leading into the garage. Took 45 min to get to the toll booth.

2. The security lines were similarly half staffed. There were only 8 open lines out of 14 or so total. We waited 20 min in this line, then another 10 for a tram.

3. The line to get into both parks was massive. This could be streamlined by having lanes for AP holders and multi day ticket holders who ALREADY have photos on file. There is no distinction in place so you have people exchanging vouchers, needing to show ID, sign tickets, get photos taken, etc. How hard is it to set up half the lanes for these people and the other half as an Express entrance for people who already went through that? Have a couple CMs out front directing people. We waited 35 min to enter DL.

4. The speed of most CS restaurants is painfully slow. Of particular note: Red Rose Tavern, Hungry Bear, Flo's V8 Cafe, and Smokejumpers Grill. You order and then wait FOREVER while no less than 5 CMs stand around behind the counter looking clueless while 1 or 2 others fill all of the orders. There HAS to be a more efficient system!

These are the kinds of things that will drive people away. Inefficiency is a huge problem at DL. Literally none of my frustrations on crowded days have anything to do with other guests. It's just this kind of stupid stuff that pisses me off.
I totally agree. Your experience sounds terrible!
We all know that this is an attempt by Disney to manage crowds. Raising prices reduces crowds. Making changing to access to the parks for APs will reduce crowd stress.

But I'll just say this, and leave it. This could've all been avoided if.....

Disneyland would've built a third park

I so wish DLR had done just that too! (Build a third park elsewhere)


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