water pressure


Earning My Ears
Jul 27, 2003
Just wondering... How is the water pressure on the ship. We will be on the Wonder. Does it vary during certain times of day secondary to people preparing for dinner, etc.
Also is the hot water hot, or not.



I've never had problems with water pressure or temperature on either ship, and showering at various times during the day.
Thanks! I was just wondering the same thing as I blasted my shower full force while shampooing my hair! A drizzle, or a mist, just does not do it for me! :eek:

So, can I add a question to that? I am used to nice soft water... Usually when traveling I find the water so hard it is like trying to shampoo with elmers-glue!!! Is the water on the ship very hard?
The water on the ship is just this side of incredible. I actually recommend bringing your own refillable bottle and load up on ice from the ice bucket in your cabin (it will be kept full by your attendant) and water straight from the tap to drink. Yes, it IS that pure. The only thing about the shower is at 6 feet tall, I find it a little short :)
Fresh water on the ship is made (1,200 tons or about 300,000 gallons per day) from seawater. I guess it's reverse osmosis process. In port they probably tank-up too.
And it is SOFT water; much softer than what I wash my hair in at home. I definitely notice a difference.
If you do happen to notice low water pressure, be sure to report it as it is not normal. We had that happen once, and others in the same area mentioned the same problem. A quick call to Maintenance resolved the problem and the pressure was soon back up to its usual level.
Also, there is almost always enough hot water, but we've run out a couple of times (usually during a "busy shower time" like when everyone is getting back on the ship after Castaway Cay).
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The water pressure was normal. I never had a problem with it. The hair dryers were a little hard to get use to, though.
Barb, LOL...Me, too! I gave up and went for the "wet" look!!

I have alot of hair. Drying it takes alot of time with a good dryer. Whats wrong with the ones on the ship? Should I bring mine from home? My DH is already joking about bring a dingy for all our stuff. LOL
Tandyc, the hair dryers on the ship are pretty awful, I have to say. They are attached in the bathroom and have this long rectangular piece that blows air (sort of) :rolleyes: rather than the regular nozzle of a standard blow dryer. I always bring my own travel blow dryer now, you can plug it in at the desk or at the outlet behind the TV by the desk (not the bathroom).
I am bringing my own dryer! It is bad enough that I won't be bringing a coffeemaker and our Gevalia Coffee... But, a good hair dryer I just cannot live without!

I wanted to mention a really GREAT travel dryer... It is the Revlon travel dryer, chrome with soft-touch black, folding handle. My full sized dryer went out on me, so I pulled that one out, and it puts out more air than most all full sized ones! We have had this for quite a while now, but it does not look like they have changed them at all.

I am returning the full sized one that I just bought. It just doesn't work that great. So, does anybody have a really great hair dryer they can recommend for me? ( Okay, a LITTLE off topic! )
Ohhhh, Tandyc, just wanted to mention... Barb (inkognito) that just posted above, she has photos of the so-called hair dryers on the ship, on her really great site... Check it out!
That's right! I forgot that I have photos, but they are there on www.castawayclub.com
I think a similar discussion came up a long time ago, so next time we were on the ship, I had hubby snap some photos because a pic is worth a thousand words.
I definitely sport the "wet look" a lot on our cruises because I obsessively washmy hair after swimming, hot tubbing, being on the beach, exercise, etc...just about everything you do on a cruise. The salt and pool chemicals take a toll, so I like to condition it frequently, but I swear it never gets totally dry between my constant obsessive-compulsive washings!
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
Holy cow, you guys are great! All this info is invaluable. And pix too. Soo impressive. I would be in a real jam w/o a desent hair dryer. Thank you so much for all the info.

I use a Revlon New Feel 1875 at home. It is small, yet powerful. Love it! Less than $20 at Target.

Thanks again!

As was stated before the water on the ship is terrific. They can make up to 500,000 gallons per day from sea water (reverse osmosis is correct - GenieDana). The taste is great and the water pressure is fine. In fact the pressure is so good that when flushing the toilet, the force (a combination of good water pressure and some sort of vacuum suction) is enough to handle any size deposit. The force is so strong that it is recommended that you close the lid tightly and hang on to loose clothing, dentures, valuables, small children etc. lest you loose something down the plumbing.


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