"Rude" Results Are In


Jan 12, 2009
Greetings, Disney fans!

With the kind help of both Webmaster Pete and some VERY patient moderators -- who did their best to keep things from getting out of hand -- I was able to gather info from Disboarders about rudeness at The Happiest Place On Earth for a piece I was working on. Although my focus was Walt Disney World, I suspect Disneyland fans will agree with a lot of what was said, and will enjoy the piece as well. If interested, the link to the site is in my signature.

Again, my sincere thanks to everyone on the Disboards for their input. Here's hoping that at least one or two of the people who engage in the type of rude behavior pointed out will recognize themselves in the piece and change their not-so-nice ways. Sure, it's a longshot, but you never know. (And if they could do so before my upcoming visit at the beginning of March, that'd be swell!)

To the person who private messaged me (and I apologize, because I accidentally deleted your message):

Yes, I've been to Disneyland, although not nearly as often as Disney World! My last trip to Disneyland was two years ago, when I was in California to attend the Daytime Emmy awards. I didn't stay on property, but had a fantastic time. I wish they'd get an Indian Jones ride at Disney World!
- giggles -

There is a whole paragraph in honor of Gisele. It's all about flash photography on rides like Pirates :lmao:
I liked the article, but with all due respect, I have a hard time believing the story about the parent telling the kid to poop in the middle of the walkway in Epcot. All the rest of the anecdotes were very realistic, if shocking, but that one is just way above the rest.
Is Gisele an "offender" or an "offendee?"

Oh, hehe, Gisele is an active member of the DISBoards here who cannot stand people who use flash photography on rides. There is a (multi-lingual LOL) thread of hers here that is all about it. When I read that section on your site, Gisele popped into mind.

- Dreams

:hug: , Gisele.
... There is a (multi-lingual LOL) thread of hers here that is all about it. ...

Here is Gisele's thread: :thumbsup2

No Flash Pictures Please

I would like to know, seeing how I do not know that much about cameras, whether or not, one can take pictures of dark rides,without using flash photography?
Now, the reason for my query, is simple. I am sick to death of people using flash photography on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride attraction. it is Disney's policy that on that ride and the Haunted Mansion, that this type of photography is not allowed!
The reason for that being, it can and DOES disturb the ride experience for the rest of the visitors, and it can disrupt the sensors on these rides.



- Giselle
Somehow, I don't see the offenders being the types of folks who will recognize themselves and change their behavior. The three I ran across on our trip last summer were people who were living in alternate universes.

The man outside Casey's who threw a fit when my younger son and I sat down to wait for my older son who was getting a drink is a prime example. There were probably 30 to 40 empty chairs. We sat down near his table because it was the area closest to the corner...and that's where I told my son we would wait.

Mind you, there were numerous empty tables...and the chairs we sat down in weren't even at a table, they'd been moved to the side. Yet, he screamed at me, asking if I was trying to take his table.

I calmly explained what I've told you...we didn't need a table, we would only be there a couple minutes while my older son got a drink, etc. His wife tried to shush him. His response was to scream at me again...telling me that I was "moving in" on his table awfully quickly after the parade had passed.

I got up and moved...I really think he was mentally unstable and didn't want to have a fist fight in the Magic Kingdom...but what I wanted to do was tell his wife that there are worse things than being a divorced single mother.

Nothing short of a decade or so of psychotherapy would get through to some folks!
I liked the article, but with all due respect, I have a hard time believing the story about the parent telling the kid to poop in the middle of the walkway in Epcot. All the rest of the anecdotes were very realistic, if shocking, but that one is just way above the rest.

You know, I was kinda stunned by it too. Until I thought about how many times I've seen people -- adults and kids -- peeing in various locations at Disney (and I don't mean bathrooms!). Then I realized it was just a hop, skip and ajump to someone not wanting to wait in line and telling their kid, "Oh, just do it. Who's going to say anything?" The poster said they were shocked beyond all belief, as would I be, and I wondered... what would I do if that were the case?
While I agree with most of the rude things in the article (I hate when people send one people in line and useualy my DBF who is a little louder then me will loudly point out that it is still considered cutting) I tend to agree witht he last paragraph if you let the small stuff bother you then you ruin the magic of disneyland. I tend to let younger children cut me in line anyway so it really isnt something I get to angrey about. That being said, useing the world as their restroom is extremely unacceptable! especially the bit about pooing I cant believe a mom would do that :scared1:
Oh, hehe, Gisele is an active member of the DISBoards here who cannot stand people who use flash photography on rides. There is a (multi-lingual LOL) thread of hers here that is all about it. When I read that section on your site, Gisele popped into mind.

- Dreams

:hug: , Gisele.

Oh, I have to agree! It's just maddening when people do that! And it's a great example of people just blithly ignoring the rules.

"Blithly." That's a word that doesn't get nearly as much use as it should!
I.I really think he was mentally unstable and didn't want to have a fist fight in the Magic Kingdom...but what I wanted to do was tell his wife that there are worse things than being a divorced single mother!

Okay, this may be my favorite comment/combo of the day, between fist fights and the "worse things." Kudos!
How about the guests who don't know ANY English at the appropriate time and so therefore, don't know how to say excuse me of all things, and practically sit on my daughters lap on the bench we're on. I mean, it certainly wasn't the only bench there! :headache: OK, I don't know if this thread is for this, but I just had to get that off my chest. :rotfl: Thanks!popcorn::
I liked the article, but with all due respect, I have a hard time believing the story about the parent telling the kid to poop in the middle of the walkway in Epcot. All the rest of the anecdotes were very realistic, if shocking, but that one is just way above the rest.

Trust me when I say it happens more often than not. Not an everyday occurence, mind you, but often enough I'm no longer surprised by it.
How about the guests who don't know ANY English at the appropriate time and so therefore, don't know how to say excuse me of all things, and practically sit on my daughters lap on the bench we're on. I mean, it certainly wasn't the only bench there! :headache: OK, I don't know if this thread is for this, but I just had to get that off my chest. :rotfl: Thanks!popcorn::

Trust me when I say it happens more often than not. Not an everyday occurence, mind you, but often enough I'm no longer surprised by it.

That must be quite the mess to clean up, if the irresponsible parent chooses not to. :eek:
Is Disney going to need to hang "Curb your Child" signs too? I mean really - I see kids on 'leashes' in the parks, and now hearing that they're pooping on the sidewalks? Should we issue 'doodiebags' to parents - like those that are carried by responsible pet owners?
At DLR, I have seen a kid peeing in the bushes. Seriously. A little boy. It was actually in DD, you know where they have some of the little hilly gardeny spots? I don't know if I'm explaining that correctly :). Closer to the trams, then there's usually the cement bench things below. Anywho, a kid was climbed up in the bushes doing it. And the parents (from what we could figure) were below, just oblivious (or maybe not... geesh).
Is Disney going to need to hang "Curb your Child" signs too? I mean really - I see kids on 'leashes' in the parks, and now hearing that they're pooping on the sidewalks? Should we issue 'doodiebags' to parents - like those that are carried by responsible pet owners?
Actually leashes and harnesses protect children especially runners. Runners will take off running from something or to something or just running and they do not stop until they are lost or hurt. I recommend the leash to parents who have kids who are runners or who might wonder off like autistic and sensory kids.

As for pooping in public, I have heard a similar story and it is just one nasty woman who wants things her way and since she is not able to mentally grasp the ramifications of her actions lets her kid poop. There are those few adults who have to have things their way or have not sense of what is going on. I would not make a big deal out of one lunatic.

"Curb your parents" now here is your sign.


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