Trans* Friend


Keyblade Wielder
Jun 24, 2016
My Transgendered friend wants to join us on a trip to Disney and, She has not had ANY hormones, any electro, anything yet because money is tight but she dresses and presents as a woman.

Do you think she'd be ok? What is the bathroom policy currently at any of the parks? Is there anything also saying like "We'll throw you out if your not starting hormones yet?" She doesn't own any male clothes.

Ironically I do if she needs to borrow some.
If she isn't comfortable or presents well yet she can use the companion bathrooms. There may be a wait at times but it helps with a lot of bathroom anxiety. If she presents alright bathrooms are usually okay.
What is the bathroom policy currently at any of the parks?
AFIK, there is no bathroom policy at any of the parks. WDW is known for being accepting of all. Unfortunately, not all the guests are the same so while she won't have a problem with the CM's, she may have to deal with the public. But that's no different than being out in the real world, is it?
I have a trans friend who didn't start hormones until her 30s, and although she a beautiful woman who has a feminine hairstyle and clothing, she is also over six feet tall and does not and probably never will "pass" without FRS. She and her girlfriend (also trans, also a very tall woman who doesn't completely pass) went to WDW last Christmas. They both say emphatically that they felt very welcome and safe everywhere, including bathrooms. It was less stressful than their everyday lives in a major US city.

I hope your friend has the same experience, and I think she will.
If she isn't comfortable or presents well yet she can use the companion bathrooms. There may be a wait at times but it helps with a lot of bathroom anxiety. If she presents alright bathrooms are usually okay.

She looks like a more muscular woman. The problem is that she can't seem to get rid of every last bit of her stubble, which I can see physically bothers her. Some people will pick it up others wont. Then again I don't personally shave my arms or legs as often as girls are expected to so they may just think were both just radical feminists or something. No idea. I'll propose that to her and see what she thinks.
AFIK, there is no bathroom policy at any of the parks. WDW is known for being accepting of all. Unfortunately, not all the guests are the same so while she won't have a problem with the CM's, she may have to deal with the public. But that's no different than being out in the real world, is it?

Thats true. Then again I get looks all the time because of my hair and piercings and tats. I'm not much of a charm schooler but I've learned to enjoy the attention. Not all attention is bad too. There may be a closeted Trans*woman who is thinking "One day that'll be me!". Just as I suspect there are guys who secretly like the bad girl looking at me.

Verbal expressions is another thing. She's told me how sick she is of getting lectured by strangers as if she'd never heard it before. I wonder often if these people expect some sort of revelation "BY GOD!! WHAT WAS I THINKING!!" moment like on a tv show. (news flash never happens!). I'm worried about that some times. The one thing I can do is get really indignant about it and start my "how dare you she's my friend!" speech. In Disney though I do not wish for conflict, not one bit! Maybe I'll give them a disgusted grunt and move her along with me. I mean keep politics and social beliefs away from our magical experience please! We come here to get away from all that nonsense.
I have a trans friend who didn't start hormones until her 30s, and although she a beautiful woman who has a feminine hairstyle and clothing, she is also over six feet tall and does not and probably never will "pass" without FRS. She and her girlfriend (also trans, also a very tall woman who doesn't completely pass) went to WDW last Christmas. They both say emphatically that they felt very welcome and safe everywhere, including bathrooms. It was less stressful than their everyday lives in a major US city.

I hope your friend has the same experience, and I think she will.
That is great to hear! I think that people in Disney Parks for the most part don't want to start a commotion. (except brer fox and brer bear :P sorry silly joke) Last time In Cali I saw a few people who were complaining, mostly old grumpy guys, Their wives were joking about it so even then it musta not been that intense, and also I scared some little girl by accidentally trying to sit next to her on BTMRR because I thought the cast member said I should, because in Six Flags back home they make people sit together who are odd numbered out. I guess thought I was scary looking. Other than that I've really had no one comment on my appearance or nothing so I HOPE it's the same for her.
You'll be fine. Nobody can say how guests will act but 99.99% of CMs will be pleasant even it they have personal issues as that's apart of the job. I hope you and your friends have a wonderful trip!
You'll be fine. Nobody can say how guests will act but 99.99% of CMs will be pleasant even it they have personal issues as that's apart of the job. I hope you and your friends have a wonderful trip!
Well I read somewhere that a little girl asked Mickey if he'd still love her if she liked girls. After a while he nodded his head and hugged her. I thought that was a touching testimony to the warmth and happiness that is the Disney experience.

And that is what sets these parks above all the rest
FWIW, I was helped by a trans cast member who was in a front-line position. It appeared as though she was at the beginning of her journey. So Disney itself is clearly supportive of trans folks as employees anyways.
There should not be any issue at all from CMs or in the general park areas. The only thing is that there is often lines for the bathrooms. Someone mentioned companion bathrooms but I don't know anything about them.

What helped me the most during transition and being in a stressful place like a crowded bathroom was to have a friend with me all the time. This gave me somebody I trusted to focus on instead of scanning for looks or feeling awkward. It also made me feel like I was being "normal" because I was having a regular interaction with my friends. It made me feel like I was standing out less and even if I got clocked it's no big deal because I'm behaving and acting like everyone else.

So basically, just promise to stand by your friend and be supportive and it should be fine.
I wouldn't worry about it at all. Sounds like a total non issue. You could always accompany her to the restrooms if either of you are concerned. Women go to the bathroom in packs most of the time anyway. Personally, in the zillions of times I've gone to the bathroom at Disney, I've never looked at other people in the restroom.


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