sharpie markers and pillowcase's


Mar 10, 2001
I have read about cruiser's who have given guest services a pillow case to have the characters sign it. I read on the back of the sharpie markers that they are not for use on fabric? Is this true? Can we give them the item without giving them any markers?
According to someone just off last week's Magic's sailing...they are no longer accepting items to be signed at Guest Service.

My sister tried to drop off a pillowcase at Guest Services on the Magic and was politely refused. This was last week, as MJ just mentioned.

That's too bad... Well, maybe you can take it to the meet and greets and have one signed. If you were to do that, what type of markers do you use?
You can either use fabric markers or sharpie markers. Just make sure to iron them in before you wash it. Get an old sheet or rag to place between the pillow case and your iron because sometimes the marker will leave residue on your iron.:rolleyes:
I wonder if Sharpies say not to use on fabric because it will NEVER come out. I label all of my kids clothes with Sharpies just for that reason.
It is too bad about the pillowcase. youngest dd has a collection of pillowcases from camp, school etc. It would have been great to have a Disney case.:(
You can purchase a "Rub-a-Dub" Laundry Marking Pen which is laundry proof. I purchased mine at Target. This pen is permanent and does not come off in the wash as a Sharpie pen can. HTH
So sorry to hear that they are no longer doing this ... when we went last year, I ordered the gift package from DCL that included a Bedtime Story Book, A pillowcase and a cookie for my 2 daughters, my nephew and my niece ... we dropped the pillowcases off at guest services along with special fabric markers that I purchased at Michael's (craft/fabric store) and two days later all 4 children had a keepsake that they all treasure ... my 2 daughters (DD11 and DD6) sleep on them every night in the hopes that the night will bring them pixie dust and Disney Dreams!
I am sorry to learn that guest services no longer is accepting pillow cases to be signed. I am disappointed, but nothing surprises me anymore after reading so many things on this board. We leave for WDW on Monday 5th, for 6 nights and then onto the cruise. Who knows, maybe things will change by then.
I got 4 signed last week. Guest services would not accept them until Thursday. I got the "princesses" to sign them on Thurs morning and them dropped them off, I got them back on Friday night and they looked great! I included three colours of sharpie markers in my ziploc (i use sharpies at work all the time and have never had a problem with them).

Hope this helps,
Dragon Lady
We were on the 4-26 western and hubby got two Disney golf balls signed by Micky and Goofy. Just dropped them at guest services and picked them up the next night! In dec. I had a canvas tote signed and hubby had the Magic poster signed. Not sure they are consistent in there responses. Maybe it would help to try back with another CM if you get refused the first time!
I hope they are still going to do pillowcases when we go in August!:earseek: I bought new Disney cases for my 3 boys..hoping to get them done. :confused: I thought it would be a realy neat memory for them. Well I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Slightly off topic, but my niece was in the Oceaners Club (5-7 yr old) They had a PJ party and did DCL pillow cases. COlored them and such. It was very nice. Wish I had gone to the party!!!

We were on the 4/26 Magic cruise last week. I tried to drop off Disney pillowcases to have signed by the characters on Tuesday morning and the CM at guest services politely said that they do not accept anything for signatures anymore....
I was on the MAGIC Western last
week (4/26) and Guest Services refused
to acccept my pillowcase for signing. They said they were no longer doing it.
We were on the 4 day Wonder, last week, and dropped off our pillowcase to GS with no problem. We got it back in one day and it has about 15 signatures on it.


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