Wow! These boards are T-I-double R-ific!


Tiggers are wonderful things
Feb 25, 2005
I just reserved My WDW Vacation.

Hubby, kids, G-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins...the whole lot of us are going to spend 7 days at POR; June 5. (12 + 2 babies)

:earseek: All 1st timers to WDW!

:earsgirl: :earsboy: :wizard: pirate: princess:
:cool2: :cutie: :bday:
:earsgirl: :bday:
:earsgirl: :earsboy: :bday: princess:

We'll be celebrating 3 kids' b-days the week that we are at WDW. (...will be ages 5, 5, and 8.)

I'm bouncing with joy, having discovered the DIS boards!!! :cool1:

Any tips for a newbie?...
Welcome to the DIS board! You'll really enjoy it here, 'cause the DIS rocks! :disrocks:
My biggest tip is to get the Unofficial Guide to WDW 2005. Read it from cover to cover... it's very helpful. It tells you what parks to avoid on what day.... If you can ,get to the parks Early, it's the best!

Think about what character dining you want to do and book it ASAP -
With a big crowd like yours make your priority seating, don't rely on walking in and getting a table at the restaurants.

Don't try to do everything in one day and no matter what you won't see Everything. Don't make yourself crazy. Map out what you really want to see
Did you send away for the DVD Vacation Planner that Disney sends out for free? It has this little booklet in there with a map of WDW and individual maps of the parks. I used it and found it more helpful and easier to read then the big park maps that they give you at the entrance of every park.

Good Luck

Most importantly Have Fun!!!



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