To anyone who lives in T.O.


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999
Hi guys,

I was hoping my fellow DISers could help me. My husband has a job offer in Toronto, nothing set in stone right now but we are starting to talk about moving there.

I just had some general questions like what is the weather like there year around? Lots of snow? Does it get cold like here in Calgary?

How is the Toronto housing market? We would sell our house here and rent a townhouse/condo for awhile...

When we were looking for a rental place a few years ago, we had a tough time finding one, it was a renter's nightmare!

The job would be in Mississauga, how is that area? Safe? How is the rental market there?

I would appreciate any information you could share with me as I have only been to TO a few times as an adult and that was a long time ago.
Mississauga is on the outskirts of Toronto. It is very large and has a huge variety of neighbourhoods, all with different conditions, no different than Calgary. It you work in Mississauga, you can live in a huge variety of cities and still be within easy commuting distance. Oakville ( where I live) and Burlington are within ten minutes to the west. Both are beautiful with excellent schools and lovely communities.

The weather is no big deal. We usually don't have too many days that are unbearably cold and the snow varies from year to year.

Moving here is really no big deal. You don't have to live in downtown Toronto, there are many, many choices for you.
The weather here is better than in Calgary!LOL We don't have such cold winters! Summer is comparable.

Mississauga in a beautiful city to live and work. It is also very diverse in it's neighbourhoods and depending on which area, prices vary greatly.

If it's been quite a few years since you have been to Mississauga, you would not recognize it!

To better assist in helping, need a better location, say major intersections. If you would prefer, you could pm.

Also the good news about living in TO is that it costs less to fly to Florida and there are more flights from Buffalo. :earseek: :earseek:
I live in Mississauga and LOVE IT! I am from Montreal and have lived in New York, Winnipeg and BC ~ and by far, I LOVE MISSISSAUGA! Email me if you like.
Thanks guys! Much appreciated! Hubby will find out next week just how good the offer is so I guess we will see.

Yes! Much closer to Florida :):):)

I just might take you up on your offer depending on how next week goes ;)
One other quick note from a NJ guy who frequently visits Canada for work....

...I find the summers quite different between Toronto (or the Northeast US generally) and Calgary (or places like Montana).
The difference is the humidity (I hate to sound like a cliche)...but I find the weather in the Calgary to be virtually devoid of's never uncomfortably hot there....whereas Toronto is similiar to Detroit, Cleveland etc...where it is susceptible to becoming a "steam bath" in summer.

Hope this helps!
Remember in Toronto, we never get chinooks either and no Rockies to escape to!

Mississauga is a large community - about 650,000 people

Second on the humidity in the summer here

Good Luck!

:Pinkbounc :bounce:
There are other places just outside of Toronto as well that are still fairly small places. Georgetown and Milton come to mind.
Thanks everyone!

Yeah, humidity ::yes::

I was born and raised in Montreal, so I know what the humid summers are like. Rob would absolutely love it!

I guess I was just more concerned about the winters and how much snow they got. Also, I was wondering if it rained a lot? I checked the forecast out last week and it said rain for 4 days! While we had light snow and -23ºC!
Originally posted by Timon
Thanks everyone!

I guess I was just more concerned about the winters and how much snow they got. Also, I was wondering if it rained a lot? I checked the forecast out last week and it said rain for 4 days!

They don't call it the "Banana Belt" for nuthin'...LOL

I'm gonna get flamed, aren't I...?:scared1:


Good luck with the transfer...:D

A Raspberry!LOL

No Bananas growing here today!LOL

It's been snowing since about 3:00 a.m. and not letting up!

But it does look pretty!

We don't get the winters like we used to except that one winter where our Mayor felt her needed to call the Army in!:rolleyes:

Don't worry, it's nothing like Calgary gets! It's managable!

Now watch us get snowed in after saying this!LOL

Isn't it Calgary that keeps getting their first huge snowfall in September, or something? And then more in end of April! See it on the news every year & laugh my head off (SORRY! Some of my best friends do live in Calgary). That does not happen in Toronto (or even Mississauga). Far more temperate there. And much calmer winter than Montreal too!

Remember, Toronto got snow a couple years ago and the mayor called in the army! Sorry, Toronto folks, I couldn't resist. I think you'll find Mississauga region more temperate! Although it's no Florida!

Born & raised in Toronto, now living a little farther North where we know what winter is!

And you were worried about flaming, mbb!
Yes, that's us! We always get a huge snowfall around Oct/Nov and then again usually in January and February and then it all melts and we get green grass and then in March or sometimes April we get a snowfall that equals the entire winter amount of snow in a day or two!!!

Gawrsh, I sure do hate snow!!::yes::


:rolleyes: think I will pass on that one :o

I sure am getting a lot of razzing with my bathroom page :duck: People just don't understand me :scratchin
LOVE your website!! They really enjoyed the bathroom "tour"..

"Mommy, those are the potties with the really loud noises!!"...

I'm hoping they are referring to the flushing..;)

Anyway, they were toilet trained at WDW - it's a long story - so those bathrooms are sort of "holy shrines" to us!!;)(I was going to say "holy sites", but someone may get the wrong idea!!LOL)

This isn't making you feel any better about the razzing, is it?

But we really do enjoy your website!:D

lol, actually it does make me feel good, knowing that others appreciate it and find some fun in looking at them. It was quite the project, so it's nice to know that someone appreciates it :)
Timon, I like your site too and thanks for sharing - my DS#1 had a really funny laugh looking at your site with me - he ran off and came back with the MK map and started pointing at all the bathrooms......

Take Care and good luck with the decision




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