Share a Dream Come True


DIS Veteran
Jun 25, 2000
Hi, does any one know any good spots to see the MK afternoon parade where the characters stop and take kids out to dance/participate? My 4.5 year old neice and nephew would get a kick out of being picked. Thanks for any info.
the Candy Store on Main Street when Cinderella, in all of her Princessly glory, marched right over to where we were sitting and escorted my oldest DD out into the street! She wasn't scared or uncertain and she felt like she was the Queen Of The World afterwards!! They did a little turn and twirl and DD was brought back to us by 2 friendly fireflies. DD was mesmerized for days afterward. When we went to eat at Cindy's she couldn't sit still for thinking she was in Cinderella's castle after "dancing" with her a few days ago!!! It was very magical, indeed!!

Unfortunately, we had to jockey our seating spots with a group of later-arriving tourists from Japan who liked to push us out of the way, block our view, and they had no misgivings about doing so whatsoever. Until I stood up and literally towered over them (I'm 6' 6"). They seemed to quickly back off...

So I guess, size does matter!!:D

But that spot seemed like a good one. You may want to hear what others have experienced.

Good luck!!

I'm surprised no one else has posted on this thread, so I'm going to bump it up so that maybe others will see and reply...

My DD got to dance and parade around with Goofy we were at the start of the parade by splash mountain. I would just suggest where ever you plan to view the parade get there early and sit down right by the rope. If not people will come up in front of you.
One other tip... last year we sat along Main Street on the right side (facing the castle) and the sun was in our eyes the entire time. Made for a very hot wait for the parade to start. It was a great spot, but next time we'll try the other side of the street!

Also, there was no rope at that point, so we just sat on the curb to hold our spots. When the parade began, we adults stepped back to let other children stand next to ours in front of us. Sometimes you have to be very determined to keep your spot! At EPCOT we had these people RIGHT behind us and if we budged an INCH they would move right into that spot. I think that if you don't want to spend the extra time to get there early, then don't expect to inch (or push) your way to the front for a good view. JMHO.
DD (5) and I watched from the hub, to the right of the castle a bit if you're facing it. It wasn't an ideal spot - the parade segment that stopped in front of us for the longest time was the villains, and DD did not like it at all. I had her walk a bit toward Main St., Wendy (from Peter Pan) was playing with the children there and DD was much happier.


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