WDW with Chemo Pump


I am a delicate flower and need my sleep.
Jan 4, 2000
I was recently diagnosed with cancer and have started to plan a trip for after Thanksgiving. That was before my oncologist said I would need an additional 6 months of chemo (every 2 weeks) after my pre surgery chemo and radiation and surgery to remove the cancer. My surgeon hadn't mentioned post surgery chemo. Anyway, with the timing involved, I may at the end of my chemo for my Congratulations its Over Christmas Trip. Has anyone gone to Disney with a pump? I won't be making my reservations until the Annual Pass codes come out for Nov/Dec, so I will be in the middle of the post surgery chemo and I will know how I am reacting to the chemo by then.

I have already had to cancel my previously planned trip in May. :sad1: To have to cancel another trip would really depress me.

We had to cancel our Dec 02 trip when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 32, 6 weeks before we were scheduled to leave, so I know how you feel. What type of chemo will you need? If it is going to compromise your immune system, you really shouldn't go. You will be at too great a risk of infection, not to mention the fatigue. When we finally made it to Disneyland, 14 months after our original trip it was amazing. We went all out and made it an incredible trip.
When I was getting chemo, also every two weeks, I remember having trouble walking across the sidewalk one day and thinking, man, if someone were to give me a trip to WDW right now, I wouldn't be able to do it. :( We did, however, have a nice trip several months after I finished. I would suggest seeing how it goes and planning once you see how you feel whether it be for Thanksgiving or later. FWIW, I have seen women walking around WDW with bald heads and have given them a lot of credit so it can be done. Everyone is different. As far as the pump goes, you might ask your question on the Disabilities Board. Best of luck with your treatment, and to you samkj. :grouphug:
I don't have any advice, just sending lots of pixie dust.
According to what I read, you should be finished with chemo by the time of your trip? If so, go for it--I love the idea of a Congratulations It's Over Christmas Trip. On my last round of chemo I bought a picture as a present to myself -- it still makes me smile! On to new things...

I also had my inlaws visit a couple weeks post tx and we took a trip to Hilton Head--I felt fabulous. You should know pretty soon how long it takes your body to recover from your chemo treatments and plan accordingly. But I would go. Get a GAC if you need. In the meantime bring your UG with you to doctor's visits and tell them all your fabulous plans and dream away.

Best wishes---

me, a stage 4 cancer survivor--15 years!
Thanks for the replies and Pixie dust. I may have an advantage with the chemo because my oncologist said his wife is a Disney nut. I still have to get the precise timing down. I just have get started on the chemo and radiation. Why is everything hurry up and wait? At least I got good news today when I was told the cancer hadn't spread.

Thats WONDERFUL news Kim!! BTW, the first month during the diagnosis, etc,.... is the worst. Chemo was a breeze compared to the emotions of the first few weeks.


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