Yo Pete, I Got A Couple Of Questions For Ya


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2008
I was listening to the Harry Potter episode again (while cleaning out my garage) and you mentioned that you were going to ask for $250 back from Universal for them selling you a package that wasn't what it was advertised to be. I was wondering if you've had any success?

I also remember one time there was discussion about the Dis trying to do a land-sea offering with Universal & RC during the summer (matter of fact, it would have been happening real soon it it came through) of 2010. Ultimately it ended up being shelved because RC was impossible to work with. I went on a crusade to try and get an answer on why they are turning away business and sent several e-mails over the span of months. I never did get an answer from RC. Is there any follow-up to this dead cruise?

Lastly, how did the "Never Trust A Ho" playing at the pool pan out? Did you ever get any response from the higher-ups at Lowes about it?
Honestly, I never requested the money back. I was out of commission with a respiratory infection for about 2 weeks after we recorded that show, and I just never followed up on it.

RCCL has been much better to work with in recent months, and I've been considering 'rebooting' that idea for 2011. Last time around there were just far too many hoops to jump thru and too much difficulty in communication. We've developed some better relationships over there, so I'm hoping another attempt would yield better results.

And no, never heard back from Royal Pacific. Fortunately, I have Portofino Bay as an alternative. Be sure to listen to the Universal show we released this week for July for my review on that - an outstanding hotel in nearly every regard.



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