Yes your butt can cause you to blow up


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
Yes your butt, not your cell phone can blow you up.

Lately we had some people start fires at local gas stations especially when the weather gets cool, a local company did some research and concluded that it was not talking on their cell phones that caused the fires but peoples butts that did.

You see when you go to the gas pumps some folks start pumping the gas, and then jump back in the car because it’s hot or to get something. Now remember when the gas is pumping there are fumes all around the opening of the tank. Then when people slide their butts across the seat they build up a static charge in their bodies much like static cling on your clothing. When they go to grab the pump there is a discharge of this energy, it ignites the gas fumes and BOOM!!! Gas explosion.

To know what I’m talking about when I say static charge, think of this example… When you are walking across a carpeted floor, then you touch something, and get a shock. Well how many times have you gotten out of your car and gotten shocked when you touch the door to close it. (Same thing)

They say this will not affect older folks as they tend to grab the door or the car frame to help them get out of the car, so they discharge immediately. This is more for those bouncy few that slid and jump out without touching anything.

Saturn knows of this problem and that is the reason they put the gas tank on the passenger side, to make you walk further and helping the charge dissipate. (Go Saturn)

And contrary to popular beliefs, the size of your butt is of no concern; the bigger the butt does not mean the bigger the charge.

If you want to be 100% safe, then discharge and touch something metal before you touch the gas pump.
This is why we should all be donating money to this new foundation that promotes nude driving. :crazy:
You know I was thinking about looking for investors for a new chain of gas stations, the area around all of the pump was to be think shag carpet. Now with this news, no one will invest.

Hmmmm, how about going sci-fi and have Vandergraff Generators hooked up to the pumps; or maybe a Tesla Coil. Now that would get people's attention.



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