TIPS TIPS TIPS....add yours here please


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
1. The Illuminations Cruise is worth every cent and really started the trip off right, for those of us who had been before and those who were on their first trip. Goodie bags/treat bags for everyone on the cruise are not that expensive and make a nice treat.
2. Ice Station Cool is the exact replica of the tasting room at the World of Coca Cola in Atlanta. Plus––I don't think they ever mop in here. Every time I have gone the floor has been sticky.
3. If you don't want to watch the movie in Norway, hang around the doors and be the first ones through. The doors on the other side will still be open and you can walk right through.
4. The World Passport is wonderful. It really sparks the interest of the kids. We tried to time going to get our passport stamped with a show/entertainment in that world so that there would be something to catch their interest.
5. It can get crazy when the character bus stops in World Showcase. It must be very hard to stop the bus, let the characters out and then try to keep order as everyone converges on them. They only stop for so long and then they're off again.
6. Stand under the lady with the umbrella in Haunted Mansion. Watch the pictures on the wall of the library.
7. Go to the top of the River boat and see if your child can be co pilot for the trip.
8. Ask to ride the front of the monorail.
9. Ask the train conductor to put a penny on the tracks for you.
10. There's been a lot of debate over this tip but here goes: at the end of the night at the Magic Kingdom, the line for the resort monorail is much shorter than the ‘‘express' line. The second stop is the Ticket & Transportation Center. While we were there, there were not any CM's checking for resort id's and the CM at Town hall told us we were welcome to use any transportation available at WDW as part of our hopper passes, including the resort monorail.
11. Cinderella's Breakfast: a must do if you have little princesses. The atmosphere is wonderful and the character interaction was great. The food was ok, but we don't go to WDW for the food––we go for the magic. Nothing is more magical than breakfast inside the Castle. (Of course I still think Mi'lday and Ol'lady sound too much alike and the CM's could have a real laugh over it).
12. DUMBO FIRST! DUMBO FIRST! DUMBO FIRST! I can't emphasize this enough. Not only do really long lines form but if you are lucky enough to be among the first you may get to ride with Mickey or Minnie.
13. Combine 5 & 6 above. Get a ps for the Castle around 8:00 and don't finish eating until 8:45 or so. You will get out right at the rope for Fantasyland and be near the front of the pack for Dumbo.
14. FASTPASS FASTPASS FAST PASS. With the prudent use of fastpass you really don't have to wait in long lines for your favorite rides. Learn the fastpass rules and know them.
15. Paintbrush hunt at Tom Sawyers Island. I would suggest getting the first raft over when the Island opens (usually at 10:00). They hide paintbrushes and the people who find them get front of the line passes for Splash or Big Thunder. I thought they might re-hide them but was told that they don't. All of the brushes were found by people on that first raft. We found ours in xxxxxxxx (you really didn't think I'd tell did you????) CHECK WITH CM’S IF THEY ARE STILL DOING THIS.
16. Refillable mugs. I again asked the CM if we could use our mugs from previous trips and he smiled brightly and said of course. Even after the design change, for now, people will still be able to use their older mugs.
17. Don't be afraid to ask for a specific seat (front, back, etc.) On any ride. The CM's were always to oblige (although we usually had to wait for the next train, car, etc.)
18. Baby Swap is wonderful. Use it use it use it!!!!
19. Downtown Disney is MUCH less crowded during the day than at night. I love the lights and atmosphere at night but for serious shopping stick to daytime hours.
20. If you catch the boat from WL or Fort Wilderness around the time of MK fireworks you can see the fireworks from the boat–without having to rent a pontoon boat. 21. ESPN club gets very busy for Monday night football. Our guys got there at 7:00 PM and had to wait 45 minutes for a table in the main room. But pre-game they do play trivia games and other fun stuff.
22. Keep watching this website and the Disney site. I was lucky enough to find out about the Globetrotters as soon as the tickets went on sale and able to secure front row, almost directly center, seats for our group.
23. HOLIDAY HINT: If you are going to see the Osborne Lights after Fantasmic, wait for the crowds to exit Fantasmic and then follow them to the lights. That way they are always ahead of you and not WITH you. (Of course, I picture everyone in Fantasmic just sitting around looking at each other waiting for everyone else to be the first's a sit-mate. Who will be the first to move??)
24. Look under the mat at the Muppets.
25. Stand under the umbrella across the street from the Hunchback show.
26. HOLIDAY HINT: Wear your 3 d glasses during the Osborne Lights.
27. When in Disney World, fudge can be lunch and hot fudge sundaes can be dinner. This will not work in the real world because parents have too much control over their children's diets. But in WDW cool adults know the main food groups are hot dogs, fudge, ice cream and cinnamon rolls. Let loose a little with your kid's diets––it's all part of the Magic. One week of not eating "right" won't kill them. Besides, after a few days of eating this new menu I was CRAVING a salad!!!!
28. There are great places to let the little ones play and unwind in each park: Magic Kingdom––Tom Sawyers Island and the playground near Splash Mountain; MGM––Honey I shrunk the kids and behind the Muppets on the fire engine; EPCOT––the Viking Ship in Norway and Tiggers Maze in the UK.
29. If you go with a another group/family: It's OKAY to separate from each other (if everyone is old enough) even if just for a few hours. If you don't spend 24/7 with people at home why do it on vacation? There is such a thing as TOO MUCH togetherness. Each family has their own rules, ideas of acceptable behavior and such. While in the beginning everyone may be agreeable and willing to go with the flow you can run into 2 problems: 1––everyone wants to be soooo agreeable no one will make a decision (What do you wanna do next? I dunno what do you want to do? Let's ask xxx what they want to do.) Or 2––people feel like they're the ones always bending and get resentful. It's okay to realize we are all individuals and have different tastes and lifestyles.
30. If going with a large group, make individual PS for each little group within the main group. You can make them around the same time, but you won't get held up waiting for people who may not appear.
31. We loved the ice cream social at The Land in EPCOT. It was a nice place for character interaction without the full price of a meal.
32. When you get tired––GIVE IN TO IT. Offer to be the one who holds places for the parades or shows. Sit out a ride on a nice bench. Take the time to regroup yourself. Cranky people who don't realize they are cranky are really hard to take. And remember: even kids get tired. Regardless of how much "energy" your child has, they too have their limits. Most children don't recognize their limits and will keep plugging away as long as you are. This would be the time for quieter activities or the "boring" to them attractions. (Hall of Presidents happens to be my favorite for a quick nap––as long as we get the back row; my brother dozed off in the Great Movie Ride––we were in the second row and our guide asked if he had died; there are tons of places in EPCOT to relax)
33. Take a break. While we didn't officially work a break into our plans, we always seemed ready to head back around 2:00 and then do other activities in the evenings.
34. If you are not a night owl at home––you can't be a night owl on vacation––at least not every night. And vice versa. I get up at 4:45 am to go to work. I go to bed around 8:30 or 9:00 at night. More than two nights of staying up "late" and I was not a happy troop leader anymore. Likewise––on the mornings we wanted to sleep in––I was still up by 7:00 (which to me was sleeping in).
35. Give the kids a disposable camera. The things they capture to remember the magic are often hilarious.
36. My own personal goal: perform at least one act of Magic each day. We gave away extra fastpasses, gave up curbside seats to little ones in the back, stepped aside to let others go first when two groups hit a line at the same time, told other people our hints about stuff like riding the front of the monorail (we've already done it so didn't ask this trip) and co-piloting the river boat, and always offered to take pictures of groups.
While in World Showcase in Epcot, you must stop at Kringla to have some desert it's awesome.

