Monthly Member Update Newsletter Problem


Owners at BRV/VGF from Kentucky
Dec 11, 2001
Hello All! :wave:

I posted this on the Tech Board but it wasn't really related to DIS forum issues, so it was suggested I try over here.

We no longer receive the DVC online monthly newsletter. We don't know why. We did change our email addy last year when we got a new ISP. We haven't received it since then. I've been to the DVC website and updated our profile (a few times) hoping that would take care of it. I've emailed MS and they tell me to update our profile. I feel like I'm stuck in an endless loop with this. I checked spam and acceptable email sender settings, but no luck there.

Does anyone have a newsletter still in your email program somewhere to tell me what address generates it? .......or does anyone have any other ideas for me to try?

Thanks for all your help.....
Perhaps it's getting caught up in your spam blocker? Try this: To ensure delivery to your inbox folder, please add to your address book.

Good luck!


Thanks Donna. I didn't have that particular addy in my address book. I put it in and we'll see what happens. Does anyone know if it comes out on a certain day of the month (1st or 15th, etc...) so I can be looking for it? :)


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