"The Ghostbuster Show Fan" is back from another trip!


<font color=green>Manager of the DISBoard Ghostbus
May 18, 2003
((Note: I'm NOT obsessed...I'm JUST DEVOTED!!! lol! No...I'm not so scary...I'm not some teeny bopper...even though I am a teeanger...I really do like the show! It's funny! Oh, and the guys are cute too.))

Hehe. It's official: I am a Ghostbuster Show fan. I was even called that by one of the Ghostbusters themselves. I think they were surprised and it's my guess I'm the first one they ever noticed that sees the show a lot. I feel honored. lol. I am officially the #1 Ghostbusters Show fan! Woohoo! :bounce:

More about that later. Anyway, I had another 2 day trip where I stayed one night at the Royal Pacific. This trip was August 1 and 2. As usual, we spent 98% of the time at Universal Studios.

Day 1:

Woke up at 5:45 AM preparing for a 2 1/2 hour drive to Orlando. We arrived and went inside the hotel by 8:30AM (including a stop at Burger King for breakfast in Lakeland and getting ice for our cooler).
When we arrived, the employee at the front desk told us no rooms were ready yet (I am surprised, because the last 2 times we had a room ready. Guess we were spoiled!). They gave us our room key and let us choose what floor and tower we wanted to stay in. We ended up getting a water view room, which was nice, but I preferred our "theme park view" which we had the time before because just looking out the window got me excited about going back and having some fun :)
My dad drove the van into the Theme Park parking garage (we have annual passes, so free parking) and my mom and I took the Water Taxi. The taxis were slow that day and my dad ended up getting there before we did.
We went straight to Universal Studios and headed over to Men in Black. After riding a few times, it came near the time for the Ghostbusters Show. Mom and I sat up front in our usual spot. Show was as good as ever.
We then did Men in Black a few more times and then saw the next Ghostbusters Show (up front again).
We then ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and had the best waiter in the world. I mean, this guy was always nearby checking up on us and was very friendly to talk to and everything. I hope we get him again next time!
We then went back and did Shrek, Horror Makeup Show andMen in Black some more.
We went and saw the last Ghostbusters show but hid towards the back (mom didn't want to be recognized...lol).
We then went over to Islands of Adventure and I went on the Hulk while my parents got soaked on Popeyes. From there we went back to the room so my parents could go swimming before they showered.
By the time we got back to the hotel, we noticed dark clouds had come through and there were storms and rain closeby. My parents didn't get to go swimming so we hung out watching Animal Planet and Whose Line is it Anyway? on the TV in between Local Forecasts on The Weather Channel.
I went to the little shop in the Lobby and bought two Universal brand chocolate bars. Had one for my snack for the day and saved the other for the next day. We didn't bother with dinner. Still full from our late lunch.
Thanks to the Loews First membership, my parents got beer and nuts as their welcome gift. They had 3 different kinds of beer. One light and two others. I don't remember exactly what they were since I don't drink, but remember hearing "Sam Adam's, and Summer Ale" There was one other though. Nuts were in a coconut shaped container.
We went to sleep a little after 11PM and were exhausted.

Day 2:
Dad woke me up at 8:30AM as I asked. But due to the soft bed and feather pillows and the sleepiness reluctant to go away, I instantly fell back into a slumber until he awoke me again a little after 10.
"If you don't get up now, you'll miss the first Ghostbusters Show!" Dad said.
I mumbled something...i don't even know what. Like some sort of debating which outloud were incomprehensible sounds.
Too sleep or too see the Ghostbusters. That was the question. And despite the still inviting bed, I knew the answer was to see the Ghostbusters!! I got up and dressed and ready and headed alone to Universal Studios. My parents were getting ready and packing.
I sat and waited for the Ghostbusters Show too start and then saw them coming down the street.

