two questions


Feb 18, 2000
Hi .....

I will be arriving at Disney Solo on Oct 24 and Leaving on Nov 1st. During my stay I am planning to see the wine and food festival, and also the halloween party.

Never having done these two in the past, does anyone have any input for someone that will be traveling solo.

Is halloween worth going to solo, and how soon should I purchace tickets.

Where should I go to enjoy the wine and food festival?

Check out Deb Will's site, she has info on Food & Wine. Just to let you know, I will be there SOLO from Nov. 8-11! My 5th SOLO trip!;)
I've never done either event solo. This will be my first year. I have tickets for MNSSHP on Oct. 17th - I intend to have my picture taken - I won't be in costume but will wear a themed shirt - and enjoy the rides and parade. Having taken one previous trip solo - I'm really looking forward to this upcoming one. I've never had a problem being solo at special events as there is always more than enough folks to meet and talk to - if you want.

It's been several years since I attended the Food & Wine Festival (at that time with my sister). So I intend on sampling many, many dishes - my goal, hit every booth during my stay.

I would appreciate any opinions on these two events and being solo also. Enjoy your stay.


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