What did you do, or buy, for the garden this weekend?


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
It was a gorgeous weekend here, and lots of work was accomplished. Garden beds finally cleaned out, the cedars unwrapped, plants pruned, and many other things. :)

We also went to the garden centre (no, not the one we have the GC for), and bought a couple of plants.

I hope to get them in today! :)

One Lenten Rose ~ Royal Heritage ~

One, and I'm sure we'll have to get another one or two, E. B. Anderson Lungwort.

Three Lithodora ~Grace Ward~

What did you do in the garden this weekend? :)
DH cut and bagged the yard and put in two roses. I got the other roses trimmed and weeding caught up. Waiting for J&P Disneyland rose to arrive! You can smell the lilacs when you go out the back door - they're ready to burst.
Beautiful weekend here also! At the end of our cul-de-sac in the woods, everyone usually dumps their grass clippings, leaves, etc. Well yesterday I made a real find! Someone must have dumped some bulbs in the woods. I found some grape hyacinth blooming way back in the woods.
They now have a new home in my flower bed:D
It was gorgeous here also.:D Looking forward to many more weekends like this past one.

We finished our mulch project. Started laying down the sod in the bare spot where the playset use to be. The garden center ran out so we have to make a trip back.

Planted some spirias along a part of the deck. I struggled last summer/fall as to what to do with this area. Have decided to combine small bushes with perinneals. Hope I get the look I'm gong for. So, the bushes are in. Also bought some perinneal salvia -- hope that's what we see along the highways in mass plantings with the purple blooms. Garden center was not sure what we were trying to find. If not, just means another trip back there.;)

The front and back yards both look nice. It's nice to sit back and admire.:sunny: Of course, those days don't happen often!
not much this weekend...bad weather day on Saturday and on Sunday we were busy with prom preparations.
I had very limited time this weekend but did get some things done. Uncovered and watered the rose - have to feed it tonight because I just got that yesterday and ran out of time last night.

Planted some wildflower seeds along an area of the deck that has been bare and we got some that would attrach butterflies - now just have to wait about 3 weeks to see if they will come up. Also planted some bulbs along the south west side of the house that I've been putting annuals in the past few years. Ready to stop doing that - put in some freesia, lily of the valley, some kind of lily and something else that I can't remember the name.

Waiting for two more companies to come and check for underground wires or cable so we can start my project for the west side of the house - retaining/gardening wall. They should have that done by tomorrow morning, hopefully by the time I get home tonight and once that is done then dad can bring the tiller and we can dig and till on Sunday - providing no rain on Saturday and it dries enough from Friday to Sunday (hoping, hoping, hoping).

I was at WalMart yesterday and found some plants that I fell in love with for the west side project. Can't remember alot of the names but did get some plant that has spiky purple flowers, and something silvery leaved plant that has lavendar colored flowers, also some coreopsis and pinkie aster, another ground cover and another plant that will be about 24" high and a lavendar plant. I have some bulbs I want to purchase to put in there also but I think I ended up with like 15 plants to put in there. Probably going to have to get a few more but I had to stop!!! I was going wild. This space is going to be approximately 4' X 20'. Have a thorny bush I want to take out and get another bush to put in there. Then we will decide if we are going to do another spot that is 4' X 7'-10' (depending on how far over we can go) but have to wait and see what the markings are. That spot might wait until fall and I might purchase some things online to put in there in the fall. Can't decide yet on that one.

Just got back from lunch and they came and marked some more....now I think we have to wait for one more company to come and mark and we'll be set....this is getting so exciting!!!!
I bought Peruvian Daffodils. Somebody stop me! LOL!
Wow, everyone's been so busy, thanks to the great weather. :) Well except for you, Amid, sorry about that, maybe next weekend! :)

We haven't cut our lawn yet, Bildmouse, but soon! Your lilacs sound to be a couple of weeks ahead of ours. Enjoy that wonderful fragrance!! :)

Very cool find (and save), Ranatra! :)

The spirea should look great, cgcw. I have some perennial salvia ~May Night~ and ~Blue Queen~, and they've been very reliable. I hope what you found was really what you wanted. :)

Chris, you really sound like you have some BIG projects underway! Is there any chance you can share some pics as the work progresses? :)

Stop you, Olean...never...lol...you're having too much fun!! :)

We love pics, Buds, anytime, bring 'em on!! :)
My weekend starts today.. So I will have to report back later...:)
We'll be waiting, Nat....full report expected!! ;) :)

Is it possible for a plant to grow and look happy in just one day?? I swear that the Lenten Rose I planted yesterday has grown already! Of course, using a magnifying glass to chart it's progress might be considered a bit much......:p ;)

Oh, and I think I already want to relocate the lungwort.......:o :rolleyes: :cool:
I will sure try Snowwark....I talked to my dad before I went to lunch and he set to bring his tiller up, help me get a bush out of the way, till the part we want done and help me dig to put the bricks in. Now I have to get my behind to Menard's either tonight or tomorrow night and get the things I need ordered so they can deliver them by tomorrow night or Friday night.

This morning I sat down and mapped out what I am going to put where and what I have yet that I need to get. This is starting to get more and more exciting!
I started putting in the piping, in the basement that will feed the irrigation system. That won't be going in untill the fall but I am adding hose bibbs all over the house, even one by the shed for the pool.
We also started excavating for a brick walk.
Can't have just one major project going on :)
As you know I am almost done with my walk way to my garden... Well tue I went and looked at cobble stones to edge it with... WOW are they $$$. And after looking at a few in place I decided to go with rounded stone like the walk up to the house. Well today I will be putting them in to place and I hope to finish off one of the gardens that needs to be cleaned out...
We're still waiting for all the frost to come out and the night to stay above freezing but I'm buying and storing plants in my garage. Last week was Johnson's Blue geranium and this weeks it's blanket flower!
Oh...I love Johnson's Blue geranium, justjulie. :) Unfortunately the two I had haven't shown themselves yet this spring....I think they are gonners.....:(

Wow...this place is going to be quite the photo gallery of yard projects. We have Nat, Alex, and Chris, all chomping at the bit (I'm sure...lol..:)) to post their pics. :)
Yesterday I bought 3 "Frances" hostas, 2 pincushion flowers, 2 baby's breath, 2 lobelia, and 2 cranesbill - I also bought some petunias vinca vines geraniums and zinnia's and today I planted them - some in my little garden behind my mailbox some in my basket in front of my house some in the driveway garden and some in the garden under our crabapple tree. I also pulled alot of weeds and stray grass in the gardens - I am tired now:D

on Sunday I plan to go out and purchase more annuals to do up my baskets and hanger on the back deck and I also need to plant my clematis that I got last week but have not decided were to put it - decisions decisions.

I LOVE this time of year!:p
Yeah Kim - chomping at the bit...more like the bit of the shovel to get out there and get started!!!! ROFL We had quite a bit of rain this week and I just hope the ground dries enough that we can go forth with it on Sunday......


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