Anyway, the show was VERY entertaining that day (I wonder why...). I went and rode Men in Black twice before I came back.
Well, Mom met me in time for the second show and was happy to see Her Fave Guy (guy in cowboy hat...see siggy) and I saw My Fave Guy (guy in orange...see siggy.) too. Mom noticed My Fave Guy looked a bit different too.
Dad met up with us right after and we rode Men in Black a few times. Then we got hungry. Mom and Dad went on ET and were to meet me at Cafe La Bamba after I carried out my lunch from the Hard Rock Cafe.
Well, I took the long way around so I could walk near the Ghostbusters Show since it was about to start again (yes all shows are fairly close together). It was about 10 minutes before it was time for the Ghostbusters to enter and I saw them signing autographs and taking pictures. I took a mental note so I would remember that for when my cousin comes down. Get a picture of her with the cute guys to make her mom and older sister jealous. :)
I got my Boneless Bodacious Tenders to go and met Mom and Dad at the restaurant.
After that we went on Men in Black a bit more and then were heading over to Ghostbusters for the 2nd to last show but noticed some dark clouds nearby. "Looks like it'll be rained out" Mom said. The show wasn't starting for another 30 - 40 minutes but Mom had us see the Horror Makeup Show instead. We had to wait about 15 minutes before the show started but, it was as funny as usual, with two of the funniest guys that do the show.
We we got out and were about to head over to Men in Black again, we saw the Ghostbusters car pull out in front of us.
"How weird! Either they didn't have the show or they postponed it..." We were confused because the show should have just ended and the next show wasn't for another hour. We decided to follow them over to the stage and saw them signing autographs and taking pictures with people.
This time I got out my autograph book and Mom handed me a picture of the guy in the cowboy hat to get him to sign. Pretty much everyone else left by the time I got the guts to go up there. I was going to get the guy in orange to sign one of his pictures too, but then saw him up close and actually thought "Oh, maybe this is a different guy..." But nope, it was the same guy just scruffier and had the prettiest blue eyes that I never noticed until up close.
I gave the picture back to mom and kept the cowboy guy one just in case I got the guts to ask him to sign it (I mean, he'd see a picture of himself! How embarressing! I couldn't show him a picture I took of him!). Well I handed the autograph book to the guy in red or eventually passed it down and one guy asked to see my picture (don't remember who). I practically froze (uh-oh!!!). I handed it to a guy and they cracked up. The guy in the cowboy hat said "Now I know what I look like!!" So I guess that's a good thing? lol. Well, as if on cue, my mom comes over and hands the guy in green my photo album ENTIRELY OF GHOSTBUSTER PICTURES!!! 64 pictures from various Ghostbuster Shows (and thankfully Mom didn't tell them I had more at home!! Eek!!). (And of course Mom didn't say I also brought my photo album full of pictures taken of Universal/IOA scenery so they might think I only lug their pictures around for no reason..AHHH!!!) "You're like a fan!" Said the guy in red. "Yeah," I said and my mom casually said we live 2 hours away so we come here often (Good one!). They actually took the time to look at every single picture. Teased each other (I think one laughed saying in one, one of the guys looked stoned. At least that's what it sounded like...lol). The guy in green pointed out some picture to the guy in orange "Is that you??" "Yeah" he said. Guess he IS that guy! :p Looks even cuter now. lol. Well, they asked if I took the pictures and said they were really good and the guy in the cowboy hat said I "had an eye" for them. Yay! The Ghostbusters liked the pictures of themselves! LOL.

Anyway, right after that we left and then 5 - 10 minutes later walked back to sit down to wait for the last Ghostbusters Show. At about 5 minutes until the start, we saw dark rain clouds nearby. Oh please don't get rained out!! We even saw some lightning, but thunder was many many seconds later (didn't count). The show started and we watched. I think the funniest part was the impromptu from the guy in orange when it started to rain steadily and he yelled "Don't flee, rain is our friend!" Ughhh never mind. It's one of those "you had to be there" things because just reading it sounds completely lame but it was just plain funny during the show.
Well, after the show was over we walked to Men in Black which was a big mistake because we were soaked by the time we got there. We were freezing during the ride and we went on 3 or 4 times.
We then saw the Horror Makeup Show which had 2 other guys (I swear one guy was a former Ghostbuster character or is related to him.). It wasn't as funny but still entertaining.
By then it was 7:45 PM and it was still raining, so we decided to head home.

We had a blast and now I wish I had my camera (get my picture taken with My Fave Guy especially with his new look!! lol.) But my mom told them I'd be back next weekend and would bring my camera, so maybe I'll see them then.
And since I'm the #1 Fan/Photographer for the Show, I think I should get to have a reserved spot up front where I always sit. What do you think? lol.

Any questions, feel free to ask me! :)
5 days until I might go back! :bounce:

FUN FACT: I could "waste" up to 2 1/2 hours worth of theme park fun by waiting for the GB Show, but on average I only see 3 shows and only "waste" 1 1/2 hours. Oh well!! I have to wait so long in order to get "my spot" or else someone else will take it! :eek:

Oh, and they said that they do this show as a full time job. They don't attend school nearby or anything. Maybe for some of them it is "On the Job Training" or something. Some of these guys are really talented.

