things to do at HHI in the rain


<font color=blue>Hopes to find bliss one day!<br><
May 28, 2003
Hey Gang:

We leave in less than two weeks for HHI (woohoo!!).

With all the rain we've been having here in ATL DW just asked what the weather might be like at HHI when we're there. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun no matter what, but do any of y'all have any suggestions for things to do in HHI in the rain?

The rain in HH seems to come is spurts. While we were there two weeks ago, it rained every day but only in short spurts. One day we even waited it out on the beach for about 45 minutes under the umbrella, we ate lunch.....then the sun appeared again and we enjoyed a beautiful afternoon.

crabbing and fishing off the pier is best in the rain!!!!

Like someone posted once before, "rain in HH is better than sunshine anywhere else"
One year when we were at HH, it rained all week, with wind and cold thrown in. There was just DH and myself, he was perfectly happy watching ESPN all day (Hey, I can't do that at home-I'm working!) and I went down to Big Murgie's Den, curled up in the big couches and read. But honestly, I remember seeing some VERY stressed out families. However, there are board games you can borrow, VCR rentals, a pool table in Big Murgie's Den and a checkerboard table there. And I remember, the funniest thing, was our dolphin tour guide one year said that he gets calls sometimes when it's raining from desperate parents -"I don't care if we don't see anything. We just have to get out for a while!" so he bundles everyone up and goes out dolphin watching!
You can visit places like the Coastal Discovery Museum or go shopping at any of the zillions of stores both on and off the island.

Unless it's a really bad storm, a trip to Savannah or Beaufort would be fun.

One year, there was a record rainfall while we were there, which left much of Savannah flooded. (Hilton Head didn't get hit quite as badly.) We spent several hours at the local Barnes and Noble, listening to music, reading, and relaxing.

One of my favorite things to do is sit out on my porch with a good book, a jigsaw puzzle, or craft project and just enjoy the peace and quiet!!


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