Solo traveler wanting to come out of my shell


Earning My Ears
Aug 1, 2003
This is my first trip ever and I am going alone. I am generally a very shy person and am using this as a fun way to get out of my shell a little. I would think that WDW would be a safe venue for a single woman to meet new people and chat. What do you think. Anywhere you recommend that I go or places that will encourage me to step out of my comfort level and meet new people? Any help would be appreciated.
where are you staying? if onsite at WDW then yes it would be fairly safe.

some WDW resorts have a lounge there - that is pretty safe -

on the bus to the theme parks - ride the bus - you will meet people - some of the other guests are as excited as you and very willing to talk.

any of the theme parks can be fun - some people like to talk to the foreign CM's at Epcot - but I feel like an idolt during this

most of the CM's when they realize that you are solo will talk to you.

the only place that you need to be careful is PI/DD - this area is free or a minimum charge (i think around $20 to $25) - which is a problem - some of the local and non-local males seem to think this is a pick up joint - just remember that you are still at WDW - if someone kepts making a pest out of himself - ask the waitress or bartender to help (particular if you are shy) - I just say in a very LOUD noise - "what are you after....." this is generally enough to get them to let me alone - as I say a LOUD noise - so everyone around turns and looks.

at the theme parks - I only had a problem with the old man at Epcot - he kept trying to pick me up and he was having trouble with - "I am not interested" - "NO!!!" - finally a security guard noticed the problem and ask to him to leave me alone or leave the parks - his choice. this was very bad because I had my mother there. Otherwise I would use language very unbecoming - of course this idot would probably not even discouraged by that.

remember to have fun and if you need down time - make sure you schedule it.
Another place that's fairly easy and "safe" to start up a conversation is in line for rides. People often like to talk to others, makes the time go by. Have you done this ride before? What rides have you done? WHere have you eaten? And I second the bus idea-especially on the way to the park. People aren't too talkative on the way back to their hotel after a long day!
Having been solo many times (with another trip coming up in November/December), I may be able to help you with whatever questions you may have. Just drop me an e-mail and let me know and I'll shoot some answers right back to you.

Some hints that I've found help being there solo:

I've found on different trips, people will strike up a conversation if they see me sitting solo for a parade or show or even just waiting for transportation to come, like a bus or monorail. This is nice and kills the waiting time.

Even if EPCOT is not opening early for MH, head to the TTC early one morning. The EPCOT monorail does not start running until 7:30am and it is usually pretty empty that early. Ask to sit in the front and you can get some amazing shots of Spaceship Earth and other parts of EPCOT.

Bring a book. This comes in handy in alot of places. While waiting for a show or parade to start, or while eating, etc. This keeps you occupied and feeling less awkward.

Make sure to take a daily break, even if you are going solo. You'll be surprised at how much walking you do during the day and your tootsies (as well as the rest of your body) will thank you for the break. Take a dip in the pool, soak in the hot tub (if your resort has one) or just kick off your shoes and lay on the bed for awhile.

Take some time and wander the parks during Magic Hour (EE).

At the Magic Kingdom, stroll down Main Street and listen the soft music playing in the background as you approach the castle. Be sure to look at the windows on the second floor. They have some cool stuff on them. Also after the official park opening, stroll around Liberty Square.

At EPCOT, stroll around Future World both during MH and after 7pm. It's really beautiful to see the buildings and hear the soft music in the background.

At MGM, again do some strolling and look at all the different buildings.

Finally, at Animal Kingdom, hit it one morning at MH, but head straight for the Tree of Life and take a nice walk around the tree. It is so cool to see how many animals are up there and usually the paths around the tree are pretty deserted. You can hear the ToL music in the background too!

Dining alone at WDW is like dining anywhere else, well sort of. One of the best parts of heading to WDW solo, is that you get to choose where you want to dine and when.

Character meals are great and the Crystal Palace is the best!! I've dined here both with family & solo and have never been disappointed. I typically make PS (even in slower times of the year). This way I know I have a ressie. Most of the CM's at the restaurants are nice and don't make you feel out of place because you are dining solo, especially character meals. The characters usually stop to say hi. If I don't want a picture taken or just want to enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant, I usually wave, then go back to what I was doing. This way the characters know I'm not interested and move on to the next table. The character meals at the 1900 Park Fare and Garden Grill are also very good.

Some other dining suggestions would be at Cindy's (ask for a window table) either for lunch or dinner, Liberty Tree Tavern (L or D), Concourse Steakhouse, O'Hana's, Yachtsman Steakhouse, Beaches & Cream, Le Cellier, Rose & Crown, Tusker House, 50's Primetime & Sci-Fi Theater. Oh, and definitely dine at Spoodle's. This was the best meal I had during my last visit!!

