Three weeks out..... what am I forgetting???


<font color=FF99FF>You don't have to be clever and
Jul 24, 2002
OK.... for some of you pro's here's a question.

I'm about 3 weeks out from my trip. I have my airline tickets (e-tickets). Got my packet from Disney with my MEARS transfer's and vouchers or whatever you call them for the hotel (I guess it's just the confirmation paperwork for the hotel). I have my priority seatings taken care of. I've already called with my "request" for a specific building (I seem to remember something about calling 2 or 3 days before you go for some sort of request.... but I can't remember what). I got my bag packed (don't laugh). I have a "gameplan" of what to do on each day, and which attractions in each park to see.

What am I forgetting??
Ya got your park tickets? Money, travelers checks? :)
Do you have a list for your "last minute-take care of house to do's"? They are always good to have. I already have mine!

Im not laughing at your bags already beeing packed, Im about 2 weeks to go and Im already packing!:bounce:

You staying at a disney resort? You can also fax in your room request to the room assignor if you stay at Disney resort. But wait til like 3 days till you leave. :)

If you're flying, your airline tickets, a valid photo i.d. to board and check your flights the night before to make sure there's no suprises once you get to the airport! Also, money {lotz of it!}, a major credit card, your Disney Club card if you booked with the DC discount, any prescription in the original container, and a copy of your resort reservation if you have one. Anything else can be bought once you get there if you forget anything!
I am 4 days out and havent started packing AHHHHHHHHHHHHH what is wrong with me. Anyone want to come help ;) I can hide you in my suitcase.

I am 26 days out and I have started to pack also, so I would be the last one to laugh at you. The FLYLADY web site has some great vacation and packing ideas. (I think!)

Have a fabulous trip!
relax, allow some spontanaiety in your vacation, and HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!
Sunglasses a good attitude and most of all relax and enjoy your self. Yes you are going to forget something, yes it's going to be hot, yes it's going to rain, No YOU CAN'T SEE OR DO EVERYTHING. The most important thing to remember is YOU'RE ON VACATION HAVE FUN!!!!!!:cool:

My last trip to WDW ('99) I began "practice packing" about a month in advance. I packed and unpacked so many times I nearly wore my clothes out :)

I think getting ready for the trip is nearly half the fun!

Enjoy :Pinkbounc

Did you stop the paper and have your mail set up to be held?
Will your lawn need mowing?
Got pets all taken care of?
Relatives and friends know you will be gone and the contact numbers?
Since you are already packing ;) have a note INSIDE your suitcase giving your name and the phone number of the resort you are staying. Just in case something happens, the airline will know where to contact you.
Got New Skin, comfortable shoes and good socks?
QUARTERS and PENNIES for the coin press machines.
Extra camera battery?
Extra sunglasses
sun block...

ooppss.... Just noticed you posted this back in August. Well, you have been there done that. ;) Hope you packed just fine! ;)


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