Won't be on game as much


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Aug 8, 2000
I would like to ask for your prayers and good thoughts in the next few weeks. We were going to lunch today and I tried to outrun some bad lightening. Instead I managed to launch myself across the parking lot and did one heck of a face plant into the asphalt and sidewalk! Very graceful..Not!

I managed to break both bones in my lower left arm and a bone in my right pinky finger. And my face looks like I came out worst in a boxing match!
So if I see you in the game please don't be offended if i take forever to answer. it ain't easy typing one handed and it definitely ain't fast!;)

All in all this week has really been rotten! (see thread in the compassion forum about my pastor)

Everyone have fun in the game. See ya!

Aww, Please Feel Better! I Went Out For Lunch Kinda too. My brother had a picnic for his work. Very fun ;)

I hope you feel better! :) Sending pixie-dust and Prayers to YOU! :)

See You Around The Kingdom!
Awww Tiggerbelle :hug: I will be praying for you, girly!

I hope when you are fully healed, you'll be able to look back at today and laugh :teeth:
Aww you will be in my prayers and i hopee you get better soon and have a quick recovery best of luck!

lost of hugs!:hug:
Aww gf, SO sorry to hear this. :hug:

Hopefully you won't have another time like this, but if it ever should happen.. the car is the safest place to be when there is lightning. Just don't try to outrun it. Sit and wait for it to pass. (I know.. hindsight)

:hug: and :pixiedust: on their way
Hiya, Aunt Kim
Im sorry about your fall prayers and pixie dust pixiedust: pixiedust: are going your way.
Dont worry i've had a pretty crappy week myself... you know with the pastor and all.
Hiya, Aunt Kim
Im sorry about your fall prayers and pixie dust pixiedust: pixiedust: are going your way.
Dont worry i've had a pretty crappy week myself... you know with the pastor and all.

Did you finally catch up on sleep?

Arg! the itching has begun!:scared1:
No not really but lucky me a got sleep from the town we were at to the Tennesse boarder then from there to B-ham..
But no im so so tired...............
Aww! Hugs! :hug:

As Pink said, you'll be able to one day look back and laugh at this.

Hugs and pixie dust to you!
Oh Kim, I am so sorry. That is terrible. :hug:

I hope you feel better soon. You are in my prayers.
Aww hugs!! Poor thing - big hugs and pixie dust for things to get better.


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