What 2 do with Pressed Pennies


Sep 7, 2008
Just curious if anyone has an ideas of things you could make to display Pressed pennies after they are made? I know you can buy books at disney, but I am trying to think of something I can make instead :)
Have you seen what some have made for their pins? Get a canvas from Michaels, and decoupage disney paper, maybe a mickey silhouette onto it. Then maybe you could use glue dots to adhere the pennies onto the board? Maybe use a less busy design for the board, so the pennies stand out more.

Here are the ones I made for my boys!

What a great idea nyyankeegirl!! I hadn't seen this way of displaying pins, but I really like it - especially the 2nd one. I think the 1st one is a bit too busy to really show off the pins.

mickimousemama - Thanks so much for asking this question! I've often thought that it was such a shame all of DD's pennies were locked away in that penny album. I'm going to suggest this to her.
We use the stick on magnets from the craft store. Then we put them on the fridge.
My daughter scrapbooks. She used their pennies in the book she did of their Disney vacation. Looked really nice.
We use the stick on magnets from the craft store. Then we put them on the fridge.

Oh, what a great idea! I used to buy that magnetic tape when I was a girl, and I used to make my own magnets. It's not fun to have the pressed pennies stored away in the album - I should turn them into magnets!
Oh, what a great idea! I used to buy that magnetic tape when I was a girl, and I used to make my own magnets. It's not fun to have the pressed pennies stored away in the album - I should turn them into magnets!

I can't take credit for the idea though. I learned about it on the DIS.


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