Single Parents - please help!


Nov 6, 2003
Hi. I'm taking my Down syndrome 14 yer old, plus grandkids aged 3 & 5 to DL March 29-April 2nd. My son loves Disney more than anything on earth and we try to get him there every year if we can. The incremental cost of the grandkids isn't much, and they are about at the same functional age as he is, so I take them too.
Here's my problem - my son would love to go on the faster, scarier rides, but the grandkids are either too small or too scared. In the past we've just gone on the rides the grandkids could go on, and that's o.k. But I was wondering if there isn't some way we could use the baby-switch areas to send him and the rest of us wait for him or something.
It seems to me that single parents must face this quandry. Have you figured out solutions when you have kids or vastly different needs? Granted, usually a 14 year old would be more independent that mine is. There's the real possibility that he would wander off by himself if I missed him at the exit.
I'd welcome any ideas. Thanks!
I'd call disney and ask for help. Also, maybe the book for folks with disabilities would be of help...?....even though you've done it before. It's available at Guest Relations and can also be obrained by writing to guest relations.
I know that's not too much help, but maybe a start!
Have you asked this question on the DisABILITIES BB? Someone there might be able to help you out too.
What I've done before is all of us go through the line together, and the ones who want to ride go, and the ones who don't wait at the exit. I don't know if it will work for you, but it worked for me.

You can go to City Hall at Disneyland and talk to them there. I'm sure they can give you good advice.


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