I hope I can work part time at Universal when I attend UCF for a film major.

Anyway, I'm so embarressed!! I probably scared them. lol. Hope not! I'm harmless. It's not like I'm a stalker. Geez! :rolleyes:
Wow... do you like the ghostbusters show or what??


I missed it last time I was at Universal - I am sure you are gasping at that!! "how could she?" Is she nuts?"

But yes I did miss it :(... tell me do you think my 9 year old daughter could get into it? understand what is going on and enjoy it?

I think she has seen the move :confused: but I'm not sure.

Fly Fly-

I read all your posts because I know you have a lot of insight on UO. Without a doubt you are their #1 fan. They should give you a prize or something. Maybe, make you part of one of the shows????? LOL...

I'm sure you wouldn't mind that.

Great report!
I missed it last time I was at Universal - I am sure you are gasping at that!! "how could she?" Is she nuts?"
lol!! :p Well, believe it or not, I had missed this show at first because it's a street show and I used to see the Horror Makeup Show or was at IOA all the time. It was my cousin who saw the show and recommended it to me. She and her daughter (was 8 or 9) told me what happened (grr) and I end up loving it. When we went, it was hysterical because she videotaped it and one ghostbuster (I don't see him anymore) came up and shook his bum in the camera. Too funny! I won't be too hard on you! lol :)

do you think my 9 year old daughter could get into it?

Yes, your daughter will absolutely love it! I had not seen the movie until recently and VERY LITTLE of the show is based from it. Let's just say...you don't need to have seen the movie to see it. There is nothing to understand. It's a "pointless yet fun" show. You'll know what I mean when you see it. And my cousin took her daughter who was at the time either 8 or 9 years and she loved the show quite a bit. I see many kids at the show and they like it too.

Fly Fly-

I read all your posts because I know you have a lot of insight on UO. Without a doubt you are their #1 fan. They should give you a prize or something. Maybe, make you part of one of the shows????? LOL...

I'm sure you wouldn't mind that.

Great report!

LOL, thanks!! I would absolutely love that! Even my mom said something like that, like I should become a Female Ghostbuster! Hahaha!! Too funny!

Should I make a shirt for this weekend?
So glad you got to spend time with your "Fave" people.
I love reading your reports. I think you have a future in writing.
Originally posted by gschmerl
So glad you got to spend time with your "Fave" people.
I love reading your reports. I think you have a future in writing.

Thanks :)
Fly Fly-

I would make a t shirt with the great graphic you have in your signature. That will definitely get you noticed.

And by the way you have been getting all the ladies on the board into this show, you can then sell the shirt to them and then use that money for more Universal trips!!!! LOL.....
Originally posted by SpideyHulk24
Fly Fly-

I would make a t shirt with the great graphic you have in your signature. That will definitely get you noticed.

And by the way you have been getting all the ladies on the board into this show, you can then sell the shirt to them and then use that money for more Universal trips!!!! LOL.....

lol!!!!! That would be awesome, however I couldn't sell them for copyright reasons (KellyM. informed me about that even though I took the pictures because the content is copyrighted :( ). Maybe I can give them out and only charge for the cost of the actual t-shirt (figure a $5 shirt?). :)

And all right ladies! :smooth:
You definitely have the mind of a business person!!!!

I think that sounds great!!! Now as the founder of the idea, I will only charge a 10% service fee...... LOL....

You know what makes this even funnier?

Just recently a new guy has become Beetlejuice and he said "We're gonna take this show on the road. Tour shirts will be available..."

He has no idea....:p
Now that is hilarious!!!!!

Just don't tell Beetlejuice!!! LOL
LOL. I think he'd notice if people start to wear them every once in a while... :p

Hm...maybe I should...but I'd be embarressed to use the pictures I've taken because THEY'VE SEEN THEM!! They may recognize the pictures...maybe. Do I dare take that risk? They may think I'm a crazy obsessed...person or something...first a full photo album full of pictures, seeing multiple shows all the time...and now a t-shirt. :eek:
No way!!!!! I like to call it "devoted" , "energetic" and an "eager" fan.

