yes yes yes


constant begger of pins, medium size fish too far
Dec 24, 1999
I finally made it to the big 500 post. Actually I think I made it a while ago since I have been posting on the Dis long enough to lose counts at least 3 times!!!!! But any way had to share it with you folks. I made 500. DOn't rub it in that you have more. I am a reader not a poster. :p :p :p :p :p :p :jester: :p :p :p :p :jester:
Congrats to you!....I never dreamed I'd be where I'm at cause I'm a
Happy 4th of July to you too!
Welcome, JoY!

Of course you realize what this means . . .

You need to check if your insurance will cover physical therapy or chiropractice to relieve the muscle ache in your neck and back. :eek:

You need to begin setting aside funds to cover the cost of therapeutic aids for chronic carpal tunnel syndrome.:(

You'll need extra eye doctor appointments, with frequent perscription changes, to compensate for the eyestrain from so many hours in front of the PC. :eek:

But, most importantly . . .

You have friends all over the continent and across the seas, that you've never met, but will welcome you, at the drop of a hat, any time of day or night, with both real and virtual open arms! :)

Not a bad deal. :D


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