Don't be afraid to get pictures with the characters in the parks. There is always a CM with the character, so they can take the picture for you. I did this during my last trip and got loads of shots.

The only ride (for now) that has a designated "singles" line is Test Track. Mission Space will also have one, once it opens.

Don't forget to utilize Fast Pass too. If Carousel of Progress is open during your trip, make sure to see it.

Even going solo, safety is still important. Make sure to keep your door locked, even if you are only going to be a minute and never prop it even if you are just running to get ice. Lock any valuables in the in-room safe. Don't take alot of cash with you. I typically take a little for each day for snack stuff, pre-stuff my "mousekeeping" envelopes prior to leaving home, and put most of my meals on my room key. Also, only take what you need in your wallet. This way less to lose.

I could go on with suggestions!!! Drop me an e-mail with any solo questions you have and I'll try to help.
<b>Welcome to the Adult/Solo Traveler Board, carefreegal</b>It looks like you've gotten some good advice here. If you have any specific questions, just ask.
Delighted to hear of your visit. Have no doubt you'll have a wonderful time.

If you would like to meet for some lunch, or just get together, let me know.

Have fun.
Terk1 has given yyou great ideas as well as everyone else. One thing I love to do is if I see a couple and one is taking a pic of the other I offer to take one of both. Most folks seems surprised and happy that I offer. I always wonder if thier pics turn out or not. It is a good way of spreading some pixie dust and you get to say hi to someone.
Originally posted by Otimon
If you would like to meet for some lunch, or just get together, let me know.
<B>carefreegal</B> - I second that offer! ;)
Be very careful in, or avaoid if possible PI at night. I was witha female friend there a few years back and a drunk, sleazy man approached and would NOT leave me alone. My friend is a tough girl and she actually had to physically restrain the man at one point, and then we ran and never went back to PI.

I went by myself a few times and loved it. Talk to CM's and people in lines.

Also, consider eating somewhere where they sit more than one family to a table.

Word of advice, and I do hope this doesn't sound rude. I went with an old boyfriend back in '99 , and it was supposed to be a "romantic getaway" type deal. This guy who was traveling solo started chatting with us in line and then invited himself along with us the rest of the day. He invited us to dinner and we declined and he looked SO crushed. I would avoid couples who are traveling alone , aside from chatting in line and what not, because you never know if they are trying to spend some time alone.
I think going on a solo trip is PERFECT if you are wanting to come out of your shell. When we went on our family trip- other people didn't talk to us much... we were doing our own thing and talking to each other within our family- yanno?
But on my solo trip EVERYONE talked to me- on the buses, at the resort, in lines, sitting for parades, at restaurants- you name it. Almost always started out -are you here alone? and went from there. I am a talkative person anyway so I kept the conversations going a little- so I'm not saying you'll have lots of long conversations unless you were to do that too. But how talkative I am had NOTHING to do with them first talking to me (they wouldn't know that until I responded- yanno? LOL) -so I did notice a big difference in how much other guests talked to me than when I was with my family.
I've had great conversations waiting for the boat that runs between MGM and Epcot as well as onboard sitting outside.

I enjoy conversations around the firepit at Animal Kingdom Lodge. Join in for the storeytelling (it used to be at 6:30). Take the kitchen tour (I think it starts at 4:00) and sample food from Boma and Jiko. I have great conversations with the African Cast members at AKL. The guides at the savannah lookouts are a wealth of information about a country I would love to learn more about. Ask them about themselves: where they plan on travelling to in the US; what are their plans when they return home; what they miss the most about their homeland; what are their favorite foods and drinks; etc. Very insightful.

If you stay at a convention hotel (Swan, Dolphin, Coronado Springs, etc), you will likely meet other singles on the ride to the parks or in the restaurants there.
Talking with others while waiting in line is my FAVORITE past-time at WDW. Of course, I did get a little embarrased once when about a minute into a conversation the smiling and nodding people that I thought I was talking WITH, finally let me know that they spoke no English. I had to rethink if I talk TO others or WITH others. Food for thought.
If you can fit it into your budget, any of the backstage tours are GREAT if you're solo! I've done the Keys to the Kingdom & Backstage Safari solo, and both times there has been another solo woman that I ended up hanging out with. Since I was alone on the Keys tour, I ended up getting to sit with our tour guide (my future husband, although he doesn't know that ;) ) at lunch, so I got to pick his brain about all things Disney and learn a lot of neat info!


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