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Feb 27, 2000
Cercis-More commonly called Redbud. For years I would see these lovely trees growing on old estates and wondered what they were. A little research and off to the nursery to purchased a Redbud. The price scared me away. As much as I love gardening I do not like to pay high prices.

While shopping one day with DH at one of those bargain stores, in the garden center there was a small redbud tree on the reduced area for $9.00. I grabbed it Only to hear DH "Why are we buying a dead tree" Don't worry it's not dead I checked it out.

I purchased the tree, took it home and for a year babied it. I now have a beautiful Redbud Tree.

This is a delightful tree, when it flowers in the spring it's tightly packed flowers directly on the branches makes it look like a bouquet of bright mauve-pink flowers. (Stems and branches of pink) The flowers appear before the tree produces leaves this makes for a very showey tree.

This tree also comes in white. It's a deciduous tree that likes sun and a protected area. Randing in heights of 10-30 feet it's an ideal tree.

Redbud Tree
Mamu, my mom has a Red Bud....or what we call a Judas Bud tree.... in her yard.

It is absolutely magnificent.....the red buds are so deep red that they are almost purple.

And their leaves are beautiful....wonderful for pressing....especially for preschoolers doing leaf projects!

I never knew this tree was expensive. Quite frankly, I don't think I've run across it too often in my garden centers....but I would have never known it by the name red bud!


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