Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 11 - Pt 1)


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Jul 13, 2005

Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-excitable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 11 – Fri 17th Sep (Part 1 – the balloon trip)

I really struggled to write the first part of today’s report because, no matter how I worded it, I sounded like a whinging old woman. So, I have decided, first, to give you some background information on the balloon trip.

DH and I had decided, before coming to Orlando, that we wanted to do something really special to celebrate our honeymoon. As a wedding gift, some family members had given us money towards our trip. Some of the money went on our Discovery Cove tickets and we decided to put the rest towards another special trip once we had seen what was on offer. At our Virgin Welcome Meeting, the thing that really appealed to DH was the hot air balloon trip (at this point, I have to say that it didn’t really appeal to me as I’m slightly afraid of heights, unless travelling at speed). However, the Rep made a point of telling us that the balloon company were the only one licensed to fly directly over Disney and painted a glorious mental picture of floating along peacefully in a balloon, dipping down and flying over Cinderella’s castle, with the sun rising in the distance. After some consideration, we decided it sounded really romantic and it was booked.

Fast forward to this morning and the harsh reality! A guy from the company picked us up at out hotel at 5 am. After stopping to pick up several other people from various hotels along the way, we arrived at the Days Inn, Kissimmee, for a safety briefing. There were about 20 to 30 people there. After the briefing, we were handed a piece of paper to sign, which said that we wouldn’t sue the company if anything went wrong during the ‘flight’. At this point, I became a bit concerned and said I didn’t want to sign it – I mean, I know that people will sue over anything in this day and age but I still didn’t feel comfortable about it. One of the team leaders told me if I didn’t sign, I wouldn’t be able to ‘fly’ (and no refunds either!) A man sitting next to me pointed out that any solicitor worth his salt would be able to overturn the ‘contract’ anyway (if the company were found to have been negligent) so, on that basis and not wanting to ruin it for DH, I signed. We were taken to a nearby field, from where we would be launching. By this time it was about 6.30. We unloaded the baskets from the back of the trailers and helped to unfold and inflate the balloons. At this point, we were told that we needed to get in as soon as we were given the signal. We were told which part of the basket we should stand in (DH, myself and another lady were to stand on the right side – we’re talking a very small area here!) We all chatted in our little groups until we were told to get in, then we all scrambled/squeezed in. We took off in the half-light. It was very smooth and it took me a little while to realise we weren’t actually on the ground anymore. The heat from the gas burner was immense (think Revenge of the Mummy’s ceiling of fire – but constant). We flew a bit higher and over some trees, then some houses and marvelled at the size of them. We were still flying quite low but the ‘pilot’ said it was quite foggy so we wouldn’t be able to see anything if we went higher. At this point I asked when we would fly over Disney, to be told (with a slight sneer) ‘We’re not flying over Disney – that’s in the other direction’. I felt like crying – I know it sounds stupid but I was really disappointed. It was so foggy by now that, although the sun was up, we couldn’t see the other balloons around us. We could only see what was below us (trees and houses) because we were so low down and, to top it off, we wouldn’t get an aerial view of Disney. DH squeezed my hand – I think he had picked up on how I was feeling. Deciding to make the most of it, I got the camera out to take a few pictures, snapped a few houses and another balloon we could just make out ahead. Then the ‘pilot’ announced that we would be landing in a couple of minutes. He warned us it could be quite bumpy and advises us to face the direction we have just come from and lean forward, then get out as quickly as possible after we touch the ground. Because of how we are positioned, when we prepare for ‘touch down’, I am at the back, with DH in front of me and the lady in front of him. As the basket hits the ground, people start leaping out except us. Neither DH or I can get out until the other lady does and she can’t get out! The basket tips over and we’re all piled on top of each other (a DH sandwich). We are still moving, the basket dragging and bumping along the ground at a fair old speed. (Looking back, it sounds quite funny but at the time I wasn’t laughing). Eventually, we all manage to climb out. I have two large bruises already forming on my back and several grazes on my shoulders and arms. Everyone is standing around, saying how wonderful it was and I fell like I’ve missed something because, to me, it was the worst experience of my life (with the exception of childbirth) and definitely a waste of $330. Oh well, you live and learn – at least we can say we’ve been in a hot air balloon – and we still have the champagne breakfast to look forward to. First, though, we have to pack away the balloons. It seems to take forever before the balloons are neatly folded and the baskets loaded back onto the trailers. Finally, everyone gathers round and we are all given plastic champagne flutes. Each of the 3 pilots opens a bottle of plonk (definitely NOT champagne) and generously pours almost half a glassful into each glass (except, when they get to the final few – me and DH included – they have run out). I am starting to wonder what we actually paid for. We climb back into the vans and return to the Days Inn for breakfast, which was really very nice (the usual buffet style, as much as you can eat). Meanwhile, the pilots try and sell us pictures of the various balloons and tee shirts. Sitting at a table with another couple, we discover they are staying at the same hotel as us. As they drove down, they very kindly offer us a lift back, which we gratefully accept. We all stand up to leave when one of the pilots approaches us and asks DH for $20. ‘What for?’ DH replies. ‘Your transport from and back to your hotel’. DH tells him we are getting a lift back so won’t need the return journey, thrusts $10 into his outstretched hand and we leave.