You are fine as long as there are no restraining orders placed against you.....LOL

Just think, I could see the headlines now "Fly Fly Eclipse...Banned from the Ghostbuster Show" news at 11!!!! LOL
Originally posted by SpideyHulk24
(all of it)


Breaking News:
Fly Fly Eclipse...Banned from The Ghostbusters Show: Brings the phrase "Boy Crazy" to a whole new level.

15-year old Fly Fly Eclipse is a regular guest at Universal Orlando. Going 15 times within 5 months time shows a true fan of the park...or is it?

It has been recently noted that at every visit, Fly Fly has been in the front row of the Extreme Ghostbusters Show (Universal Studios) drooling and taking rolls and rolls of pictures.

Is it just a simple case of a "fan" or is she OBSESSED? :eek: On a recent trip to Universal, Fly Fly was caught following the Ghostbusters to the stage in curiosity. With little hesitation she went up and confronted the guys who noticed her "fan" status of the show.

"It was a bit scary," Noted one Ghostbuster. "She just came up innocently asking for our autographs when her mother comes over. She then handed us a photo album complete with over 64 pictures of just US."

Fly Fly admits to being embarressed by the Ghostbusters seeing what she did at every trip to Universal Studios but said she would not tell the guys that the whole reason she bought the new $300 lens for her camera was for a closer up picture of THEM.

"I'm a fan. I'm just really devoted. Nothing wrong with that," Fly Fly beams proudly.

She then shuffles her feet and mumbles under her breath, "Is it weird that I recorded 3 shows and watch them at home and burned a CD with the songs they have in the show? Is it normal that it's all I can talk about? Is it bad if the Ghostbusters saw 64 pictures of themselves...when in reality I still have plenty left at home??"

To the average person, Fly Fly is clearly obsessed, however, many females who have attended the Extreme Ghostbusters Show admit to the guys as being "pleasant to the eye." From teenagers to grandmothers, the guys add a little "spice" to the show that the Animal Planet Live! could never offer.

However, over the days, Fly Fly has become radical and staying in her spot for the show for about the entire 6 1/2 hours in which the show takes place within. Normally sitting only half an hour before her "viewing pleasure," she stakes out from 11:00AM until 5:15PM, never once leaving to go on Shrek, MIB or...USE THE BATHROOM! :eek:

Employees began to suspect something bad was going to happen when this "innocent" fan became more and more obsessed.

"I feared she'd become radical and dangerous if she couldn't meet the guys..or worse: LOST HER SPOT!" An anonymous employee shook his head.

Universal Orlando filed a restraining order on Fly Fly after she was officially declared "Most Obsessed fan" of the show.

"I'm sure going to be able to perform more easily without seeing her staring and taking pictures and video taping me at every showing," Another Ghostbuster said.

Let's hope that this is enough to keep the guys safely away from this "Boy crazy" teenage girl.

Ahahahaha! I couldn't resist!!! I'm not THAT bad...thought I'd over exaggerate for a fun story. hehe. :) Your idea just really got me started!!!! Aren't you glad I'm not this bad???? I'm sure the guys would be!!!! :p

QUOTES ARE NOT REAL!!! I made them up!!!
Originally posted by Flyfly_Eclipse
Let's hope that this is enough to keep the guys safely away from this "Boy crazy" teenage girl.

Ironically, most of the cast are "boy crazy" as well... hehe
Originally posted by UOEntertainmentGuy
Ironically, most of the cast are "boy crazy" as well... hehe

Hmm...if you are saying THAT...and you are serious...I think I know who...:p

And if so, doesn't make (some of them) any less of eye candy! LOL

But seriously, I wouldn't be TOO surprised about some guys but others...well, I WOULD be surprised about.

Think I'm scarred for life. :eek: :p Will now be looking at the show in a whole new light after THAT comment! Thanks....
I'm sorry to say that we have been on USF vacations about 10 times in the past 7 years and have never seen the Ghostbusters show. Next time I will make sure we do!
Originally posted by damo
I'm sorry to say that we have been on USF vacations about 10 times in the past 7 years and have never seen the Ghostbusters show. Next time I will make sure we do!

The Extreme Ghostbusters Show is still fairly new being around just less than 2 years I believe. :)

They used to have another Ghostbusters Show where Twister now stands and the show was completely different. It was indoors and was based more on the movie...much more than the new show is.
Clare, you are too funny! The newspaper article is GREAT! You have a true talent for writing. I love reading your reports.


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