Yes its official


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
Today in the history of fine dining Manny Michelle Michelle's Mother, and myself were almost thrown out of another Restaurant for causing a scene and a ruckus.

The person responsible for this one, none other than Michelle and her Mother.

Proving once again that Manny and I are just the victims, not the so called perpetrators as all may think.

Okay okay I did start a fire, But I did put it out.

So ladies what do we have to say for ourselves hmmmm?

Thank you to Micheal and to the management of the Cafe that will remain nameless for being so understanding.

Manny as I were in shock and could only sit there in amazement at the scene caused by these two ladies.

Total shock on our part, and try as we could to calm them down it only got worse.

I'm afraid I could never explain what happened this evening, let us just say on behalf of Manny and myself we apologize to the poor patrons of this fine establishment for their behavior. :teeth:
But without pictures and witnesses, my money is still on <b>YOU - Ed</b>, as the source of all mayhem in any situation. ::yes::

Michelle, I have found to be a lady, and one must assume her mother is cut from the same cloth. :)

I think Manny could have gone either way. :rolleyes:
Now Ed...u know U started the trouble...!!!

I started the fire... a very small fire that I put out:smooth:

The lady was the starter of the mayhem :eek:

Manny just kinda sat there in shock:tongue:
Ed, I was there at Kona's during the Star Spangled pin event. I know the kind of "ruckus" you're capable of. :teeth: :earseek:

Okay, anyone else curious about which restaurant it was???
Michelle, I have found to be a lady, and one must assume her mother is cut from the same cloth.

Hahahahaha, Heheheheheheheheheh, Hohohohohohohho,Hahahahaha, ROTFLMAO

The husband
Matt...I 'member that dinner...!!! It was soooo funny that u were wearin' a piece or 2 of food & Queen Leslie was eatin' a candy bar at the!!! *sigh* The good ol' days...!!!



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