I must finish by saying that, had the weather been right, had we not got our hopes up about flying over Disney and had several other minor bits and pieces been handled differently, we may well have enjoyed it. But, for us, it was a complete and utter waste of money and neither of us enjoyed it at all.

Anyway, onwards and upwards – we still have almost 5 days left to enjoy ourselves.
Terrible day. I hate it when things don't go as planned but at least you have warned others what to expect which is a good thing. :)
Was it Orange Blossoms Balloons you went with? Sounds as though you had the same experience as us :guilty:
Minniespal, it WAS Orange Blossom. What happened on your trip - the same sort of thing? Do you think this is a regular occurence?
W-B ~ From your description I thought it was OBB. Almost the same thing happened to us. I wondered at the time if it was just an off day for them because I had read lots of positive things here on the dis. I'm not so sure now.
Since 1998 we have spent over 16 weeks holidaying in WDW and during that time we have NEVER seen a hot air balloon over Disney (double checked that with DH to be sure )

Great trip report btw. Really enjoying it :teeth:
What a letdown! We paid for a friend to take a balloon flight as her 40th birthday present a few years ago (her choice - her DH chose aftershave for himself!) and when landing they crashed through a fence, scared a horse, tipped over and one lady (not our friend) broke her leg.

Lucky I didn't tell you that before you booked :earseek:
MazdaUK said:
What a letdown! We paid for a friend to take a balloon flight as her 40th birthday present a few years ago (her choice - her DH chose aftershave for himself!) and when landing they crashed through a fence, scared a horse, tipped over and one lady (not our friend) broke her leg.

Lucky I didn't tell you that before you booked :earseek:

Actually, I wish you had :rotfl:
Sorry to hear about your disappointing Balloon ride Wilma-Bride. You are braver than me.
Hi Wilma-Bride & Minniespal,

Can't believe it,but we had exactly the same experience this August.As I was reading your report W-B, i kept wondering if it was OBB.

While we were in the air, we saw quite a lot of balloons in the distance. The pilot made comments about that company not knowing what they were doing and always being in the wrong place.

We didn't even get champagne where we landed because the field was too muddy! Had to drive somewhere. Anyway, you live & you learn.
Hi Wilma-Bride & Minniespal,

Can't believe it,but we had exactly the same experience this August.As I was reading your report W-B, i kept wondering if it was OBB.

While we were in the air, we saw quite a lot of balloons in the distance. The pilot made comments about that company not knowing what they were doing and always being in the wrong place.

We didn't even get champagne where we landed because the field was too muddy! Had to drive somewhere. Anyway, you live & you learn.

He said more or less the same thing when we went up with them - I couldn't believe how unprofessional he was being, blatantly slagging off a rival company (especially as I've since heard really good reports about them). Needless to say, this is one thing we will NEVER be doing again.
I'm sorry to hear how disappointed you both were with your balloon ride :( As you say, you live and learn but at the time you must have felt terrible. I hope your day got a lot better. Thanks for sharing your reports, I'm really enjoying reading them :)
Thanks for your comments Anz. Yes, our day did get better - and we certainly didn't let it ruin our trip :sunny:

As an aside, I noticed yesterday we share a birthday (exact same DOB too) :Pinkbounc
Wow, it certainly is a small world after all - what a great day to be born on ;)


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