Triceratops Encounter open?


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2001
I recall readin that Triceratops Encounter was going (or maybe is already) closed for rehab. Can anyone tell me if this is true and if so if it might be open by December 18?
IMHO it will not be open until christmas week thru new years and then i think it will shut down again. :smooth:
Hey C-clamp guy!!!! was it closed for refurb or lack of number of people going thru for the cost of continued operation, or both????

Trying to get you and Earl in a MIB Shoot-off against Barry and I. :smooth:
Mostly based on the latter. I'm not entirely sure when the attraction will reopen.

Truthfully, I yield to the master- a shootoff would only be embarrassing but I'd consider it an honor to learn from you! Now what would lessons cost me?
I haven't seen anything come across to re-open it. For now, it's a wait and see. If anything changes, we'll post it here.
IOATech, there is a thread that details the tragets shot at on the MIB ride from both the right and left track. I called it MIB handbook for right and left tracks. I already spilled all the beans on how i hit the 999,999. sha_lyn and her family are meeting me on 1/12 at MIB at 10:30, be great to meet you and shoot a few rounds with you if you have the chance. :smooth:
MIB9, I can't promise but will consider, and give it a shot. If it could be earlier my odds would increase dramatically. I have another commitment. Let me know. But understand I'm still trying to get Earl stationed in the booth to edit (not too proud to cheat). I am only now realizing the value of a C-clamp and am intrigued to say the least.

The Trike situation is being examined, sources indicate it may open in a matter of weeks. Don't tell anybody.
Ok IOAtech, i will be at Beverly Hills Boulangerie to have a cinnimon roll first thing and will be at MIB on 1/12/02 by 9:20. is that early enough or do i have to give you all of the advantages and forgo my magical power instilling cinnimon roll???:D :smooth:

Bring earl along since i am betting he is not a MIB tower tech, will be interesting to see if he can keep it close. Now study that hand book real well!!!:D
Testimony to MIB handbook

Wanted to extend my thanks to MIB9999 for the excellent tips. We had the opportunity to ride MIB several times on our trip last week. With the aide of the helpful hints I was able to get into the 700,000s a couple of times (there were a few duds in the mix as well, so no illusions of getting suckered into a shoot-off anytime soon master).

Even with the guide two sections in the ride were still frustrating:

the ambush area: just didn't get the hang of which guns I could fix on before getting spun?

the section before turning toward the big bug: I never could find anything to shoot post the other car's exhaust port and before you can fix on the bugs eyes?

Also, ran into a guy who would put his hand over his own exhaust port so you could not shoot it. What do you do when you run into these guys?
He put his hands over the exhaust port?!?!?! Oh about fighting dirty!!! If he did that, then he couldn't have been shooting too well, I wouldn't think...Unless, wait, I'm having a "lightbulb moment"....was he wearing a Spiderman shirt???:eek: :D :eek: :D

I'm thinking things could get ugly in the unload area if someone did THAT on a regular basis...people (I'm not sure WHO) take this VERY seriously (I'm told :rolleyes: ) !!!

well larworth that could have been me that covered the exhaust port. the other car was spining us like crazy so i covered it to be able to hit them and send them spinning. and yes that does work as a defensive measure if you are going head to head with a real good group in the other car. it only works well between the scan and the 90 degree turn to head down the street. there is nothing you can do until you make the turn and then the side of the exhaust port is easy to hit. one hand is not enough to cover the front and side of the scoring area.

ambush area guns. the guns being held by the aliens popping up out of the trash cans. lately in the right hand lane the timing is off and the alien rise out of the cans to late to get a shot at them.

dead area in the turn to the bug: you are correct there is nothing to shoot at but you still hold the trigger. and collect the 1,025 points for the 20 some odd shots fired even if you do not hit a thing.

MsDiz now you know about the saying that: "i taught you everything you know, but i did not teach you everything i know"


it is hard to score 999,999 with one hand covering the exhaust port and holding the gun with the other. It is purely to frustrate the other car, not a way to a high score.:smooth:

by the way great job hitting 700,000. it is not that easy to do. you done good
It's interesting to note...I was on MIB one morning last week, I was alone in MY car (um...MrDisney rode once, that was enough!:rolleyes: ) AND the other car was empty, after the scan car kept I don't mean once or twice because I know there are a couple of aliens that get ya, it spun no less than 4 times...
I was confused by it because I never had much of a chance to hit the other cars exhaust port!

Talk about frustrating...when you can't even beat an empty car, there's obviously no hope!!!:rolleyes: :eek:

i have noticed that there are some cars that spin continually on the left track in the run for the bug area. if you are in it you can forget a 999,999 game
Well good, then at least I have a valid excuse when I'm in THOSE cars! ;)

Um...not that I need an excuse or anything...:rolleyes:



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