Triple D's February Challenge - The Wait is Finally Over!!

I need some beginner running advice. I am currently about 50 pounds over my ideal weight. I am about 60 pounds lighter than I was seven years ago. The losses come during fits of diligent calorie counting. I am able to maintain the loss though and that feels great. Instead of going through life with a fourth grader on my back, I’m down to a kindergartener ; ) Over that time I’ve become more active walking for exercise and walking an insistent dog.

I am in week four of C25K. I started W4 last Monday and couldn’t finish the second five minute run (for the uninitiated 3 minutes, 90 seconds walk, 5 minutes, 2 ½ min walk). Both my lung and legs were burning. For days 2 and 3 I made sure to grab a few calories before I drove to work – half a poisoned peanut Clif Bar. I also slowed down. I had been doing the run portions at 5.5 mph. I slowed gradually to 5.0 and was able to finish. I am on the treadmill and listening to the podcast. There’s no opportunity to do a talk test, but I doubt I could form a complete sentence.

Yesterday, with snow on the ground, we picked up a 14 day trial at the Y – truly considering joining – and used the treadmill there (office gym is closed Sunday). The TM at the Y had the heart rate monitor handles. I grabbed them after my first 3 minute run and it said 185. YIKES! Given my age/sex, the max is supposed to be 181. I know that is a very rough estimate, but I backed off. Further attempts to use the handles either gave me no reading or something in the 160s and 170s.

I have ordered a Polar HRM and it should be here within a week. I understand my best results for weight loss, and training in general, should keep the number between 110 and 145 (45 yo female). Lower and I don’t burn calories, higher and I go anerobic, right?

The question is coming… should I stay in week 4 and shoot for cardiovascular improvement or slow WAY down and continue through the weeks? 5mph feels comically slow, at least on the TM it does. I am pain free.

My goal is a local 5K at the end of April (run/walk whatever it takes) and the WDW half next January (already registered).

What do the ducks think?
Hey y'all! I hope everyone is doing well. It has been CRAZY here to say the least. First my Dad was rushed to the hospital on Thursday morning with signs of a heart attack. They ran a heart cath on him and found 3 blockages that were 90%, so he went in for a triple bypass on Friday. Thankfully he is doing well so far. It has been really hard for him though, because he is VERY active for his age. He is 62 and works like he is 21.
And then last night we had a TON of snow! About 6 inches was crazy! Today is the first time in 9 years that I have known for my work to be closed do to the weather, so that should tell ya something!
Anyway, so I apologize for not having posted sooner and for our numbers for being so slack this week, but it comes with good reason.

Me-5.50 miles- 1 hr. 45 min. of running/walking and 30 min. of weights
Lugnut- 5.50 miles- 1 hr. 45 min. of running/walking and 30 min. of weights

I hope everyone has a great week!
Hey y'all! I hope everyone is doing well. It has been CRAZY here to say the least. First my Dad was rushed to the hospital on Thursday morning with signs of a heart attack. They ran a heart cath on him and found 3 blockages that were 90%, so he went in for a triple bypass on Friday. Thankfully he is doing well so far. It has been really hard for him though, because he is VERY active for his age. He is 62 and works like he is 21.
And then last night we had a TON of snow! About 6 inches was crazy! Today is the first time in 9 years that I have known for my work to be closed do to the weather, so that should tell ya something!
Anyway, so I apologize for not having posted sooner and for our numbers for being so slack this week, but it comes with good reason.

Me-5.50 miles- 1 hr. 45 min. of running/walking and 30 min. of weights
Lugnut- 5.50 miles- 1 hr. 45 min. of running/walking and 30 min. of weights

I hope everyone has a great week!

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: for your Dad. Hope all is well!

The question is coming… should I stay in week 4 and shoot for cardiovascular improvement or slow WAY down and continue through the weeks? 5mph feels comically slow, at least on the TM it does. I am pain free.

My goal is a local 5K at the end of April (run/walk whatever it takes) and the WDW half next January (already registered).

What do the ducks think?

