What is goya adobo?


DIS Veteran
Apr 28, 2001
Can anyone tell me what this is or where I can get it?

I have a recipe that calls for it. I think it is a dry seasoning that you sprinkle on (in my case, pork chops).

If I knew what kind of spice it is, I might be able to substitute if I can't find it. I looked today at Krogers and didn't have any luck.

I'm assuming you might find it in the Ethnic section of your supermarket. (I buy my spices at a specialty store, so I don't know for sure.)

"Goya Adobo All Purpose Seasoning with pepper

Goya Adobo - The perfect blend of garlic, oregano, and seasonings - is all you need to make beef, chicken and fish taste great. Just shake it on before cooking. A simple shake is all it takes!

Ingredients: Salt, Granulated Garlic, Tricalcium Phosphate (prevents caking), Oregano, Black Pepper, Tumeric."
I just went to the Goya web site - http://www.goya.com/english . I'll have to spend more time looking around it. I've been introduced to Hispanic foods over the last few years. This site looks good :). I have used Goya products & have been pleased.
Just a warning!!!!!!
As I KNOW of what I speak :cool1:

When using Adobo for the first couple of times, use it sparingly. Then increase to taste!
I gave a recipe to a friend of mine, and she "COATED" the chicken. It was too salty to eat!

Goya products are usually carried in the same aisles you'll find chinese and taco stuff. If your grocer doesn't carry it... My BJ's does. It's a huge size, but I don't cook any kind of meat, chicken or burger without it!
If you need anymore "recipes" let me know. Or if you need to have some shipped off to you!
I cook Cuban & Puerto Rican food!
Good morning!

My SIL is from the Philipines, and several years ago she gave me this recipe for Adobo Chicken:

9 or 10 chicken wings
3 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 Tablespoon vinegar
Dash of pepper
Dash of Paprika
3 cloves of garlic (diced)
Dash of oregano
1 or 2 bay leaves
Dash of peppercorn

Cook all of above in deep skillet for 1 hour, turning occasionally.

Sorry for the vagueness of this recipe, but my DH wrote it down for me, and I guess this is the way it translates.

Hope this helps!
I finally found adobo seasoning just last week at my local Publix store. I had been looking for it for months and just never looked in the right area. At my store, it was just to the right of all of the taco mix boxes, salsas, etc. It wasn't with the taco seasoning (which was below the boxed meals), but over to the side. The container itself is clear plastic (seasoning inside is a tannish color) with a red lid. The label is yellow, with GOYA written in big white letters in a blue box. Adobo is written in red across the label. Hope you can find it!
Around here, Shopper's (formerly Metro) has the best latin section. While I've never used Adobo spice, I do often use canned chipoltes in Adobo sauce. I agree with the PP. Use sparingly at first, then adjust to taste. Espec. if little ones will be eating it, sometimes their tastebuds are not too adventurous. Enjoy!!
Thanks for all the help.

I did look in the ethnic section at Krogers and couldn't find it but now that I know what the container looks like, I'll try again.

Kathy, we don't have a BJ but we do have a Sams. They have a big selection of spices so I don't know why I didn't think of them.

Looks like I'm going shopping this afternoon.

In our BJ's the latin products are placed seperately from the "spice" aisle.
It's in the isle with all the rice products.

Good luck!
We have it in our Krogers. There are differnt ones and Just changed the labels. i forget what they look like. I like the orange one best. Try Meijers super walmart or Marsh.
We sell both the Goya Adobo Seasoning with Pepper and without Pepper where I work as well as several other Goya products. (It's a gourmet kitchen store with a large grocery section that contains gourmet foods, ethnic foods and made in Oklahoma foods) If you can't find it, give us a call, we'll be happy to take your order over the phone and ship it to you.

(405) 360-0765

Candi, I may take you up on that.

I called the Goya distributors closest to us and they could tell me who all they sold it to. The city closest was in Indianapolis (about 75 miles away). It was an oriental store that carried a big variety of Goya. Only problem, it's completely on the other side of town from where we usually go.

Marsh in Indianapolis just started selling Goya but they don't sell Adobe.

Kroger doesn't sell it around here. I never realized it would be so hard to find.

Jasminesmommy, I just noticed that you live in Castleton. My daughter lives in Carmel and I thought maybe I could get it when I visit her.

They told me Krogers didn't sell it, but maybe they get it from a different distribution center so the one I called would not have a record of it.

I want to cook some hamburg in a frying pan to add to Hunt's sauce out of the can.

So far I know an onion will help, but what else would you put in while cooking to spice it up and make it really flavorful in the sauce?

I'm clueless with hamburg.

Thanks for you're help :)
I'm not sure what you're doing with the meat in the end. Do you mean Hunt's tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce or?? I usually use minced garlic with my ground beef. (I buy it in a jar already minced.) If you don't have that, you could just sprinkle some garlic powder/salt over it.

What I add depends on what I'm making. From the point above, I add different things for Mexican vs Italian.
Oh no! I mean't to start a new thread, not reply to this one, I can't believe I did this :rolleyes:

Piratesmate - yes, I'm talking about Hunt's canned spaghetti sauce that I want to add some ground beef to. I wasn't sure about garlic, I will try that too. I have some minced garlic in the jar too for when I make garlic butter for pasta.

Thanks :wave2:
I like my meat cooked in the sauce for a good long while. The meat picks up the flavor of the sauce that way & doesn't just taste like "hanburger in the sauce" - kwim? Anyway, I usually "doctor" spaghetti sauce by adding more of my own spices. Beyond the hamburger, I often add more garlic powder (I think it has a different flavor than the minced & we like both) and oregano. Sometimes I'll also add a bit of basil & marjoram if I have them. I've also been known to add beef bouillon (powdered) to the sauce - especially if I'm using "turkey burger".

In our house, spaghetti sauce is a lot like meatloaf in that it's never the same twice. ;)

Oh! I almost forgot the most important thing I add! A tablespoon of Kitchen Bouquet (Gravy Master is another brand)....don't ask me why, though. :blush: Years ago a friend told me it was her Italian grandmother's "secret" ingredient. It darkens the sauce nicely & changes the flavor, but I can't identify how.


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