Seuss Landing Ride Question



I am sure that this question has been addressed in previous threads but I was wonding if someone could update me as to whats going on. There is this ride in Seuss Landing thats track is above the pathways. Every year when I go, there is nothing. Im not exactly sure what it was suppose to be. Can anybody tell me what it is, or what it was suppose to be. And wether or not it will ever open and why it isnt open! Thanks
way to go Robert, earl will send your gift in the mail for picking that one up!!!:smooth:
Originally posted by Earl
I just can't do this one anymore ....

Oh come on, just one more time!:D
<---still has the pork brains... willing to donate the gift wrap
Just an added weird note. When we were at IOA in Nov 1999, there were vehicles running on that track. But they were not running when we were there last week. They could at least run the vehicles, IMO.
Except when one is down for annual maintenance and the other is broken.
I just can't do this one anymore ....

Comments like these are in very bad taste, especially directed at the inquiry of a new person.

The search function is not activated. Unless these boards turned private for smaller audiences while I blinked, I hope the moderators discourage these derrogatory remarks towards new people's inquiries. I have read them in other threads as well, hopefully it isn't contagious.

I dont think Earls comments are in bad taste. And how was his comment derogatory (not derrogatory)? We have seen this thread so many times, I dont blame him if he doesnt want to elaborate on the situation of the ride for the hundred time.
Originally posted by Humpbacks1962

Comments like these are in very bad taste, especially directed at the inquiry of a new person.

The search function is not activated. Unless these boards turned private for smaller audiences while I blinked, I hope the moderators discourage these derrogatory remarks towards new people's inquiries. I have read them in other threads as well, hopefully it isn't contagious.


For those of us on this board frequently, Earl's answer let us know that we need not sit back and wait for him to answer, jump in and answer since this issue has been discussed to death on some many threads and we all pretty much know the correct answer.
Search function or no, if you even bothered to look at the threads you would find the answer in very short order.
There is no bad taste in the response.
the board did not turn private, you just do not get it. :smooth:
One of the great things about this board or any good board is that anyone has the chance to voice their opinion and easily find others of like mind and so quickly build friendships and a sense of belonging. Another great thing is being able to read these posts for a laugh or 2 to break up the day.
Even after reading very few posts most folks find it easy to see that Earl is one of our "resident experts" and we defer to his "insider expertise" for many tech-related questions about the parks. Earl also knows this board well enough to know that if he light-heartedly passes the ball, another regular will likely pick it up, and the "well-informed and always ready to help" RobertWalker did just that- if you will note his post was within a half hour of Earl's.
Trust me no one here was being intentionally mean spirited or trying to make the boards private. I was a newbie just a short time ago and certainly got a warmer welcome here than other boards including the Disney board where my inquiries were outright ignored several times.
Lighten up and join the fun. All are welcome here!

My little story...

So i'm park hoppin with friends on the 16th. We wander past the infamous overhead tracks after a quaint little ride on the Carrousuessel and they ask the invetiable.

Thanks to the good graces of the informed folks on this board, I knew the plight of the flight and could tell them outright that it was a Brits who was a ditz and took the money in the night and that's just not right.

Ack, i'm rhyming again...

Back to the point, this question has been answered here for ages :( And will most likely continue to be answered. The good thing, those of us who are informed look good infront of our friends ;)

I just can't help but wonder what it would be like if they had worked. The petrodon flyers bring so much to the landscape of JP... ya know?
Back to the point, this question has been answered here for ages And will most likely continue to be answered. The good thing, those of us who are informed look good infront of our friends

Better to be pleasant to everyone rather than just a few, I think. There will always be new people asking on the boards. Check out other topic boards, where the same question is asked over and over again, and no arrogant, derrogatory replies are given to new people because of asking something answered before.

Here's my outsider $0.02: If Earl had nothing to say, why say anything at all? The reply did sound negative.

If the search function is not active, how the heck will you expect anyone to search through thousands of posts looking to find what Earl said eons ago?

The comment did sound rude and if anyone is annoyed by a question from a new reader and is not willing to post a reply, don't write anything at all! Let others handle it instead, how hard can that be?

I really do not look forward to having Earl or anyone point out what questions he is tired of answering, everywhere on the board! Maybe the problem is that fewer people sign up to this one. But, have some courtesy towards the new ones unaware of Earl's "legacy", please.


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