I'm a walker, so probably not the best person to respond but my advice would be to stick at the 5mph until you are comfortable. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem never going faster than 5mph! That's just me, if you want to go faster then I'm sure you will get some advice here on how to increase your speed.
Glad to have you with our team!
I'm a walker, so probably not the best person to respond but my advice would be to stick at the 5mph until you are comfortable. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem never going faster than 5mph! That's just me, if you want to go faster then I'm sure you will get some advice here on how to increase your speed.
Glad to have you with our team!


Another option is to just find a run/walk ratio that works for you and stick with it. C25K is great (I used it myself when I got into running for the first time 2 years ago)- but assumes that your goal is to RUN an entire 5K race at the end of it. So it builds up your running length over the course of the program.

I found that when I went back to running last year that I was much more comfortable with constant run/walk breaks, even for a distance of 5K. I ended up using Bingham's Running for Mortals 5K run/walk plan, which builds up to a goal of completing a 5K with a run 5 minutes/walk 1 minute pace. This was a much more comfortable plan for me last spring, and I finished my first 5K last April and did a run/walk for it.

Then when I was building up to a half marathon in the fall (using a run/walk plan again), and I had increased my overall distance, I was able to run an entire 5K in August. I don't know if I would have been ready for that beforehand.

I hope this helps. I am a big fan of Bingham's books - Marathoning for Mortals gets talked up here a lot, but Running for Mortals is not mentioned quite as often. It is also a really useful book, with lots of good info about nutrition & strength training as well as running, and the training plans are VERY flexible.
Hey everyone! I'm back! And of course I go from 90 degree weather to 10 inches of snow and 10 degree weather. Ugh!!

For last week didn't really do much!

5 miles... 60 mins :(

UGAFan0829...glad to hear your father is doing well!

Ronda93... I'm not sure what advice to give but I have been hearing that all of those max heart rate counts could be way off depending on the person. I'll try to google but I had found a 'better' way to figure out what your personal max should be. Something about finding your resting heart rate (usually when you first wake up) and then go from that number. Also, the HRM on the TM could be a little off? Wait and see what the Polar one says! :)
:goodvibes :goodvibes Crazy weather here. Sunday it was 9 degrees in the AM, tomorrow it's supposed to hit 70. I will definitely be taking advantage of the warm up to do some outside workouts. :goodvibes
It was a bad week for minutes and mileage. We are leaving town and unless I figure out how to count yard cleanup at my MIL's, I'm done for the week of March 1-7.

240 minutes
18.1 miles

Go Ducks!

Happy Friday y'all!!!

Quick question...Are we supposed to keep posting our numbers for March here on this thread? Just wondering...I'm still a newbie to this, so just wanted to make sure!

Also, tomorrow is an exciting day for the DH and I...we are doing our very first race ever! Woohoo!:banana: We're doing a local 5K that my nephew's school is putting on to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! The cool thing is that I went to school there are as well, so it's neat to be able to participate! I'm very excited, but just hope that we finish. Right now I'm almost finished with week 4 of my training program (The Beginning Runners Handbook), but I think I should still be able to manage!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!:thumbsup2
Happy Friday y'all!!!

Quick question...Are we supposed to keep posting our numbers for March here on this thread? Just wondering...I'm still a newbie to this, so just wanted to make sure!

Also, tomorrow is an exciting day for the DH and I...we are doing our very first race ever! Woohoo!:banana: We're doing a local 5K that my nephew's school is putting on to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! The cool thing is that I went to school there are as well, so it's neat to be able to participate! I'm very excited, but just hope that we finish. Right now I'm almost finished with week 4 of my training program (The Beginning Runners Handbook), but I think I should still be able to manage!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!:thumbsup2

Good luck tomorrow you will do well and also that's a very cool reason and place to run!
Have a great day!
Happy Friday y'all!!!

Quick question...Are we supposed to keep posting our numbers for March here on this thread? Just wondering...I'm still a newbie to this, so just wanted to make sure!

Also, tomorrow is an exciting day for the DH and I...we are doing our very first race ever! Woohoo!:banana: We're doing a local 5K that my nephew's school is putting on to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! The cool thing is that I went to school there are as well, so it's neat to be able to participate! I'm very excited, but just hope that we finish. Right now I'm almost finished with week 4 of my training program (The Beginning Runners Handbook), but I think I should still be able to manage!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!:thumbsup2

Good luck! There's a March thread already started so put your numbers and other stuff in there :)


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