Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 7)


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Jul 13, 2005
Fred and Wilma’s Honeymoon – 7-21 Sep 04


Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 7 – Mon 13th Sep

For once this morning, DH was up before me. I thought maybe he was excited about going to Universal but, no, he has heartburn – hardly surprising, really, after the amount we ate last night! I find him some Zantac and then we get back into bed, but I’m now awake and raring to go. It’s just gone 6 (a lie-in!) so I get up and go down to the lobby to get DH a cup of tea, hoping he will be persuaded to get up.

When I get back, he is already in the shower so we’re both dressed and ready to catch the bus to Universal at 8.30. We arrive in City Walk, by the usual route of escalator and moving walkways. DH decides his heartburn has gone so we need to eat breakfast. We stop at Cinnabon for a drink and a light snack – this is the moment when we discover Cinnabon Stix. They are the most delicious thing I have ever tasted, all buttery and sugary and yummy!!! Why didn’t we discover these a week ago?

Walking round to Universal, we stop to take some photos in front of the globe. Then, we’re through the gates and into Universal Studios. My first impression is that it’s much larger than IofA. Whether it actually is, or the layout just makes it seem that way, I don’t know. First stop, Revenge of the Mummy – absolutely amazing!!! We ride twice more, then it’s over to Men in Black where I get the best score in our ‘car’ (by loads) and DH wants to know how I did it. I tell him that he should have read the Brits Guide and then he’d know!!! After this, we went on Back to the Future, which was a big mistake. A, it’s a simulator and b, I got really thrown about and my shoulders and neck were very sore afterwards. We head over to watch Animal Planet Live. OK, so how this happened, I don’t know. One minute, the guy is asking for volunteers from the audience and I’m trying to persuade DH to go up, the next minute I’m sat on the stage!!! The presenter asks me (and the other ‘willing’ volunteer) if we’re scared of anything to which we both reply ‘Spiders’. Thank God! Apparently it’s not a spider. A stage assistant tells me they are going to bring out a Burmese python. The presenter will ask me what it feels like and I’m to say ‘A purse’. Now, I know this is a handbag in the States but I also know it’s gonna sound really stupid in my English accent but I go along with it and the audience laugh politely. The snake actually feels really smooth (never touched one before). I thought I’d be nervous but I was OK. Don’t know that I’d want one for a pet though.

After we leave Animal Planet, we go on ET, which is really twee but I love it. Then we do Jaws. Neither DH or I were that impressed but we had been told what to expect so that took away the element of surprise somewhat.

We bypass Earthquake as Blues Brothers is about to start and DH is a huge fan. This was a great performance, really entertaining. The real stars of the show, by far, were the saxophonist and the female singer (waitress) – they were both incredibly talented. Despite the blazing sun, we sing and dance along with everyone else and feel quite sad when it’s over.

Feeling a bit peckish by now, we decide to go in search of food. Deciding it’s too hot for a cooked meal (and not being able to face burgers or chicken tenders today) we settle for Dippin’ Dots (for anyone who hasn’t had them, they are tiny little balls of ice cream). DH has banana split flavour and I have mint choc.

Time now for the 3D shows – Shrek, then Terminator. Shrek is amusing and clever but Terminator is absolutely awesome. The way it is done is so clever and the effects are amazing. The whole live actors/scenery change thing is brilliant.

Off to the Twister – not particularly impressive considering the long wait – and then decide to end the day with Earthquake and another trip on The Mummy. Seeing a wait time of almost an hour for Earthquake, we decide not to bother and ride the Mummy twice instead.

It needs to be said, at this point, that the only place where we have encountered any level of crowds is Magic Kingdom. Everywhere else we’ve been has been virtually empty with little or no wait times – whether that was partly due to the hurricanes remains to be seen on this year’s visit.

So, it’s goodbye to Universal and off to catch the bus back to the hotel. We have already decided tonight is the night to broaden our horizons so we are off to Uno Chicago, having heard great reviews. We head there straight from the hotel. I have steak and DH has ribs, which are absolutely delicious. For dessert, I have a cinnamon and apple concoction and DH has a chocolate peanut butter cup (imagine a Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup about 20 times the size – sickly!!!)

As it’s still quite early (and we’re both stuffed) we decide to walk back up I-Drive. We get back to the hotel about 9 and have a couple of drinks in the bar (can’t believe we’ve been here a week and haven’t had any alcohol yet). There is a band playing so we stop for a while to enjoy the music and then retire for the night. I remind DH we are shopping tomorrow but, surprisingly, he says he is quite looking forward to it!!

Sounds like you had a great time, my dbf is like your dh he takes a while to get out of bed (especially on the first morning when I am up at 5am and hes still deadtothe world)

I cant wait for our trip
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
Will have to try the cinnabob stix, sounds scrummy:)
Lovely report, we enjoyed 'The Mummy' too. It took quite a few goes on it before we spotted the tribute to 'King Kong' or I should say my son spotted it otherwise I would still have been looking.
wicket2005 said:
Lovely report, we enjoyed 'The Mummy' too. It took quite a few goes on it before we spotted the tribute to 'King Kong' or I should say my son spotted it otherwise I would still have been looking.

Tribute to King Kong? :confused3

Can you enlighten me please Bev?
The Mummy is built where the King Kong ride used to be and as a tribute to King Kong there is a gold statue in the treasure room (where the guards jump out) on the left hand side, half way down the room. I had been looking for a little statue but it is about 18 inches tall. You only get a brief time to glimpse it because the lights go off.


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