Worm Proof your computer NEW INFO 8-19-03

So, far so good!! Windows ME hasn't been affected or my FREE Tiny Personal Firewall is working!!

But Dh's work was hit nation wide. They had to get Micro Soft tech's to come debug the system. Which put more money in Gates pockets. Tech said someone mad at Gates wrote this worm to show Gates that his products are crap.
Just upgraded to Windows XP a few weeks ago, so I downloaded the patch last night. I have Windows XP firewall enabled, as well as full version of Zone Alarm and Norton AV. I don't have the worm and am very careful with my emails. As I said, I downloaded the Microsoft Patch but I didn't install it because it said that I should back-up my system before doing so. Here are my questions:

1. Did anyone have trouble after installing the patch? Do I really need to back-up?

2. What kind of system back-up are they talking about - do they mean just regular back-ups of files, etc...?

Any additional info would be appreciated. My DH and I are very computer literate, but we just started using Windows XP and notice lots of changes from 98.

Thanks, Tiger (aka Piglet's mom)
Am I correct in assuming you can only get this virus if you download and open an attachment to an email (the virus)?

Is this true of all viruses?

I have been on the internet for 10 years now and have only used the firewalls and antiviruses that came with my computers and have never updated any of them yet I have never been affected by a virus.

I only open attachments if the are images or videos and if they are from someone I know. I even delete half of those ones. So? Have I just been lucky? Or am I correct that you cannot just magically get a virus?
actually no you are not correct in my understanding of how this worm works...you do not have to open anything. The worm searches you out...it looks for computers that are online and do not have the patch. At least that is how I understand it.

I could be wrong and if so please post with a correction

you answer to the second question is a outstanding NO you can get a virus just by clicking on a link or going to a website

I would say you have just been lucky and you may even be infected and do not know it.

Do you have adaware?

In a nutshell, how can you tell if you have it? My AVG didn't detect anything, BUT I am running a dual boot on my pc, with WinMe and Win2000 Server without the patch, but I don't boot up into Server at all.

This worm looks for an open port (135). If you have a good firewall you'll be just fine. You shouldn't be on the Interent with any open ports. It's kinda like walking down the street with your pants down.
thanks SonicLogic for backing up my statement.

""Close port 135/tcp (and if possible 135-139, 445 and 593)
Monitor TCP Port 4444 and UDP Port 69 (tftp) which are also used by the worm "

It's kinda like walking down the street with your pants down.

Oops, guess I got caught walking down the street with my pants down ... how embarrasing.

I'm guessing my firewall, in part, wasn't really doing what it should have been doing. Hmm, guess I need I spend some time in a "Computers for Dummies" class so I can keep up to date on all this technical stuff.

**Hope everybody's having a Disney kind of day!!!!:D


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