Wow, what a great list of tips and advice! Thanks for posting. I couldn't agree more with the section about giving in to being tired. You'll enjoy yourself a lot more, and you won't be as cranky. Remember, you're on vacation - you're supposed to relax! :)
Pull the rope at Indiana JOnes, even though the sign reads not to. ;)
Buy a cheap souvenir pin in China. I found a basket of pretty $1 (mask) pins in their outdoor market in January.
Go in the building next to Honey I Shrunk.... You can make and send GREAT e-mails with your morphed photos (FREE). Make sure you have e-mail addys with you.
If you stay at an All Stars resort, and want to do laundry, plan on spending a lot of time doing it no matter what time of the day. They facilities are small for the resort size and are always busy.
Aim for the volcanoe in Buzz. You will get a gazillion points if you hit it.:jester:
Take a behind the scenes tour. They are great.
 <Script Language="Javascript"> <!-- //Cruise Countdown Timer //Written by: James M. Venglarik, II //Created on: March 28, 2002 var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); //Keep the following date/time format for the application to work correctly: eval("var cruiseDate" + rndNum + " = 'October 25, 2002 1:00 PM EDT';"); document.writeln("<form name='cruisinform" + rndNum + "' action='java script:void(0);'>"); document.writeln("<font size=2 color=darkblue>Countdown to Cruise (" + eval("cruiseDate" + rndNum) + "):</font><br>"); document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>"); document.writeln("</form>"); if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();"; else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();"; theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("cruiseDate" + rndNum) + "');"; theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;"; theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;"; theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);"; theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);"; theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);"; theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);"; theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);"; theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);"; theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);"; theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) "; theFunction += "var out = 'HAVE FUN!!!';"; theFunction += "else "; theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';"; theFunction += "document.forms.cruisinform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;"; setInterval(theFunction, 1000); //--> </Script>

Don't forget to use the Single Rider Line on Test Track!
 <Script Language="Javascript"> <!-- //Cruise Countdown Timer //Written by: James M. Venglarik, II //Created on: March 28, 2002 var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); //Keep the following date/time format for the application to work correctly: eval("var cruiseDate" + rndNum + " = 'October 26, 2002 1:00 PM EDT';"); document.writeln("<form name='cruisinform" + rndNum + "' action='java script:void(0);'>"); document.writeln("<font size=2 color=darkblue>Countdown to Cruise (" + eval("cruiseDate" + rndNum) + "):</font><br>"); document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='countdown'>"); document.writeln("</form>"); if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();"; else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();"; theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("cruiseDate" + rndNum) + "');"; theFunction += "var tzo = (c.getTimezoneOffset() - d.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60;"; theFunction += "var diff = ((c - d)/1000) + tzo;"; theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);"; theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);"; theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);"; theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);"; theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);"; theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);"; theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);"; theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) "; theFunction += "var out = 'HAVE FUN!!!';"; theFunction += "else "; theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';"; theFunction += "document.forms.cruisinform" + rndNum + ".elements.countdown.value = out;"; setInterval(theFunction, 1000); //--> </Script>

Don't forget to use the Single Rider Line on Test Track!


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