When are the Christmas Decorations Taken Down?


DIS Veteran
May 13, 2001
I'm thinking of planning a visit the first week of January instead of the second week of December. But I love the Xmas decorations at the parks and resorts. Are they all removed right after the new year? Are there anything special in terms of decorations during the first week of a new year?
Also, are the crowds during the first week of January comparable to the low crowds during the second week of December? I know it is very crowded from Xmas to New Year -- do folks tend to go home right after the new year?
Since the Osborne lights are up until Jan. 8th this Christmas season, I guess that Disney is trying to lure more people in the first week of January. It's been many years, but when we went at the very first week in January, say around Jan. 4th, there were no holiday decorations around.

Best wishes, I'm sure someone will have more current information about the beginning of January at the resorts.

Bobbi :flower:
I've gone several times the first week in January. This past year, the Epcot tree was taken down after the 3rd, BWV down on the 4th, Boardwalk light poles still decorated when we left on the 5th. What amazes me the most is that when they take things down, it's so quick and complete. When we walked through Epcot on the 3rd, the tree was up. But on the morning of the 4th, not only was the tree gone, but the whole area had been replanted with flowers, no sign of anything else having been there. Christmas music is still playing at least until the fifth.
I went Jan. 2 in 2002. It seems like a lot of people stayed through the weekend as it was VERY crowded the first few days.

I think the Osbourne lights were taken down on the 4th that year. I too was surprised at how quickly everything came down.
We were at BCV Jan 3rd through 12th this year - Just missed the osborne lights, their last night was the day we arrived. Many other Christmas decorations were still up throughout our stay - I think they were still up at the resort when we left.

It was a bit crowded the first few days, because the 1st was on a weekend, we guessed. Then the crowds thinned out for a few days - then got crowded again for the Marathon. That being said, however, it was still a great time to be there - and nothing like the crowds at other times of the year!

The marathon is the first weekend in January (but not the 1st). For the past two years, the Christmas decorations were down in the parks before marathon weekend. They removed most of the resort that weekend or around that time. The Lights of Winter (at Epcot) were on for the Family Fun Run and the Marathon, but not the rest of the time. They were removed after the marathon.

They took the decorations down from WL and VWL on the Sunday night of the marathon during the night. When we returned from DTD that evening, there was a big truck parked at the entrance to the resort. It was gone the next morning and so were the decorations.

The 1/2 marathon is on the 7th. The marathon is on the 8th.


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