Wk of Feb 4--WISH Walking/Running Club

Terri - So sorry it turns out you have to have surgery, but better to find out now when you have time to recover. And like Lisa said, do the PT. I know so many people who blew off the PT, only to relapse.

Sunny - I cried when I read the part about the doctor saying she wants to keep you running! It sounds like you might really have found one who cares. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she's the one.

Stephanie - Great job this morning. Glad you could get out and run! I thought about you while I was running - wondered if my miles would count for you if you couldn't make it. And your dad's support is terrific - made me cry again. (Yeah - I cry a lot when I read this stuff!)

I ran outside for the first time since it got cold - decided I had to try to brave it. (Full disclosure - the temp is a non-bone chilling 46 right now. Go ahead and laugh! But it was at least a couple of degrees colder when I started...) AND I ran the longest distance - my first official "long run" - a whopping 4.5 miles. I'm not counting the 5.5 DD and I walked 2 weeks ago, since we did an avg 18min pace! I did the entire 4.5 at 4R/1W, and I'll even post the splits for the first time since I'm so proud:

6:25 (I walked the last 1/4 mile)

I think I may sneak off to Fleet Feet to check out new running gear. Then I have to come home and help DD16 get ready for her dance tonight!

I have a question for you experienced athletes.

How many rest days do you take a week? Do you rest the day after your long walk/run? Also, how many xt days/week?

I have been evaluating several plans and they all differ. I have a mfm book, but we are renovating and it is packed away with all the books right now.


I basically run every other day and xt the off days.

I follow Galloway training because there is a big group in our area. The social aspect makes it worth getting up at 5:30 am on Saturday mornings.
Vic - Do the renovations include bulldozers and tractors and knocking down things? If they do, I bet I can round up several volunteers around here to help out as long as they can work on the fun machines. :rotfl2:


No bulldozers, tractors, or knocking things down. :laughing:

It was an eight day renovation project.

We moved our dispatchers to a temporary location and then gutted the inside of the comm. center. New paint, carpet, consoles, TVs, and few other odds and ends. Moved them back in on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Total cost, $90,000.00 (give or take a few bucks). :thumbsup2

Had a few things to take care of today before hitting the road to Orlando tomorrow. It's conference time.

The DW isn't very happy. She can't go. :sad1: I'll bring something back from the World, then she'll be happy. :)
Hi folks! The snow finally let up here, so I decided to head outdoors for a run today. I ran 3.65 mi at 13.04 min/mi pace (running 4 min, walking 1 min). It was about 7 deg F (not so bad with the sun, but a bit colder when the sun went away towards the end of my run). I managed to tackle some pretty big hills around my neighborhood and it felt great to be out.

Fingers crossed the snow stays away, and it looks like Calgary should have some warmer temps next week. I'm thinking about signing up for a 10K on March 17 to help celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It should help me tune up for Minnie in May!

By the way, for any of you in cooler climates, I tried out a pair of Smartwool socks today for the first time. I loved them :love: - not scratchy at all, and they kept my toes nice and warm.

Happy training everyone!
I basically run every other day and xt the off days.

I follow Galloway training because there is a big group in our area. The social aspect makes it worth getting up at 5:30 am on Saturday mornings.


Thanks for the info. I took a look at Galloway today. I am a walker though. There seem to be various ways to train for a half, just when I think I know what I am doing, I find more information.

When do you take your rest days?



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