The Magician on Crescent Lake. A sister TR 4/28-5/4/24, Update 5/23**

That is terrible 😞 Haha 😆 You must remedy this and spend some time checking it out on your next trip
Yes I must!
I think it would have been noisy and very stinky
And unsightly, for the trifecta.
I hadn’t seen her in awhile. She is De Vine
I know, that never happens, it was really cool
Amazing what they can do with animatronics these days.
:rotfl:Exactly those wood chips get in my teeth!
Those are called toothpicks...
I don’t want to cook or prepare anything on my vacation
That is the best part 😆😂
Ugh, that is what happens when you are making the reservation in the bathroom before anyone else is even awake yet, haha 😆 my vision isn’t as good as it use to be!
And when you're half asleep!
They sure are! I have been on Kali a few times just not a ride I need to do very often
Me neither
Coming up soon and may surprise you!
That's good! I'm finding as I get older that I don't sleep as well in strange places (meaning not my own bed.)
I find the same to be true! I wear ear plugs now when I am in hotels!
Yikes! At least the cost was split three ways.
I know Disney is really raking it in with all the extras
Big difference between those two rides!
You'd think they could at least be a tiny bit accommodating.
I once made a Space Mountain instead of Splash and the CM was wonderful and said that happens and let me get right on Splash. I know they don’t need to do that but I think because of the Solash experience I thought maybe a little sympathy ❤️‍🩹
OK, now that's something I would possibly eat from there!
It is really yummy
I haven't done that show in years! And now it's gone from DCA, well it was gone a long time ago. Long before they scrapped Bug's Land.
I mostly like it to laugh at the terrified kids 👧 haha 😆
Absolutely! I don't care for rides where you will 100% get wet!
Same, a little Splash here and there is fine but not a soaking
You ladies got some very cute ones!
Beautiful! I didn't know she was out so early in the morning.
It was lovely to see here with my sisters, who never get to see her!
I love how everyone is making this a very interesting photo.
I know it was fun our whole jeep rode again! I think they loved Dinosaur, just like me!
I think the only elephant we saw was way in the distance.
We didn’t see the females at all
This all looks so good.
It was yummy and this place is a favorite
Great photos of all 3 of you.
Oh my goodness, an extra $150 USD for a LL and Genie+. That's so expensive!!
It is crazy when you go back and look at the receipts ugh! We split it 3 ways but still very pricey especially for a family absorbing the whole cost.
I love Devine!
I saw her once with flowers weaved in the greenery, very cool 😎
Great pictures!
This is a great meal!
Love Satuli always a good choice!
I still haven't tried that beer. Will add it to the list for August. :)
It will be perfect in August!
Aww, I love that song too!
My favorite ❤️
You are queen of the Lyft!
Haha the older I get the convenience wins out!
With how much work it takes to buy Genie, look at times, hunt down the attractions, and select the party members, I'm surprised we all don't have more stories about picking the wrong ride. Sorry that happened and glad to hear you managed to squeeze in the ride before leaving the park.
This is very true! I only did it one other time with Splash and Space! I do not ride Space so it was my mistake but the CM at Splash was awesome and switched it for me!
Satu'li is the best. :goodvibes I've never tried the hot dog before, but I've read about it on your reports for so long that I really want to next time I'm there.
That Ale is so refreshing on a DAK day!
I agree this is such a wonderful place to eat and I like everything really but the hot dog is a favorite of mine. The beer is really delicious
Glad you were able to get 2 rides on Dinosaur in. I know it's going to be a sad day for you when it closes.
I know! I hope it is still open in September so Andi and I can ride multiple times!
Following along and all caught up now! I love a sisters trip!
Yay :welcome:
I still haven't watched Wish but have listened to some of the music on our Disney playlist with my daughters and not as into those as much as other Disney music just yet.
I thought it was okay, a good story but I wasn’t crazy about the music. Now Moana cmon best music ever!
I'm so glad you were able to move and ended up with a great room!
Same, we were feeling deflated with the room location. YC was a great move!
Oops, well that's a bummer :( Glad you got to ride it later.
I know, I was really surprised I had no idea I picked the wrong one!
I saw a meme recently about green beer at Disney and didn't know what that was referencing - that looks and sounds good!
It is really good and perfect for a hot day in AK
Wow...the cost of Genie+ and ILL! Remember when all of that was free?? I'm also glad that I'm only paying for me when I go.
It is expensive! We split it three ways so I just paid for mine but I sure miss the free FP selections. Heck I would even run to the old FP machines to get a time!
You are one of the only people I know that likes Kali River. Andi won’t do it because you know she hates getting wet
Ach now you gotta show poor aul Kali some love- sure she’s great craic :rotfl:
We are usually feeling the heat so getting wet is a welcome relief. I can see why some people wouldn’t enjoy that but it always makes my family laugh 😁

The kids meals are really a good value and yes the beer with it does seem odd, haha 😆
They look tasty- just the idea of getting a kiddo a pint that made me laugh
Heck I would even run to the old FP machines to get a time!
I’d forgotten how we used to do that. I used to make my older kids do the running if it was in my line of sight ‘cos I’m such a great parent:rotfl:
Feel so sorry for families having to fork out a second fortune on genie + and ILL when tickets are already so expensive. We are lucky in that our trips are a bit less frequent but long enough that we usually manage without paying extra for rides. Still it does feel like a money grab on Disney’s part 😔
Ach now you gotta show poor aul Kali some love- sure she’s great craic :rotfl:
We are usually feeling the heat so getting wet is a welcome relief. I can see why some people wouldn’t enjoy that but it always makes my family laugh
I use to try and get Andi to ride in the summer heat but she always said no. :rotfl:
I’d forgotten how we used to do that. I used to make my older kids do the running if it was in my line of sight ‘cos I’m such a great paren
I remember making little Andi get in the TSMM line while I grabbed a paper FP so we could ride twice. :rotfl2:


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